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How has your kid's school handled covid so far?

if they continue this nonsense i will probably have to to quit my job to home school.

I wonder if bigger employers will finally catch on and start an employees only daycare/private school. Seems like a win win. Keep or attract better employees, fewer missed days due to kid issues.
If they are truly sick fine...

If this is some union temper tantrum, they should be punished

Most are healthy enough to work, but they are protesting about not being considered front line workers or not on the top to get the vaccine.

They are just scared of COVID... but I'm sure still run everyday errands and taking family trips.
Our district has been back and forth. Today they started back in school after being remote since Thanksgiving, online learning is bullshit and these kids need to be in school.
Currently home for 14 days due to a positive test in my daughters class. Seems someone got sloppy for the holidays. It's the second time so far this school year. I think that's pretty good for the number of kids they have. They also treat the classes as "pods" so only my daughters class is affected.

I will say this whole thing has cemented the fact that my daughter will always be going to a private school, even if I have to sell organs to make it happen, when I was always a bit anti-private school.

To be clear she is currently in a private school?
To be clear she is currently in a private school?

Yes. She just started pre-k this year. With parents who were both public school teachers (in a different state) in a place where all the private schools were catholic based I always swore my kid would just go to public school. This year that's not even an option as San Diego Unified still isn't back.
To be clear she is currently in a private school?

i would suspect so since hes in the whales vagina.

Yes. With parents who were both public school teachers (in a different state) in a place where all the private schools were catholic based I always swore my kid would just go to public school. This year that's not even an option as San Diego Unified still isn't back.

i need to do the math, but it might make sense to pay the fee instead of quitting my job. i wish my benefits didnt suck because the wife could quit teaching and life would be significantly better all around.
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i would suspect so since hes in the whales vagina.

i need to do the math, but it might make sense to pay the fee instead of quitting my job. i wish my benefits didnt suck because the wife could quit teaching and life would be significantly better all around.

This is where we’re at. Our daughter started kindergarten in 2019. We were wanting to do charter or private initially but all of those schools either burned or relocated to parking lots in Chico (fall 2018) so we enrolled her in the rural district that I attended as a child. They went remote last spring through this fall(sucked) and when they went part time, her teacher wanted all the kids (1st grade) to wear masks. She was moved to a different teacher, but now that the school board is discussing going full-time, it’s “masks for all.” Fuck that.
Homeschool has been unaffected. My wife tried to get a bigger couch to "aid in social distancing". But I ain't buying it.

x2 on this one. In fact, I think he might be ahead enough that we will need to do a couple "field trips" that more fit the description of "experience" over "education" just to get enough days in this year to meet the state requirements.
x2 on this one. In fact, I think he might be ahead enough that we will need to do a couple "field trips" that more fit the description of "experience" over "education" just to get enough days in this year to meet the state requirements.

Yuuup, we're super creative about classifying "educational experiences".
Homeschool has been unaffected. My wife tried to get a bigger couch to "aid in social distancing". But I ain't buying it.

Just make sure it is comfortable incase you have to spend the night on it. I know I couldn't sleep on my neice's when I told her, I was told but they are cute and they match the drapes
Absolute shit...

Closed completely
Half assed a online only roll out.
Closed, again.
Half assed a online rollout, again.
Teacher spent 2 weeks learning how to use the systems in class.
On a secret day I get to go pick up a packet of work. I get to guess the day, but I usually find out when my kid doesn't have what he needs. Day changes randomly.
Said packet is a random pile of hot garbage. Not organized or even labeled.
50% of class is "I can't find it", "it looks like this", go fish for the right paper. Repeat 20 times.
House sounds like Darth Vader is force choking a kid. Teacher wears a mic and gets winded from breathing, or it's REALLY sensitive and rubbing on her lips?
I'd say out of 3 hours, there are 30min or less of instruction.

Currently they are trying to rush back to in person as they are trying to pass a levy. $5k a year for us. Yeah!
Our kids just started last week. 1/2 day afternoon in person. The kindergartener has been going all year 1/2 days.

Then the kid's bus driver tested positive for the kungflu so they have to stay at home for 2 weeks.

We just got them back in. :mad3: We asked if we could get them tested, and back in person but the health dept won't allow it.
I couldn’t imagine having “littles” in school during this. Mrs used to work in classrooms as a peraeducator before she got into the admin side of education.

Props to you parents with younger kids dealing with this :beer:
In person all year. Masks. If they’re in class with a kid that rests positive, we get an email that says, “your kid was exposed. He had a mask so watch him but otherwise disregard.” There is a remote option. Very few took it. There are several kids that moved here just to be in person from other more urban towns. Nobody has been seriously ill, teacher or kid. There’s about 150 kids per grade, so smallish town.
It's interesting to see how procedures vary across the country.

A little more info, we are a small public district with just over 450 students from K-12. When we were short handed with staff, our admin stepped in to fill spots, including driving buses/vans if we had too many drivers out on quarantine. We pushed the purchase of 2 - 12 passenger vans so that people without their chauffer's license could still haul kids to/from school if we got in a jamb. Masks are required, but that also gives us some freedom with quarantine. As long as students are wearing masks we consider them as having no risk of exposure. Only students that test positive or have symptoms have to quarantine. That has really helped to keep kids in class.

