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How many fires linked to Antifa?


Boob Inspector
May 24, 2020
Member Number
Middle of nowhere
I think this is the next big story to break, but probably not on the fake news though.

SOME fires seem to be linked to Antifa - granted, not all. It is fire season out west also.

How many fires are related to the protests will probably never be known, but we've all heard 'burn it down' chanted a million times at these protests.

Personally I think they should be locked away and the key thrown out if they're found to be responsible....and that's probably too nice.

This guy started putting it together

Some people are just idiots.

Near the Fork fire, a LE caught another guy with a camp fire yesterday(South Fork). I was listening to ENF freq and lots of interesting info. Questionable truck(from impound or needs to be impounded) Driver had expired license and a lot of failure to appears for moving violations. He ended up bolting. Fortunately, the LE got it stomped out. But it does beg the question, it is smokey and it seems like a good time for a camp fire??:rolleyes:
LoL walked into a Walmart bought a woman's sweater ripped it. a "fire fighter" aka a girl in Bikini and a firemen's helmet bought a microwave bowl for the head and Came in second place.

See how smart is she figured out first. She knows everything!! She is just sooo smart! Keep eating that watermelon
LoL walked into a Walmart bought a woman's sweater ripped it. a "fire fighter" aka a girl in Bikini and a firemen's helmet bought a microwave bowl for the head and Came in second place.

See how smart is she figured out first. She knows everything!! She is just sooo smart! Keep eating that watermelon

WTF are you smoking? Put it down!
So what's the angle here for antifa setting these?

Is antifa the new post 9/11 sleeper cells in box trucks that were going to blow every building up?
So what's the angle here for antifa setting these?

Is antifa the new post 9/11 sleeper cells in box trucks that were going to blow every building up?

Well they do run around saying they are going to burn everything down while lighting fires.
I'd bet it's fair to say a small number of fires were started by arson. There are lots of reports of high winds knocking trees into power lines and visa versa. I know everyone wants to blame antifa, and they could be involved to some degree but I'd doubt they're the main cause.
LoL walked into a Walmart bought a woman's sweater ripped it. a "fire fighter" aka a girl in Bikini and a firemen's helmet bought a microwave bowl for the head and Came in second place.

See how smart is she figured out first. She knows everything!! She is just sooo smart! Keep eating that watermelon

I dunno WTF you're talking about, so you'll need to post pics of said female fire fighter wearing said bikini.
LoL walked into a Walmart bought a woman's sweater ripped it. a "fire fighter" aka a girl in Bikini and a firemen's helmet bought a microwave bowl for the head and Came in second place.

See how smart is she figured out first. She knows everything!! She is just sooo smart! Keep eating that watermelon

Are you having a STROKE?
I'd bet it's fair to say a small number of fires were started by arson. There are lots of reports of high winds knocking trees into power lines and visa versa. I know everyone wants to blame antifa, and they could be involved to some degree but I'd doubt they're the main cause.

I already posted this in Oregon fires post, but take a look at the legend on the right (fire color), then the map. I'd say a great majority of them are arson (with some stupidity mixed in for good measure)


It's a PDF
LoL walked into a Walmart bought a woman's sweater ripped it. a "fire fighter" aka a girl in Bikini and a firemen's helmet bought a microwave bowl for the head and Came in second place.

See how smart is she figured out first. She knows everything!! She is just sooo smart! Keep eating that watermelon

Is this some antifa douchebag code or something?

when chaos is the goal, and opportunists are encouraged, "why" becomes less important

I thought they were a bunch of tree hugging hippies, why torch the forests? I could see them burning suburbs more than the forest!

After living through 9/11 and the bullshit, liberty stealing, war on terra, my BS meter goes off when either side starts blaming evreything on a specific group. It all stinks like a distraction while the real evil people are doing something else.
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So what's the angle here for antifa setting these?

Is antifa the new post 9/11 sleeper cells in box trucks that were going to blow every building up?

Trump says hes gonna pull funding to fuckhead states who cant reign in antifa, antifa sets fire to said fuckhead states, fuckhead state now receives federal aid. Just one theory I heard.

