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I'm old and would like to learn to speak Mexican. Recommendations.

The only way to do it is immersion. Hire a bilingual employee to talk with, or a tutor.

Duingo is pretty good, but the previous posts about different spanishes being different are spot on. Academic Spanish is completely different from conversational.

I’m only a 15%er on a good day, but the difference between 2019 when I was in Mexico three times and now without practicing much is grande.
There's a app/video series called Language transfer that I used for a bit. Duolingo and babbel are trash but can help with practice as you get better. Immersion is the only way that works well.

They speak way too damn fast for me to understand shit. Habla más despacio por favor lasts for about 3 words then it's back to mach 6 with 13 different slang dialects.

Good luck is all I gotta say:laughing:
Even had a few get pissy like I was inconveniencing them by not speaking spanish.
One of our foreman at work is like this and likes to make shitty comments about it. Made the mistake of trying to tell me I need to learn Spanish so he doesn't have to translate everything a few weeks ago.

It's not often I get loud, but I tore into his ass in front of our company owner, a GC PM, and all of his crew for a solid 5 minutes. Bad enough his crew that speaks no English all slowly backed out and walked away.

He came in the office the next day trying to cry to the owner about it and got lit up by him again over it. :laughing:

Motherfucker was born here and barely speaks English. Bitches about illegals but that's all he hires. :homer:

We're an English speaking country, it's the most widely spoken language on the planet, and it's the most advanced and specific language in human history. Why the fuck would I go backwards and learn to speak some bullshit foreign language to appease people who come here to exploit our economy because they ruined their own. If you don't want to learn English hop your ass back over the fence the other direction.
Robert Heinlein said the best way to learn a new language was the dictionary sleeping with you. For all of you who don't compendia someone preferable from the other sex who sleeps with you
In French, the words "tongue" and "language" are one and only.

You always ask the pretty foreign ladies if they want some "cours de langue" (language / tongue lessons). :smokin:
That’s no shit :lmao:

I took Spanish 1-4 in high school and have a minor in Spanish with my bachelors degree from 1-4 in college too. And I can’t speak shit!!

I have never been able to “roll my R’s” and they talk too fast for me to comprende

Good luck amigo
There is a book by an economist named Bryan Caplan called " A Case Against Education" where he talks about foreign language and how we require it... but why???

Bryan Caplan: Well if you wanna pull out your hair a little bit more. Out of all my ultra moderate reforms that I suggested, the one that I stand behind more strongly than any other is abolishing foreign language requirements in the United States. Because there, we’ve got a bunch of facts, which are: hardly any jobs use foreign languages, it takes a lot of time to get any good. And furthermore, in this book I’m able to go and snap together a bunch of pieces of data to show that virtually zero Americans claim to… even claim to speak a foreign language very well in school.

So I say, look, even if it did have these big payoffs, the system is just a waste of time, and people spend years doing it for nothing. And even here, I just run against a brick wall and people say, well in that case we should just improve the teaching of the foreign language.

Well, how about you do that and then get back to me, but continuing to fund the thing that we have, this is garbage!

And again, Washington state from what I understand, now allows kids to use a computer language in place of foreign language. Like, why not do that? Then it’s like, “No, no we need to do both.” People don’t have an unlimited amount of time, and shouldn’t teenagers be able to have a frigging childhood! Like how much of their childhood do you want to destroy with jumping through these stupid hoops?

Robert Wiblin: Yeah, it makes me incredibly mad. There is some value in learning a foreign language. You get some income gain depending on the language. But it doesn’t matter if no one’s learning it anyway.

Bryan Caplan: Well we just need to teach it better Rob, that’s the answer.

Robert Wiblin: We could fund it once we figure out how to teach it I guess.

Bryan Caplan: Yeah, I mean, when my older kids were in high school, they got three weeks of high school Spanish, I can see why the acquisition’s so poor. They had three weeks of Spanish where they were not taught any Spanish, it as just rambling lectures in English about the history of Spain. You know, I was like, “What is this stuff?”

