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How many fires linked to Antifa?

Interesting! To get it out of the way I'm not a BLM or Antifa violence apologist at all. I'm just looking at it from a skeptic standpoint, like everything I see or hear, and ROCKTACO kind of proves my point a bit. We have a new boogie man to blame people for and justify patriot act XXL.

Antifa is clearly pieces of shit, but is it really them causing this or is it just a way to blame some shit on those tards.

similar to the new Zealand fuckhead, Antifa is more than willing and BLM is very happy to support, an increase in authoritarianism in the USA in hopes of pushing people to it's side and justifying their 'revolution'

which is why the "hands off" approach is both genius and terrible. LAPD and even Chicago for example have done pretty fucking well at handling it, Portland and Seattle have done shitfuck jobs, though Seattle has improved over the last couple months

with 4 more years, there may actually be a chance that trump can get the troop numbers low enough in Iraq/AFG that the patriot act may ultimately not get renewed :eek: :eek: of course, we all still take off our shoes to board a plane after ONE guy set his foot on fire a decade or more ago. not holding my breath or anything :laughing: I strongly believe that biden would inspire Dem leadership to crack down and hard and spin off a "more fair" crime bill ala 1994 to show that they are 'doing something' rather than the hands off, let the states make fools of themselves approach from the weird 90's democrat not fitting neo-con or neo-liberal mold that trump has carved himself into

edit: but no, I don't believe that all these fires are insidious and do strongly believe that several of them are
I post up facts, and you reply with this garbage? If you actually buy into that crap (or expect anyone else to) I've got some prime farm land in the everglades I'd sell you

Oh please, you posted information. You have no idea if it's fact or not. Nowhere did I say I believed it, though it is possible just not likely. I don't think as many are arson as some want to think. It's been dry as shit for months, it's prime for natural causes.
similar to the new Zealand fuckhead, Antifa is more than willing and BLM is very happy to support, an increase in authoritarianism in the USA in hopes of pushing people to it's side and justifying their 'revolution'

which is why the "hands off" approach is both genius and terrible. LAPD and even Chicago for example have done pretty fucking well at handling it, Portland and Seattle have done shitfuck jobs, though Seattle has improved over the last couple months

with 4 more years, there may actually be a chance that trump can get the troop numbers low enough in Iraq/AFG that the patriot act may ultimately not get renewed :eek: :eek: of course, we all still take off our shoes to board a plane after ONE guy set his foot on fire a decade or more ago. not holding my breath or anything :laughing: I strongly believe that biden would inspire Dem leadership to crack down and hard and spin off a "more fair" crime bill ala 1994 to show that they are 'doing something' rather than the hands off, let the states make fools of themselves approach from the weird 90's democrat not fitting neo-con or neo-liberal mold that trump has carved himself into

edit: but no, I don't believe that all these fires are insidious and do strongly believe that several of them are

interesting points! Fair enough!! I see authoritarian on either side of this situation, fucking sucks!!

Chicago hasn't been doing shit in suppressing BLM and antifa, it's the street gangs keeping them in check. Antifa wont go into the hoods where the violence is because they arent wanted there and they are pussies, and the mexicans arent having any of either antifa or BLM. The DA still has a catch and release program going, it's an odd hands off approach from the cops and government and hands on from a street justice standpoint. Chicago is very segregated though and a decent racial mix.

8 more days left here!!:smokin:
Lets also not lose sight on how the press is using the fire to keep covid relevant. “Exposure to wildfire smoke greatly increases your risk of getting covid.” How, do the trees have covid and when they burn they release it? I mean come on how can anyone believe anything the MSM says anymore. Its fucking pathetic. I hate the huffpost and feel they are far more accurate than any of the MSM outlets...
Lets also not lose sight on how the press is using the fire to keep covid relevant. “Exposure to wildfire smoke greatly increases your risk of getting covid.” How, do the trees have covid and when they burn they release it? I mean come on how can anyone believe anything the MSM says anymore. Its fucking pathetic. I hate the huffpost and feel they are far more accurate than any of the MSM outlets...
It's because it makes you cough. It ranks right up there with "tear gas is spreading COVID". How about you stop throwing bricks at cops and other citizens while burning down buildings and ACTUALLY peacefully protest and then you dont get gassed!:homer:
interesting points! Fair enough!! I see authoritarian on either side of this situation, fucking sucks!!

