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Hello old friend.

Dude where is the update on that cutlass/442 ? :confused:

The car ran great and they were tickled with the performance. They paid me what they owed me and they’re going to fix the hood. When you buy an old car with fresh paint boys and girls make sure both hood latches were reinstalled.
It's been a while, but I finally got it inside to get started. My work around the house is pretty well wrapped up, my shop isn't finished but I'm starting anyway. I hooked it up to my little Kubota and dragged it into my shop.



I went up to Ohio the other day to pick up a d44 from an 800. The fella that sold me the diff told me about the scout nationals and recomended a stop in super scout specialitsts while he was at work. The nationals were a dissapointment, but i was there on a Friday, maybe more scouts were there on saturday. Super Scout Specialists was awesome. That place is huge and the back room of parts is awe inspiring. It's going to be a great help with the odds and ends I'll need for sure.

After my visit to the show and SSS I had some time to kill before I could meet the guy with the diff. I grabbed a bite and was scrolling through facebook when this body popped up. It's a couple of hours from a friend of mine in CA, looks like it's in great shape and a great price. My friend was willing to go pick it up for gas money, but it turned out the seller needed to be in my friends area today anyway. I paid him a little more to haul the body for me. It's supposed to be at my friend's shop in a couple of hours and I'm an anxious mess just waiting for this deal to fall apart and lose my money. I think it's going to work out, but I've never bought anything sight unseen from such a distance before and this whole situation seems too good to be true.

I committed to buying the body, paying storage & taking a transcontinental trip with my truck and trailer while diesel is outragous all while my wife was at work with no idea WTF kind of calamity I was bringing into our lives. When she got home from work and I immediatly led off with "Don't be mad." I filled her in on the story and she got a big smile and said "that's awesome! When do we go??". I'm one lucky guy for sure.

Now, do I build two scouts or just make one good one? I guess time will tell what sort of bad ideas I get over the next few months. :flipoff2:

....and I feel lucky when my wife cooks me dinner.

Fuck you.

nicely done.

Yeah, I did alright I guess. :flipoff2:

I don't know what I did to deserve her, what she sees in me or why she puts up with my BS. I'm going to be thankful she does and enjoy every second we get to spend together. We're coming up on 20 years together soon, everyday is still awesome.

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