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Is $100 a lot of money?

Is $100 a lot of money?

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Considerably more? $15/hr isn't enough. Talk to me when you start making $50/hr or $200/hr or more...$100 will not seem like much. Believe me, I've made $6.85/hr when I was a teenager and at that time, even $20 was a lot. Now making well into the 6 figures, spending an extra $100 a week wouldn't even make a blip on the radar.

Sorry but you need to live. If you're already saving plenty (e.g. more than necessary to retire, for emergencies, major purchases, etc.) then throwing away $100 for some enjoyment is not a bad idea. I'm not talking about throwing away $100 on scratch tickets...but on an extra round with your friends or a tool you might use once or some stupid lights for your truck that you don't need, there's nothing wrong with that. They're unnecessary purchases but they don't make you bad at saving, they give you a bit of enjoyment.

Please, tell me more about how wealthy and successful you are 🙄

I live plenty, that doesn't mean I'm going to go around tossing hundred dollar bills like Kobe at a strip club.
This guy gets it.

$100 is a lot of money. If you don't think it is, your probably not that good at saving money.

Quit reading and responded. Similar on the spending side. Is it coming or going. I try to put this into my Kid's head all the time. Know your worth. You are smart and motivated, and can make a lot of things happen in a short amount of time compared to others. Your time is worth a lot. Don't give it away unless it's to someone you've decided to give it to. To make money, no, $100 is nothing. A grand is nothing in the bigger picture. If you're spending money, $1 is a lot of money. Watch the dollars, the tens, the hundred, and take real pause at thousands. "It's only $25." Those are the people that "only" do that 50 times a month on a small splurge, and $8 at the convenience store every day. "Where did my $1500 is fun money go?" Weird.
I recently bought six bags of groceries for $96 so
...i voted bacon cuz I didn't buy any.
Please, tell me more about how wealthy and successful you are 🙄

I live plenty, that doesn't mean I'm going to go around tossing hundred dollar bills like Kobe at a strip club.

If you made money like Kobe, tossing $100's would be no big deal and not even a financial problem....it's all relative to your income/wealth. Taken to the extreme, Jeff Bezos could spend $100 an hour for the rest of his life with just the money he makes today. For him $100 is truly nothing and that's the point I'm making, if you make enough spending $100 doesn't matter and can be pissed away without harming a damn thing.
I'd bet your average millionaire's value of the dollar hasn't changed drastically over the time they've made their money. It's part of the reason why they've been able to accrue that level of wealth. 'The Millionaire Next Door' is a decent book profiling millionaires, their spending levels are very non-millionaire.
Please, tell me more about how wealthy and successful you are 🙄

I live plenty, that doesn't mean I'm going to go around tossing hundred dollar bills like Kobe at a strip club.

I've never regretted spending 100s at a strip club... just saying
I got scammed out of 300 bucks yesterday on "the old site". Yeah...that was a lot.
Quit reading and responded. Similar on the spending side. Is it coming or going. I try to put this into my Kid's head all the time. Know your worth. You are smart and motivated, and can make a lot of things happen in a short amount of time compared to others. Your time is worth a lot. Don't give it away unless it's to someone you've decided to give it to. To make money, no, $100 is nothing. A grand is nothing in the bigger picture. If you're spending money, $1 is a lot of money. Watch the dollars, the tens, the hundred, and take real pause at thousands. "It's only $25." Those are the people that "only" do that 50 times a month on a small splurge, and $8 at the convenience store every day. "Where did my $1500 is fun money go?" Weird.

Don't tell me what to do.
I'd bet your average millionaire's value of the dollar hasn't changed drastically over the time they've made their money. It's part of the reason why they've been able to accrue that level of wealth. 'The Millionaire Next Door' is a decent book profiling millionaires, their spending levels are very non-millionaire.

