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How Did You Know You're Getting Older?

When I was 18 months from retirement and the doctor told me I have cancer and my whole life got jacked upside down. I suddenly knew I was too old for this shit.
Now I've applied for SS disability, but it looks like I may turn 65 and qualify for Medicare before the disability is approved.
My back hurts all the time.
I'm always exhausted.
I can't tie my boot laces and breath at the same time.
If I stand up too fast, all the warning lights on my cluster light up like a Christmas tree.
I don't speed anymore and find city traffic intimidating.
I can't see at night, and LED / HID headlights blind me.

I'm turning 38 this year. I can't imagine what I'll feel like when I can finally retire in 25 years from now.
Besides my shoulder being in constant pain, I feel pretty good.
I’ve felt worse when I was younger.

The things that makes me feel old is just the number, and the realization of what that number looked like when I was 20 or even 30x
gray hairs came in quick and the interval between feeling tired and falling asleep seems to be seconds instead of hours.
My kids can legally buy rum for me.

I have a few extra aches and pains.

Grey hair is starting to take over.

Almost daily at work from the HOA residents… “Aren’t you close to retiring?”

I was wearing checkered Vans in the theater when I watched Spicoli pull out the checkered Vans in Fast Times At Ridgemont High :smokin:
I can't fucking see

my biggest injuries happen when I sleep
my knees crunch/pop enough that people ask me if I am ok, just jetting off of the ground
My house is paid for
I understand my Grandpa now
I just don't give a shit what you think, or what your opinion is
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I’ve been hiring people born in the early 2000’s. When they ask me when I graduated and then say, “I was 3 then”, or “I wasn’t even born then”…yeah, makes me feel old.

I promoted this kid to a supervisor who is 23. He grew up like an 80’s kid and is a damn good worker. Seeing him pull all nighters on the house he just bought makes me feel OLD. Like, dude was up until 5 am two nights in a row gutting carpet and burning it, then came to work on Monday. That would have put me down for 3 days. :laughing:

The main thing that makes me feel old is just not having it in me to hangout on Friday nights anymore. I’m just done Friday after work, which sucks, because it makes the weekends feel even shorter.
-In our 4 wheeling group, I was the young one at 18. Now the kids of that group are over 21, that were little or hadn’t been born yet
-I find hot rods and other engines being too loud sometimes
-was annoyed at a friend of the kid across the street who was doing a burnout in front of the house. Go out in the industrial park like a normal kid :flipoff2:
-my oldest will be in middle school next year
-I’ll be 40 in 10 days
-my body hurts a lot from doing dumb shit when I was younger
-used to go dirtbike for a whole weekend and be ready to go for the next weekend. I haven’t ridden in probably 5 years but the last time I did, we went for a half a day and the next day I hurt, all over 😂

I saw a meme a long time ago that said something along the lines of “ you’re parents weren’t trying to be cool by ordering a pizza on Friday night, they were just tired and mom didn’t want to cook”
Scrolling to get to my birth year when verifying my age for something online.
Thinking about building a house and realizing that if I got a 30yr mortgage odds are I won't live long enough to see it to term
Having to use reading glasses to the point I always carry some with me wherever I go
Pretty much everything above, especially body pain while working on things. I developed a neck problem while pushing a transmission up in which never was a problem before.

When is it appropriate to feel some of these ways? I think about mans history where life expectancy was 35 and I’d be killed off for slowing the tribe down lol.
Late 30's knees started making crunching noises.

Younger girls started referring to me as the "old guy":laughing:

A lot of already mentioned things by the others.

Now approaching 46, my right hip is getting pretty bad, there is a pinched nerve in the very same leg that likes to flare up too.

Never figured I would make it this long, yet life has a different plan. Lately thinking about what is next to go?(sins of being young and dumb)...
Looking forward to a nap!! Another one is at an old job I made a reference to the funky buttloving line in rookie of the year. 2 guys had no idea what I was talking about….it came out the year they were born!
In my case, pain. Lots of it. All my injuries from wild adolescence. And the neighbor kids call me old man.
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