Robert Wiblin: Yeah. I mean I really feel that there’s two ways you can go. I learned Spanish by living in Spain for a year-

Bryan Caplan: Oh nice-

Robert Wiblin: And that worked, and it was pretty easy because you just get exposed all the time. But I learned more or less nothing at high school before that. I think you either have to go all way, and learn it properly by traveling there, or just give up, don’t even start.

Bryan Caplan: By the way, I think this is one … I think there is pretty solid evidence in the immersion technique at teaching foreign languages, where you just ban English in the classroom and it’s hardcore from day one. But again, almost … Like colleges frequently do it. I think a foreign language acquisition in college seems clearly better to me. Like high school’s just don’t do, and it seems to me like the evidence is all there, and they just have so much inertia, and they just have so little interest in actually even using the time they have valuably. That the knowledge, however … A better pedagogy just stays unused on the shelf.

This is what I see so much going on with education, and someone says let’s just improve it. It’s like look there’s so many things that are already known to improve but they’re not being used. When someone has that bad of an attitude towards evidence, I think they should have less money.

Robert Wiblin: Yeah, so one place where I think I might disagree with you on the transfer learning is in writing. Or at least my experience is that, basically all of the writing I’ve done I feel just makes me better at writing in other situations. Writing essays makes me better at writing emails, I think. Writing blog posts just makes me better at probably doing this podcast, or at least writing up the blog post with a podcast. Would you agree that there are some generic schools that people can improve that have wide applicability?

Bryan Caplan: So for the writing, I’m very inclined to agree with you, if you’ve got, if you’re putting in a lot of effort or you have a really good teacher. And again, a teacher that actually gives you line by line feedback on your writing. What I’m skeptical about is that normal writing classes are having this broad effects. So again, the typical crummy English class where you just go and write like five essays in the whole year, and then the teacher just puts a grade on it, maybe corrects a couple spelling mistakes, that’s what I don’t think is improving.

On the other hand, if you’re going very hardcore, if you’re writing an essay every single week with detailed feedback than I completely believe that that works. And in fact that is the main way that I invest my time in homeschooling my other sons, is on improving the writing. That’s one way … Like every essay, I sit both of them down, we go over each essay with a fine-toothed comb. It’s very to see the improvements there. Even there, when they switch from history to English, than the general lesson of answer the question was lost at first. Although it was easier to regain the knowledge of remember, answer the question they asked you, don’t just ramble on about the general topic.

Easier to get someone to apply that when they already learned it in another subject. When yet, when you’re asked a history question, answer the history question. Then when you’re asked an English question, answer the English question. Like oh, yeah.

Here’s the thing, none of this research shows that transfer doesn’t happen. Or that it couldn’t happen. It just shows that not much of it happens in the real world. Right. And there are actually a couple of prominent transfer researchers who claim to have discovered the magic bullet. I’ve got the techniques that do work. Generally it’s only one person who believes in each particular technique. So there’s like, each guy has his own magic bullet, and no one else is convinced. Even if they’re right, I just say this just doesn’t explain what’s going on in the current system, and that’s really what I’m trying to understand. But yeah, I mean there’s a lot of area where it seems like transfer could happen.

Out of people, not just that I know, but out of a lot of your listeners I bet, that they transfer a lot. Because a lot of it is more about attitude and curiosity and determination and follow-through, then about logic. So it’s something where, given that the logic of transfer is clear, the failure for it to happen is all about psycho-logic. And again, what it takes to get the psycho-logic into the logic, I think it’s determination and curiosity. But that’s much easier said than done. Be curious, have determination. Like, oh, okay. Well, yes sir.
My mom grew up in a speaking both English and Spanish, she and my Grandma used to use it to talk about us kids, so i took a year of spanish in Jr high only to find out that what they taught us was not what they were speaking. Years latter mom said she wished she had taught us kids, but when they had moved out of the mountains she and her sisters were looked down on for being byracial, and by lingual. When we went to go see the relitives it the family always made sure to let their friends know I didn't understand so they would speak english around me, it was interesting to hear them switch midsentence from one language to the other.
Being a business owner myself I can kinda see where your coming from but....

