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High Altitude Guys I Need Recommendations Not Doing Well


Ordinary Average Guy
May 21, 2020
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So I was seemingly fine yesterday when I rolled in. We’re staying at 9,220’.

This morning I did a run down on the 4Runner, changed clothes, and trimmed my beard. That’s it, and now I feel like I’m high on caffeine. Is this the body recovering from the lack of oxygen? Just ride it out or go for a drive to somewhere lower?

Not feeling great. Light headed and I can’t get up without feeling worse.
My daughter struggles above 8,000 ft. We now bring one of the old people oxygen concentrators with us when we travel above 8,000 ft. Hydration and taking it easy the first couple days helps me.
In for altitude correction. :flipoff2:

It takes at least a couple weeks to "properly" acclimate - body to produce more red blood cells to carry more O2. People with better physical conditioning acclimate faster but that isn't something you can change on the spot. Short of that hydrate, no alcohol, caffeine probably not great either even though short term it might alleviate symptoms.
You can’t drink too much water. I left Texas at 4am and rolled into our valley around one. It was pretty warm and a cold beer sounded good. After the 2nd on I knew i fucked up. Now I never drink before 5 the first day. I kill a big gator aid in Amarillo and a few more bottles of water before I get to our place.
Where you at?

Breckenridge. Compass says 9,220’ in the house.

I need some of these. Brand name?

Going on 4 bottles. Wife is headed for more water and oxygen.

The water here smells like straight chlorine.

First time I went skiing was in Breckenridge… spent more time walking around with an oxygen tank on my face than skiing…

Good luck!
Lived at near 8000 feet for 14 years. I honestly don't think there's any fixing it. Some people just don't do well at elevation. It's like motion sickness. If you're prone to it that just sucks. Not a whole helluva lot you can do.
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