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Hunter biden didn't overdose himself

It's a lame series of five tweets from Jim Biden to Hunter about Hunter's 'inappropriate sexual behavior' with a minor (family???) member. Mentions Joe twice in a not-incriminating way.

The American Public, being the knuckle-dragging morons that they are, need that for a news story, instead of the already damning evidence.

Here are the stories, and it should be game over if America wasn't descending into Brazil:
  1. Hunter Biden gets undeserved job on the board of Burisma
  2. Ukraine prosecutor investigating Burisma
  3. Joe Biden threatens to withhold $1 Billion loan to Ukraine unless they fire that prosecutor
  4. That Prosecutor is fired
  5. Joe Biden brags about it on video
Story 2:
  1. Hunter Biden is brought on board an International investment group for Chinese
  2. Chinese invest millions
  3. Hunter's partner Bobulinski notices the investments are turds
  4. Learns that 10% of investments should go to the 'Big Guy', and that the BG is Joe Biden
  5. Hunter Biden arranges meetings between the Chinese PLA officials who invested, and Joe Biden
That should be it, but it won't be.

I guess to be fair, this is not a nothing story, here are the points:
  1. Hunter Biden laments to others that he is not allowed to be around certain (minor female - redacted) family because of lies from a (female family member - redacted)
  2. "I wish (female - redacted) would stop telling people I am sexually inappropriate with (young minor - redacted)"
  3. Jim Biden msgs Hunter, expresses that Hunter should meet with Joe and Jim and stop lamenting to others
  4. Jim says he and Joe support Hunter, the woman is lying
  5. This story means that there is a family sexual scandal that could be exploited by others
But the above story is not damning to Joe Biden, but it does call into question Joe Biden's vulnerability to foreign (Chinese) exploitation/extortion.
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It's a lame series of five tweets from Jim Biden to Hunter about Hunter's 'inappropriate sexual behavior' with a minor (family???) member. Mentions Joe twice in a not-incriminating way.

The American Public, being the knuckle-dragging morons that they are, need that for a news story, instead of the already damning evidence.

Here are the stories, and it should be game over if America wasn't descending into Brazil:
  1. Hunter Biden gets undeserved job on the board of Burisma
  2. Ukraine prosecutor investigating Burisma
  3. Joe Biden threatens to withhold $1 Billion loan to Ukraine unless they fire that prosecutor
  4. That Prosecutor is fired
  5. Joe Biden brags about it on video
Story 2:
  1. Hunter Biden is brought on board an International investment group for Chinese
  2. Chinese invest millions
  3. Hunter's partner Bobulinski notices the investments are turds
  4. Learns that 10% of investments should go to the 'Big Guy', and that the BG is Joe Biden
  5. Hunter Biden arranges meetings between the Chinese PLA officials who invested, and Joe Biden
That should be it, but it won't be.

I guess to be fair, this is not a nothing story, here are the points:
  1. Hunter Biden laments to others that he is not allowed to be around certain (minor female - redacted) family because of lies from a (female family member - redacted)
  2. "I wish (female - redacted) would stop telling people I am sexually inappropriate with (young minor - redacted)"
  3. Jim Biden msgs Hunter, expresses that Hunter should meet with Joe and Jim and stop lamenting to others
  4. Jim says he and Joe support Hunter, the woman is lying
  5. This story means that there is a family sexual scandal that could be exploited by others
But the above story is not damning to Joe Biden, but it does call into question Joe Biden's vulnerability to foreign (Chinese) exploitation/extortion.

So what exactly does your spew have to do with the fact that Hunter may have OD'd in the past 24 hours?
So what exactly does your spew have to do with the fact that Hunter may have OD'd in the past 24 hours?

it's the same as the obama birther thing, it just doesn't matter because there is/was a mountain of real and well documented abuses.

hunter could very well have OD'd today, that shouldn't generate sympathy for joe or exonerate him
So what exactly does your spew have to do with the fact that Hunter may have OD'd in the past 24 hours?

