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I am calling bullshit on this "hate crime"


Central California
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Central California
Woman says 4 white guys sprayed her with lighter fluid and threw a lighter in the car while at a red light.

I will go on a limb and say this story is total bullshit. Way too many things don't add up.

Unfortunately it is front page headline on Yahoo right now. Just driving that division more and more deep.

Those look like friction burns, and not from a flame
I thought BS when I read this earlier today. Doesn't add up.

Is she attempting to be a martyr?
All I read was yahoo. Fuck haven't heard of that group in about 10 years are they still operable?

~5 years or so ago they bought up a bunch of popular internet sites, like Tumblr, turned them all to shit, then sold them all to Verizon. I dunno what it is they actually do at this point, but they're still worth about $5 billion.
She says the hospital staff think it was lighter fluid? How? Lighter fluid evaporates quickly in the atmosphere. It would be gone by the time she got to the hospital?

That looks like rug burns or some other kind of drag/rub rash
She says the hospital staff think it was lighter fluid? How? Lighter fluid evaporates quickly in the atmosphere. It would be gone by the time she got to the hospital?

That looks like rug burns or some other kind of drag/rub rash

I was thinking that too, doesn't exactly look like burns to me!? I don't know.
I scrolled thru 20+ comments and all were either calling straight BS, or openly skeptical.

I have a little more faith in the average person after that:homer:
Not long ago, people were doing the rubbing alcohol/lighter fluid challenge. Many of them suffered burns, and I expect many of them would have presented at the ER like she just did. I wonder how many of them made up a story to save face?
I smell a Jussie going on there.. Where's the MAGA Cap?
Won't play for me on stupid facebook. Youtube links are so much quicker and cleaner without the extra million tracking bullshit things FB does.
Anyway, what's in the vid? Maybe I can search some keywords and find it on liveleak or youtube.

Inner city. Bunch of 'urban youths' shooting Roman candles at this white guy in his car. Guy gets out and their chasing him arou d the car and whatnot.
yup, those are not burn. not at all, not a day later, not a week later.

sucks that she got such a wild rash on her face, probably 'burned' a little while it happened, but there is no way that happened as described.

fuck i hate people. on the plus side? at least she wasn't so pushed over the edge that she decided to hang herself in public to become a martyr for the cause as (allegedly) the teenager did at his school a week or so ago :( that shit was sad to read about
Not long ago, people were doing the rubbing alcohol/lighter fluid challenge. Many of them suffered burns, and I expect many of them would have presented at the ER like she just did. I wonder how many of them made up a story to save face?

My personal thoughts, her and Her friends were playing bartender and flaming shots were on the menu. Just like most first timers, it failed miserably and well, she ended up burned.
One of the comments in the Yahoo article was talking about right before this there was an attempted Molotov that went badly for the throwing group. She may have been a part of that and using this as cover. That would stupid to draw attention to yourself with this story but she is 18 so who knows.

All speculation of course but the fact that Yahoo pulled it from all their news headlines is telling that even they believe its probably BS now. Otherwise, they are the king of racebaiting so they wouldn't have scrubbed it.
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