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Have you had COVID?

I had it the last week of February. 103* temp, super runny nose, no taste or smell. It was the only time I had a fever and didn’t feel terrible.
My sister and her family had it also.
My brother and his wife had it. He said it was like the worst flu that he's had and lasted 4 or 5 days. Several have had it at work. All recovered and returned to work.
My wife has lost 2 uncles and a cousin so far.

I've been tested 4 times so far because of where I work and thankfully have not contracted it yet.

Your wife had 3 family members pass from it? Any underlying conditions? Previous health issues?

This is a weird freaking virus.
My family (4 of us) have all had it, my son just finished up with is isolation period yesterday. It's really weird, affected all of us differently--but all pretty mild. For me, I had muscle aches, low energy, and a mild cough. Then after 3 or 4 days of that, I felt better but would get a small fever (99 or 100 deg) each afternoon. I also lost my sense of smell, which was really weird. I didn't notice anything unusual, until my wife burned popcorn and I couldn't tell. 😲 My daughter had almost no symptoms. She said she was tired, but I think it might have been just to get sympathy, or to fit in. :D My son got sinus congestion and headaches.

Anyway, I'm glad we're all "vaccinated" now and don't have to worry quite as much. :)
Your wife had 3 family members pass from it? Any underlying conditions? Previous health issues?

This is a weird freaking virus.

Yeah. 2 uncles were old but her cousin was healthy and in her 40s. She was in ICU for a month while her organs slowly shut down. The sepsis finally got her.

Then her oldest uncle got it and was fine. Like you said, weird virus.
Yeah. 2 uncles were old but her cousin was healthy and in her 40s. She was in ICU for a month while her organs slowly shut down. The sepsis finally got her.

Then her oldest uncle got it and was fine. Like you said, weird virus.

I don't have any doubt this shit was engineered at the Harbor Freight lab.

So many different, oddball, seemingly unrelated symptoms. Healthy people nearly dying, unhealthy people fine, guy A gets migraines, guy B has fever and fatigue, guy C has complete taste loss etc etc..
My wife was tested positive with Covid, showing no symptoms. I had my daughters tested, came back negative I was tested, negative, after a 5 day wait(per DHEC), my wife was retested and it came back negative. DHEC has been calling us everyday for the past two weeks telling us we have to quarantine. We keep telling them it was a false positive and she was cleared. They tell us that cant happen and we should be under lock down for the next 17 days. I blocked their phone number so they would leave us alone.
I don't have any doubt this shit was engineered at the Harbor Freight lab.

So many different, oddball, seemingly unrelated symptoms. Healthy people nearly dying, unhealthy people fine, guy A gets migraines, guy B has fever and fatigue, guy C has complete taste loss etc etc..
I seriously wonder if this isn’t true. It will be interesting to see what long term effects on people are. Did the little Chinese scientists brew in some future time bombs into the mix?:stirthepot:
I had a minor outpatient surgery a couple weeks ago and had to get tested prior to it and I wouldnt have been surprised to test positive. I felt like shit the week prior and had breathing problems, but I did collapse one of them 10 years ago so thats not completely out of the ordinary for me.
On a side note, that was just a spit in a cup test, and not a q tip ticonderoga deep up the nose
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