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Is $100 a lot of money?

Is $100 a lot of money?

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That depends...if you don't have a hundred dollars then yes. If you have thousands....then probably no.
It's is going to be even more worthless with all the printing of stimulus money. We might be in for some hyper inflation down the road. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
100 is the new 20

Pretty much this. I've always carried some cash with me maybe $200 or so just in case I needed it. A few years back the whole debit card system went down in a small town I was working in, it was down for a few days and cash was the only option. That $200 wasn't enough for my needs so I've now reverted to at least $500 in my ass pocket at all times.
There’s been times when $100 seemed like a shit ton of money, and other times we’ve spent $100 like it’s nothing. At this point in my life $1000 is what $100 was 20 years ago. But, a collapse in the construction market could flip flop that in a hurry.
There’s been times when $100 seemed like a shit ton of money, and other times we’ve spent $100 like it’s nothing. At this point in my life $1000 is what $100 was 20 years ago. But, a collapse in the construction market could flip flop that in a hurry.

Pretty much this with the exception of the construction market. We have work booked out 5 years.

I keep what most would probably consider a substantial amount of cash in the safe, and 500-600 split between my wallet and truck as emergency money.
A hundred dollars is about the point where I ask myself should I splurge purchase this thing. Not necessarily enough to stop me from doing it but enough to make me pause think, and often enough to say no.

I always liked the quote "A 1000 dollars is a lot of money to owe someone, but not much money to have."
Anything under $100 is a not even think about it range...$100-500 is, meh ya, okay I can spend this but at least put some thought into it and don't piss it away, $500+ is where it starts to feel substantial. Though I make several $1000+ purchases every year and doesn't bother me.

So to answer the question, no $100 isn't a lot.

The other way I look at it, is what amount would I need to win to actually maybe notice it...that number is in the $10k+ range for me these days, anything less and it would just blend into the normal income. Really to make a substantial difference it would need to be probably $100k+.
In high school I could take a girl on a date for $40. Now the wife and I can’t have dinner for less than $100.
No, $100 is not alot, 500-1000 meh.
Yes. To me it represents 3.5 hours of work. It can pay for one of the following:

5 days of rent
One week of groceries
Three weeks of fuel
Two months of electricity
Three months of internet or phone.

Pissing away $100 here and there is a bad habit.
Losing a franklin would wreck my day. Spending a hundred is where I start thinking about my budget. Making a hundred might not be worth getting out of bed
Yes. To me it represents 3.5 hours of work. It can pay for one of the following:

5 days of rent
One week of groceries
Three weeks of fuel
Two months of electricity
Three months of internet or phone.

Pissing away $100 here and there is a bad habit.

This guy gets it.

$100 is a lot of money. If you don't think it is, your probably not that good at saving money.
I grew up dirt fucking poor, our household income was 25% of the average household income when I was born. Growing up like this I will always consider $100 a bunch of cash even though our dollar has been devalued by a factor of nearly 4 in the time I have been alive. My wife on the other hand thinks hundred dollar bills magically fall out of my ass about every 30 minutes like manna from heaven. Which brings me to a very important point for all single men……don’t marry a fucking horse girl.
It depends what that $100 is for I guess but generally.i don't get too worked up about it at this stage in life. 10yrs ago $100 would be life changing, then again $100 had a lot more purchasing power then.
This guy gets it.

$100 is a lot of money. If you don't think it is, your probably not that good at saving money.

Depends on how much you make...$100 to the person making minimum wage is a lot...$100 to the person making even just 6 figures is not.

Saving money is another entire topic but if I spend $100 while still putting away $500 in the same time period am I bad at saving?
Depends on how much you make...$100 to the person making minimum wage is a lot...$100 to the person making even just 6 figures is not.

Saving money is another entire topic but if I spend $100 while still putting away $500 in the same time period am I bad at saving?

I disagree. $100 was a lot to me when i was making $7.50/hr and its still a lot to me now that I make considerably more.

I also disagree with your second point. If you don't think $100 is a lot of money and you blow it on something stupid when you could have saved it, simply because you think your saving enough, makes you bad at saving. Now if you had that $100 set aside for groceries and $500 for savings that's a different story.
I disagree. $100 was a lot to me when i was making $7.50/hr and its still a lot to me now that I make considerably more.

I also disagree with your second point. If you don't think $100 is a lot of money and you blow it on something stupid when you could have saved it, simply because you think your saving enough, makes you bad at saving. Now if you had that $100 set aside for groceries and $500 for savings that's a different story.

Considerably more? $15/hr isn't enough. Talk to me when you start making $50/hr or $200/hr or more...$100 will not seem like much. Believe me, I've made $6.85/hr when I was a teenager and at that time, even $20 was a lot. Now making well into the 6 figures, spending an extra $100 a week wouldn't even make a blip on the radar.

Sorry but you need to live. If you're already saving plenty (e.g. more than necessary to retire, for emergencies, major purchases, etc.) then throwing away $100 for some enjoyment is not a bad idea. I'm not talking about throwing away $100 on scratch tickets...but on an extra round with your friends or a tool you might use once or some stupid lights for your truck that you don't need, there's nothing wrong with that. They're unnecessary purchases but they don't make you bad at saving, they give you a bit of enjoyment.
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