Our goal from the beginning was to keep kids in the buildings. There was some push back from staff at first, but we basically ignored them and moved forward. At the beginning of this month our admin surveyed staff to see how they are doing mentally, and over 90% said that they're doing just fine. At the beginning of the school year over 50% said they were concerned and/or stressed out/having anxiety issues.
“Second thing: I believe that we can open up our schools safely, now, as long as we use proper hygiene and good systems,” Gov. Inslee continued. “We have proven this. We have proven this because there’s over 100,000 pupils in the state of Washington who have been doing this safely for months now. This is not an academic exercise — all you have to do is go to the schools around the state who are doing this successfully with minimal, very minimal, in-school transmission.”

:lmao: :lmao:

The state rolled out a change for CA. Since the part time schedule began in the fall, our first grader has been “mask free” and we even switched here teacher for that purpose. Now ALL grades must wear masks starting 2/1/21.
We have our oldest in a couple one day a week programs. One is really lax and doesn’t care, have had zero cases or issues. The other is really crazy sensitive. Closed for a few weeks went virtual and now back In session. Masks starting 2/1 and a goofy app we have to sign every time we drop off with some consent thing. He’s 5/kindergarten. Home schooled for the other stuff. We will not be putting him in public school and I’m at the point where private school will need to earn my business otherwise he will be home schooled.
I shit you not. For Valentines day they are making the kids fill out the cards early so that the cards can be put in 'quarantine' so that they are 'ready' for Valentines Day. Full Retard engaged.
the kids go back on the 19th. they get to pick if they want to or continue in distance learning. 67% of families say they want to stay at distance until August. So, I expect about a third will return.

There are some kids that have fallen grade wise, but a whole other community of kids (almost 20%) that are doing better in attendance and grades. Weird! So, the district is going to create a distance learning program for the kids who want to continue it indefinitely. Also, enrollment for the district as a whole is up quite a bit.

The district has had 30 or so teachers resign from the pressure of distance teaching and two that got canned for bad behavior online with students...
Eldest Niece took her to eldest to stay with my nephew so they could get back in a class room since the Queen can't come up with a plan.
Niece is a teacher she says they have no idea yet what is going to happen, continue distance learning, part days, every other day, only certain age groups...
Oh the girls are back to straight A students.
Nephew and his wife seem to be handling taking care of teen and preteen girl.
Our district is holding a zoom meeting tonight to discuss vaccinating kids and full re-opening. Our daughter has been back four full days and one half day for a month. Students must wear masks and are in plexiglass cubes.
Our district is holding a zoom meeting tonight to discuss vaccinating kids and full re-opening. Our daughter has been back four full days and one half day for a month. Students must wear masks and are in plexiglass cubes.


certainly the masks work, so we must need cubes as well :rasta:
At our next board meeting we are going to be voting on changing our mask mandate from mandatory to voluntary. No quarantine unless you have symptoms or test positive. There is overwhelming community support, and majority support from staff. A few on staff are kind of freaking out about it, and there's a few community members that are opposed. Another school in our state did the same thing a week ago or so. The social media comments were comical. You would think they were lining the students and staff up for a firing squad. :laughing:

Same thing happened when a district next to us went voluntary. These are the same idiots that claimed there would be shootouts on every block when concealed carry was passed, and again when open carry was passed, and claim drunkenness will overtake the land if a town votes to sell alcohol. They are wrong on every subject, yet they continue to spout their ignorance.
Also in IA as OP is. The district my kids go to has been open 100% since the beginning of the school year with an option for remote. At the Christmas/New Year break they asked all the parents to commit for the rest of the year to either in person or remote so they could best allocate resources. Small district with maybe 600 K-12 enrollment. Some of you in larger districts may think it's easier to do in person with these number. I can assure you it's not since small districts here are usually staffed at bare minimum so anyone gone is a major issue. Have had all sports, most games have been played, very few students out of school sick. Masks inside and out, seating charts, are about the only meaningful differences between now and pre-COVID. As of the 1st week of April, masks will be optional for before and after school, as well as outdoors during school day.
Most of the kids and staff have been supportive, and welcome the in person contact. I personally am grateful as my autistic son backslid a little when he was home for 6 months socially, and is almost meeting the goals that we had set winter of last year. He needs all the group contact he can get to socialize and practice group behavior. You cannot replace that with Zoom.
Now, contrast that with my niece, who teaches in Omaha Public Schools, which was the only district in the greater Council Bluffs/Omaha area to go virtual/hybrid as their only options at the beginning of the school year. The kids aren't required to be one or the other, they don't have the staff to cover the ever-changing schedules of the students. My niece has no idea who or how many kids will be in person any given day, has to teach both modes at the same time, and the flux of kids moving back and forth has caused more spikes in COVID in the area than any of the surrounding areas. OPS will not enforce a schedule as they have bought into the union and media hysteria, and it's causing the whole system to fall apart. All the districts surrounding them have basically the same level of urbanization, but are not experiencing the same level of issues. All while holding to a schedule for the kids, parents, and teachers. Most are hybrid or in person all the time, and making the parents choose a course of action. Which is their right, as far as I'm concerned.
I feel like every family should be allowed to make the choice, but with that choice can come restrictions on what you have available to you once you've made it. Like, if you make that choice, and then their grades fall, it's on you as the parent to catch them back up. I am guessing that when the studies are done about this time, peer-reviewed, and released, we shall see what the true cost of lockdown mania has wrought on the next generation. We will have only ourselves to blame.
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