Chicago hasn't been doing shit in suppressing BLM and antifa, it's the street gangs keeping them in check. Antifa wont go into the hoods where the violence is because they arent wanted there and they are pussies, and the mexicans arent having any of either antifa or BLM. The DA still has a catch and release program going, it's an odd hands off approach from the cops and government and hands on from a street justice standpoint. Chicago is very segregated though and a decent racial mix.

8 more days left here!!:smokin:

compare Chicago to seattle or Portland, Chicago, while trash, has actively worked with the feds on operation LeGend. if the gangs are doing more work than the cops, good for them as well :laughing: like I said, LA/Chi/Sea/Port have all been very active with their "hands off" and have run the whole spectrum, from the hands off in LA that has always put an effort in to being close by and controlling to the hands off in Portland that has said "fuck it, kill each other, don't call us" or seattle saying "here are the keys, enjoy utopia", Chicago is on the more involved side
I post up facts, and you reply with this garbage? If you actually buy into that crap (or expect anyone else to) I've got some prime farm land in the everglades I'd sell you

Whoa, keep your fingers clear of that bait you quoted - PAE will chomp it down whole :laughing:

EDIT: I only say that because he posted similar shit this time last year (on the "P" site)
"“Fluid in nature” appears to be a reference to the Antifa slogan, “be water.” It is a metaphor for sticking and moving together."


And then the newest variation of the slogan on a pin:
compare Chicago to seattle or Portland, Chicago, while trash, has actively worked with the feds on operation LeGend. if the gangs are doing more work than the cops, good for them as well :laughing: like I said, LA/Chi/Sea/Port have all been very active with their "hands off" and have run the whole spectrum, from the hands off in LA that has always put an effort in to being close by and controlling to the hands off in Portland that has said "fuck it, kill each other, don't call us" or seattle saying "here are the keys, enjoy utopia", Chicago is on the more involved side

Yea kinda! The mayor wants to go full portland here but the rich people that have bought and sold all the politicans are pushing back on that. Quite fascinating, everyone is turning on that beeotch! That's why I always laugh when people call this place liberal like CA, no it's a strong central government authoritarian state that borders on a banana republic! Really it's probably the closest to legit facism in the USA if we are going by the definition, which makes it even "funnier" the lack of Antifa action here. The strong central government is owned by the private money, with a press that's 100% on the side of the state with a total double standard of ruling class vs evreyone else when it comes to legal issues.

That sucks about those fires no matter who did it, fucking crazy and stay safe!!
I have been talking to guy in Medford, OR. The town damn near burnt down yesterday. He said there is a large greenway in the middle of town with a bicycle path through it, and there were a bunch of fires started along the bike path.
Whether it is antifa or not we may never know, but somebody is setting them on purpose.
LoL walked into a Walmart bought a woman's sweater ripped it. a "fire fighter" aka a girl in Bikini and a firemen's helmet bought a microwave bowl for the head and Came in second place.

See how smart is she figured out first. She knows everything!! She is just sooo smart! Keep eating that watermelon

I have been talking to guy in Medford, OR. The town damn near burnt down yesterday. He said there is a large greenway in the middle of town with a bicycle path through it, and there were a bunch of fires started along the bike path.
Whether it is antifa or not we may never know, but somebody is setting them on purpose.

That is where a lot of the local homeless population lives. Been there since I was a kid, 40+ years
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LoL walked into a Walmart bought a woman's sweater ripped it. a "fire fighter" aka a girl in Bikini and a firemen's helmet bought a microwave bowl for the head and Came in second place.

See how smart is she figured out first. She knows everything!! She is just sooo smart! Keep eating that watermelon

This dipshit really IS a Joe Biden fan!!!
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