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Hunter biden :tinfoil:


Refugee from syrup
May 19, 2020
Member Number
East Coast
Was listening to a local talk radio show and this one caller said that the main stream media is trying to keep the hunter biden story under wraps until after the election so that if biden wins they will go full blast on it, have biden step down and harris then becomes president and when she assumes the office she will nominate pelosi as vice president. Dem wet dream happens and covid ends. Then the host asked what if trump wins? they said that the MSM will still hit the biden story and let biden go down as punishment for not winning.

I've herd worse... :stirthepot:
He's probably in some seedy club in europe high out of his skull working his way to that end.
I've heard a few people speculating that Hunter did this on purpose to stop his dad from using him as a middleman/fall guy for his bribery schemes..
I've heard a few people speculating that Hunter did this on purpose to stop his dad from using him as a middleman/fall guy for his bribery schemes..

I could buy that story....

First: Who is retarded enough to keep that much "evidence" on a computer and then "forget" it at a computer repair place?

Second: The Bidens are not stupid people, stuff like this doesn't happen by "mistake" to those kind of people. They have "people" to take care of stuff like that.

I could buy that story....

First: Who is retarded enough to keep that much "evidence" on a computer and then "forget" it at a computer repair place?

Second: The Bidens are not stupid people, stuff like this doesn't happen by "mistake" to those kind of people. They have "people" to take care of stuff like that.


and other people have people to make stuff like this happen. We will never know the real story
I am expecting that Hunter will suicide himself.

the truly pathetic never do. They linger and torture us. He'll be on Ellen talking about rehab and all that stuff. Every family has a Hunter in it.... if you are lucky it is a cousin or they are already dead... here we have liberal and conservative talk radio and they are almost the same.
I heard of another crazy scenario that could take place should the FBI fast track investigation on the laptop (:lmao:)

Biden is determined to be too much of a security risk because China/Russia/Ukraine having mounds of dirt on the whole Biden family

Trump basically runs unopposed and four more years (I think it’s happened before)
the truly pathetic never do. They linger and torture us. He'll be on Ellen talking about rehab and all that stuff. Every family has a Hunter in it.... if you are lucky it is a cousin or they are already dead... here we have liberal and conservative talk radio and they are almost the same.

Na, Hunter "accidentally" OD's and Joe is the one on the talk shows playing the heartstrings of unemployed BLM and Antifa fucksticks. After all, old man Biden is going to need something to do after he loses the election... :laughing:
It's looking like not a damn thing will happen to any of them. And I'm afraid trump is going to overplay this card tomorrow night and it's going to make him look unhinged.

I hope I'm wrong
It's looking like not a damn thing will happen to any of them. And I'm afraid trump is going to overplay this card tomorrow night and it's going to make him look unhinged.

I heard somewhere that like 86% of people get their news from “social media”. This would explain Facebook and Twitter pulling the Biden laptop storyline ASAP

Keep the sheep in the dark as long as they can
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