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How Old You Is?

How Old You Is?

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Started lurking around 06 in high school at 19. Signed up around 09, posted like once or twice, then lost the login info and came back on a new account in like 2011 I think?
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Officially middle age, 45. Was on old board since 98 or 2000. Was reading on the web about Pirate when it was a club, long before it was a website. Think folks had to do soup bowl blindfolded or some such stunt. There were a few other boards at the time, think Offroad.com was one, forget the other but think 4x4 was in the name.
I will be 46 next month. Didn't bother with the poll b/c I'm right on the overlap. :laughing:

Joined the old board on Jan '05
Just turned 59, and i think my date at the old place was '06, I was around but didn't join, so it means nothing.
can you make the words bigger?
my eyes are to old to read the fine print :laughing:

will be 60 in just over a week
54, joined the last place 20yrs ago.
I was born or perhaps arrived a few days before the Roswell UFO incident...Joined Pirate around 2007 and was perma banned for pissing off a moderator ..A few years later I forgot I was banned and signed on with no problem..
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