This is spot on for me. Our household income has increased 10-fold from when we first started out to now and we are very comfortable financially. I am still a miserly fucker and hate to part with cash. I still buy all my clothes at Walmart or similar, go to the same types of restaurants, drive similar vehicles, drink cheap beer, etc. That said, I did learn a very valuable lesson and that is to spend more effort making money than trying to save every red penny. Even if you aren’t a business owner you should still look at the opportunity cost of your time. As much as it kills me, I hire people to do shit like re-roof the house that I would have done 10 to 20 years ago. My time is better spend sitting at my computer cranking out work product or keeping tabs on our investments.
Honestly, I still consider $100 a lot of money.

I live a comfortable life, have what I think to be a nice house, my family is taken care of, I have all the toys I want, and I have enough cash squirreled away that I can help out family or friends in need if they need it.

Being "frugal" (most would call it being cheap) has gotten me this far in life, and I try to instill that same financial mindset in my kids.

I bought three 5 quart jugs of synthetic oil, 2 oil filters, and some car detailing stuff at walmart today and grumbled like an 80 year old man when the total came up over $100.

I am turning into my Father. :laughing:
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This is spot on for me. Our household income has increased 10-fold from when we first started out to now and we are very comfortable financially. I am still a miserly fucker and hate to part with cash. I still buy all my clothes at Walmart or similar, go to the same types of restaurants, drive similar vehicles, drink cheap beer, etc. That said, I did learn a very valuable lesson and that is to spend more effort making money than trying to save every red penny. Even if you aren’t a business owner you should still look at the opportunity cost of your time. As much as it kills me, I hire people to do shit like re-roof the house that I would have done 10 to 20 years ago. My time is better spend sitting at my computer cranking out work product or keeping tabs on our investments.

I would venture to guess that 98% of my wardrobe could be purchased between Wal-Mart, Academy, and Tractor Supply. Zero fucks given if people don’t like me for what I wear.

I voted no, but really it depends. I made around $800 in 2020 doing a few paid surveys. Took a few hours of work. Treat it as bonus money. There have been times in my life where a $100 was a big thing, anymore that’s maybe 1-2 trips going to a restaurant.
certainly $100 is a lot of money.

hell, I won't spend $3 to "rent" a movie digitally for the TV :laughing: i'd gladly rent a physical copy for that price, but something with a time limit that might only be able to be played a handful of times before the lic expires or the quality goes shitty due to the internet or any number of other things? at least with a physical copy i could exchange/refund easily due to physical issues.

the amount of "it was cheap" clutter in my house between the wife and the kid is astounding. the amount of fairly big ticket items that are frivolous, such as hobbies or tools, is also astounding :laughing:

at the end of the day, it's just money and it's just living.
This is spot on for me. Our household income has increased 10-fold from when we first started out to now and we are very comfortable financially. I am still a miserly fucker and hate to part with cash. I still buy all my clothes at Walmart or similar, go to the same types of restaurants, drive similar vehicles, drink cheap beer, etc. That said, I did learn a very valuable lesson and that is to spend more effort making money than trying to save every red penny. Even if you aren’t a business owner you should still look at the opportunity cost of your time. As much as it kills me, I hire people to do shit like re-roof the house that I would have done 10 to 20 years ago. My time is better spend sitting at my computer cranking out work product or keeping tabs on our investments.

I like the feel and quality of Tractor Supply clothes, use them for my working around the house attire.

Posted an ad in the want section (same one as I did on here). Get a text at 11:30 at night on Tuesday from a guy saying he has one, from an easy coast phone number, so it would have been 2:30am for him. (Red flag #1).

Sends me a pic (probably from Google images). We agree on a price. He can't really give me many details about it but says it's what I need. (Red flag #2) I asked him which site he saw the ad on as I had it on many but never got a response. He said "pirate 4x4".

I say I will paypal him next day on my lunch break and let him know when I do. The next morning he is blowing up my phone asking what the deal is and if it's still on. Very pushy about it (red flag #3).

I send him the money with a screenshot of proof, he says "thanks, will let you know when it's shipped".