Very rarely does Skippy IE everboob's diatribes have anything to do with the subject, he has never learned "Brevity is the soul of whit" he believes the more he spews the smarter everyone will think he is
Don't ask me how I know, but joe biden was killed 42 years ago and has been propped up by fellow democrats since.
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Never heard of a crack overdose before. :rolleyes:

anything is possible when you party hard enough

Cocaine is a type of psychostimulant that was involved in nearly 1 in 5 overdose deaths during 2017. Almost 5 million Americans reported current cocaine use in 2016, which is almost 2 percent of the population. This percentage has shown little change since 2007.[SUP]1[/SUP]

Cocaine-involved overdose death rates in the United States decreased from 2006-2012 but began increasing again in 2012 In 2017, drug overdose deaths involving cocaine increased by more than 34 percent, with almost 14,000 Americans dying from an overdose involving cocaine.

Never heard of a crack overdose before. :rolleyes:

Plenty of people have OD'ed on cocaine (Len Bias, Shannon Hoon, and Whitney Houston come to mind immediately), but the chances of this being legit with no media outlets picking up on it are extraordinarily slim to none.
Plenty of people have OD'ed on cocaine (Len Bias, Shannon Hoon, and Whitney Houston come to mind immediately), but the chances of this being legit with no media outlets picking up on it are extraordinarily slim to none.

Not really. Most people who die from coke die from heart issues from long term use causing heart issues or just due to an underlying heart issue they weren't aware of. It's not like you can go do coke tomorrow for the first time and OD from doing too much if you don't have heart issues. Whitney Houston didn't OD, she had a heart attack from it from decades of use and then drowned.

You'd have to do an astronomical amount of crack to OD.
it's the same as the obama birther thing, it just doesn't matter because there is/was a mountain of real and well documented abuses.

hunter could very well have OD'd today, that shouldn't generate sympathy for joe or exonerate him

I wasnt suggesting it should. I was just curious as to what relevance everdouches post had to do with the news.
Not really. Most people who die from coke die from heart issues from long term use causing heart issues or just due to an underlying heart issue they weren't aware of. It's not like you can go do coke tomorrow for the first time and OD from doing too much if you don't have heart issues. Whitney Houston didn't OD, she had a heart attack from it from decades of use and then drowned.

You'd have to do an astronomical amount of crack to OD.

Take an eight ball or two to the face tonight and see how well your theory holds up. Just give someone else your login info so they can update us on your demise.
No, because crack is stepped on, so an 8ball is gonna bulk up to WAY more than 3.5g after it's cooked. And you don't inject crack either.

Nope , the reason you cook it is take the impurities out of it /cut , and bring it to 100% go fast. :lmao:
You take an 8 ball of coke. You mix it up with the cut and the baking soda in water. You cook off the water. You now have more than 3.5g.

Well, we've found our resident crackhead.. :flipoff2:

I've been under the impression that the cocaine had already been cut and when you make crack, it takes the impurities out. Like I said, I'm not a crackhead.. Like you :flipoff2:

FJC11 is a fast typer! He must be on crack too :flipoff2:
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Nope , the reason you cook it is take the impurities out of it /cut , and bring it to 100% go fast. :lmao:

No. The point of crack is to stretch the product, not to sell flake.

You take an 8 ball of coke. You mix it up with the cut and the baking soda in water. You cook off the water. You now have more than 3.5g.

Yes. This is how crack works.
Not really. Most people who die from coke die from heart issues from long term use causing heart issues or just due to an underlying heart issue they weren't aware of. It's not like you can go do coke tomorrow for the first time and OD from doing too much if you don't have heart issues. Whitney Houston didn't OD, she had a heart attack from it from decades of use and then drowned.

You'd have to do an astronomical amount of crack to OD.

You can die from crack, but it's usually from a medical condition caused by the elevated blood pressure, such as a heart attack or a stroke.
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