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How long did you wait?

Rooney is one of the hottest chicks Ive ever hung out with. 5 stars. Would smash again.
wife is pushing me to get the snip. im less than thrilled about it. our second one is 11 months old, and apparently he'll be our last. i kinda want more but then i kinda dont. The nut cut seems pretty permanent.

Its not

Its covered to cut. Not to fix. Unless youre natrualy sterile or lose the all together it can be reversed.
Now I are even more confused! On the old site you were known as female. Now on the new site you are a male! Damn, this new site can change gender.:flipoff2:

I have it on reliable sources that rooney has great tits
they might be moobs, but you just don't worry about it
I waited a week. Listen to the DR and take it easy the first bit, ice, support them. I was good to go after the first week. From what I have heard seems the guys that move around and do stuff to soon have the longer healing time.
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