The number is now disconnected:lmao:

I got fucked and only have myself to blame. Yes I sent money via friends and family in PayPal. Yes I'm dumb.
I fell for it like a total jackass.

I'm out 300 bucks for a third member that never existed in the first place
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Posted an ad in the want section (same one as I did on here). Get a text at 11:30 at night on Tuesday from a guy saying he has one, from an easy coast phone number, so it would have been 2:30am for him. (Red flag #1).

Sends me a pic (probably from Google images). We agree on a price. He can't really give me many details about it but says it's what I need. (Red flag #2) I asked him which site he saw the ad on as I had it on many but never got a response. He said "pirate 4x4".

I say I will paypal him next day on my lunch break and let him know when I do. The next morning he is blowing up my phone asking what the deal is and if it's still on. Very pushy about it (red flag #3).

I send him the money with a screenshot of proof, he says "thanks, will let you know when it's shipped".

The number is now disconnected:lmao:

I got fucked and only have myself to blame. Yes I sent money via friends and family in PayPal. Yes I'm dumb.
I fell for it like a total jackass.

I'm out 300 bucks for a third member that never existed in the first place

Well fuck, theft seems to be on the rise lately.
It’s all relative. I read that $1 for the average person is like $88k for Jeff Bezo. So it would be the same to ask Jeff Bezo if 8.8 million was a lot of money. Not for him but a shit load for me.
certainly $100 is a lot of money.

hell, I won't spend $3 to "rent" a movie digitally for the TV :laughing: i'd gladly rent a physical copy for that price, but something with a time limit that might only be able to be played a handful of times before the lic expires or the quality goes shitty due to the internet or any number of other things? at least with a physical copy i could exchange/refund easily due to physical issues.

the amount of "it was cheap" clutter in my house between the wife and the kid is astounding. the amount of fairly big ticket items that are frivolous, such as hobbies or tools, is also astounding :laughing:

at the end of the day, it's just money and it's just living.

This...all of this x2
Depends on what it's for.

100 dollars for groceries = cheap
​​​​​100 dollars for a tank of fuel = expensive
Depends on what it's for.

100 dollars for groceries = cheap
​​​​​100 dollars for a tank of fuel = expensive
Disagreed. Fuel tank is 48 gallons so it is nothing to be $100+ every fill up. Wife does the grocery shopping so I’ve got no idea what that costs. If I stop at the local store to get something to make for dinner, it is usually around $20. I’m sure she spends at least $200 a week on food for the three of us.
Hundred bucks a head at dinner= expensive
Hundred bucks for anything that will make me money=inexpensive
Hundred bucks to fill up the truck= to be expected

I would say Hundred bucks is where I draw the line on non durable items generally. Although I have a few friends that my Hundred is there thousand or ten thousand, kind of eye opening if you are not expecting it.
Just spent $100 on a D44 housing, it was basically free because I sold two items I received for free to cover the cost. $100 is a lot of money for axle tube material, but it is much better than the $300-500 people ask for a D44 around here.

$100 is 560 miles of driving in my current beater (two tanks of fuel)
A week worth of groceries

The minimum dollar amount worth selling, if it’s under $100 to sell, it’s not worth the time or effort
It’s all relative. What is the purpose of the hundred? Needing to eat for a week or needing a house?
1 dollar is a bunch of money. I wonder how many of you piss away 1000's each month with 5-20 bucks here and there...

I recently started using a new budgeting app and it really changes how I look at money. I keep a tighter lease on my fun money and see what I am really spending on what.

https://ynab.com/referral/?ref=pF6nwYDL2Xj6a1hi&utm_source=customer_referral It is a referral link... but it has defiantly helped my wife and I save a ton of money.
Generally I don't think $100 is a lot of money, but it's all relative.
I will happily spend over $100 on something we need like boots, vehicle maintenance, house maintenance etc.
But I rarely just spend $100 on something frivolous. The $100 bills in my wallet have been there for over a year, I just don't spend them.
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