Everything up my way is being billed as man made and the major fire out of Okanogan is being billed as arson.
Trump says hes gonna pull funding to fuckhead states who cant reign in antifa, antifa sets fire to said fuckhead states, fuckhead state now receives federal aid. Just one theory I heard.

Everything up my way is being billed as man made and the major fire out of Okanogan is being billed as arson.

Sounds like ANTIFA is a branch of the government to me then!
LoL walked into a Walmart bought a woman's sweater ripped it. a "fire fighter" aka a girl in Bikini and a firemen's helmet bought a microwave bowl for the head and Came in second place.

See how smart is she figured out first. She knows everything!! She is just sooo smart! Keep eating that watermelon

Why did I read whatever the fawk this was in Pauly Shore's voice?
I thought they were a bunch of tree hugging hippies, why torch the forests? I could see them burning suburbs more than the forest!

After living through 9/11 and the bullshit, liberty stealing, war on terra, my BS meter goes off when either side starts blaming evreything on a specific group. It all stinks like a distraction while the real evil people are doing something else.

people are bendng over backwards to make excuses for how non of the violence of death is related to BLM protests and how Antifa isn't even a thing (FYI, the capital A was autocorrected in Antifa on my browser)

the planned "random" killing of a pro-America supporter in Portland? uh, yeah, the guy that did it in the vice article just said he was a sympathizer. not a "real" blm member or activist. years back when isis said "we will kill service members on the streets of the USA", same thing, all they want to do is inspire the fringe people to violence. same as the new Zealand mosque shooter fuckhead, he was inspired and wanted to inspire others, openly stated.

torching the forest costs the USA money, it costs the USA time, it impacts peoples lives directly and adds to the "America is bad and we need a revolution for the people (anarcho-communism)" aims.

fires along the highway slow and delay commerce, good for them. "by any means necessary" so if some firebug looking for an excuse hears that, they can take the vagueness of the message and translate it how they want. get support and get worked up and BLM can deny responsibility while claiming "obviously it is because of oppression and disregard for people that firebugs exist"

one of the claims of climate change is that forest fires will increase in intensity, as it fails to happen naturally, no reason they can't encourage others to highlight it. in a couple years, the reasons will be lost but the fire numbers will remain. anybody who says "well yeah, but several of those mega brush fires were arson" is easily labeled a denier. continues to play in to their hand.

it's a giant web of clusterfuck to promote chaos to meet their openly stated end to capitalism.
people are bendng over backwards to make excuses for how non of the violence of death is related to BLM protests and how Antifa isn't even a thing (FYI, the capital A was autocorrected in Antifa on my browser)

the planned "random" killing of a pro-America supporter in Portland? uh, yeah, the guy that did it in the vice article just said he was a sympathizer. not a "real" blm member or activist. years back when isis said "we will kill service members on the streets of the USA", same thing, all they want to do is inspire the fringe people to violence. same as the new Zealand mosque shooter fuckhead, he was inspired and wanted to inspire others, openly stated.

torching the forest costs the USA money, it costs the USA time, it impacts peoples lives directly and adds to the "America is bad and we need a revolution for the people (anarcho-communism)" aims.

fires along the highway slow and delay commerce, good for them. "by any means necessary" so if some firebug looking for an excuse hears that, they can take the vagueness of the message and translate it how they want. get support and get worked up and BLM can deny responsibility while claiming "obviously it is because of oppression and disregard for people that firebugs exist"

one of the claims of climate change is that forest fires will increase in intensity, as it fails to happen naturally, no reason they can't encourage others to highlight it. in a couple years, the reasons will be lost but the fire numbers will remain. anybody who says "well yeah, but several of those mega brush fires were arson" is easily labeled a denier. continues to play in to their hand.

it's a giant web of clusterfuck to promote chaos to meet their openly stated end to capitalism.

Interesting! To get it out of the way I'm not a BLM or Antifa violence apologist at all. I'm just looking at it from a skeptic standpoint, like everything I see or hear, and ROCKTACO kind of proves my point a bit. We have a new boogie man to blame people for and justify patriot act XXL.

Antifa is clearly pieces of shit, but is it really them causing this or is it just a way to blame some shit on those tards.
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