I got a crazy idea, how about they learn our language instead of us learning theirs to appease them. Last time I looked we speak English in The United States, learn it or leave.........:stirthepot:

He wants to take their money, not pay them.
it's the most widely spoken language on the planet

By the slimmest of margins to Mandarin Wuhan. :laughing:

IMHO and I am not even close to conversational skill, but Castilian Spanish is easily understood from the tip of Patagonia to the Canadian border. Learning separate guttural and gutter all bastardizations is wrong. Like misusing apostrophes. :flipoff2:
I took one year of Latin and 6 years of Spanish 20+ years ago, is not the way the Mexicans speak now, or then. My mother was a career Spanish teacher and had to change what she was teaching to be more in line with the “Mexican” that we hear in the states.

Had a bunch of winders at the plant for 2 years from Brownsville tx. It was nice to have somewhat of an idea of what they were saying when standing behind you in the elevator. :flipoff:

Do you know what Mexican leathermans are? Scissors.
Learn to speak Spanish with Leonel Moreno and his new home study course

After going to Baja last year, and not even being able to order my own food, made it a priority.
Seriously? Here's a classic...
¡Quiero uno cerveza!
After you finish, say
¡Otra ronda por favor!
and keep it going for the next few days- :flipoff2:
I took Spanish 1-4 in high school and have a minor in Spanish with my bachelors degree from 1-4 in college too. And I can’t speak shit!!
My brother got us into a really unpleasant Lewis and Clark moment when he was in high school by trying to use his Spanish 1-4 skills to intervene in an escalating disagreement between a little to no habla scrap yard employee and a pidgin English only Jamaican man.
Seriously? Here's a classic...
¡Quiero uno cerveza!
After you finish, say
¡Otra ronda por favor!
and keep it going for the next few days- :flipoff2:
I stated I couldn’t order my own food. The cerveza’s weren’t an issue. :beer:
Yes, going on 7+ years with that policy.

if it's a good shop, in this climate, he should have a several week backlog... subsequently not needing to pander towards no-speakies.
I am a one man band and stay scheduled 2-3 weeks out year round. The brown folks pay cash, don't complain about the price, and want me to fix "Any Problems" I find. They keep their cars clean and well maintained. Damn near perfect customers. Their money folds just like cracker cash!
In French, the words "tongue" and "language" are one and only.

You always ask the pretty foreign ladies if they want some "cours de langue" (language / tongue lessons). :smokin:

Lol. No. Not even close. They may pity you if you try that.

But know they know they have you at a disadvantage. :laughing:
By the slimmest of margins to Mandarin Wuhan. :laughing:

IMHO and I am not even close to conversational skill, but Castilian Spanish is easily understood from the tip of Patagonia to the Canadian border. Learning separate guttural and gutter all bastardizations is wrong. Like misusing apostrophes. :flipoff2:

Yeah, but that's only because China's population is so large, it's not like it's common outside of China.

Except a very large percentage of them speak English. And usually a couple other languages. It's always good to pick up another language so you can tell when thier talking shit. You shiestkoff.
Almost everyone speaks English in Europe. That's a handful of populations that refuse to learn or use English as the common language and the rest of Europe hates them for it. Mostly the French and Russians. Everyone else is on board with English because the alternative is learning 50 different languages.
Robert Heinlein said the best way to learn a new language was the dictionary sleeping with you. For all of you who don't compendia someone preferable from the other sex who sleeps with you
That's great and all, but I don't think I can get my wife onboard with this. :flipoff2:
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