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Have you had COVID?


Getto fab garage owner
May 21, 2020
Member Number
Lindon, Utah
Just as the title says. Not I think I had it, but yes I’ve had it with the nasil scrubbing your brain positive test. Just curious. One of our boys works at the hospital. He doesn’t live with us but stops by about once a week to visit. He got it from work and I guess passed it to us before he was sympathetic. My wife got sick first. She’s been sick about a week. Then our other son that is staying with us got sick...damn sick! Weird because I have an autoimmune disease that I take a biologic for that weakens my immune system. Lost my sense of taste and kinda feel shitty. Ended up taking my son to the ER last night. They put him in the hospital. Makes no sense. He’s way younger and healthier. Yet he is the sickest.
So have you had it? You wives or kids?
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I had the real deal at the end of last March. Lasted about a week and could only sleep sitting up. What did I do afterwards? Self quarantined and stayed away from the other zombies. I'm talking not leaving the house at all. Went back to work in September and always have a mask along with hand sanitizer. :smokin:
Only know one person who's had it. He had a sore throat and the sniffles for two days. Spend the rest of his 14 days off in the bush hunting.
Neighbors kid (18 y/o) tested positive for it. Under the weather for a few days, no one else got it. That’s one person I know who had it.
No sign of it. Wife is in health care, has tested negative 4x now and nothing abnormal with her temperature checks. The possibility of her bringing it into work is a serious concern for us so we keep to ourselves. On top of that I found out I have the markers and symptoms of an auto-immune disease, I won't know what I'm up against for awhile yet but it puts me at higher risk of complications regardless. I'm not afraid of Covid-19, but I can't pretend it's "just a flu". I'm certainly not about to go galavanting around the areas where there's a ton of active cases. Haven't missed a day of work and I don't like gatherings anyway so.. meh!
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Quite sure my daughter had it in October /Nov last year, was a three day deal. I my self went from being normal to felt like my ass got kicked and back to norm in a 10 hr period in February. I took a hot shower and layed down for 45 minutes and then went to the brewery for the antidote . No mask to date, other than to vote, hooked it on my ear:homer:. It i's something you can get but depending on your lifestyle/habits can effect your outcome. My brother inlaw works for regeron which is what trump had ,think its a cocktail of 3 meds, he said if you really want the virus to go away shut the TV off and your phone and it's gone back to the common cold which ramps up this time of year hence all the media,people are testing positive .
My entire family tested + a month ago

uncle (the spreader)- 60's, so so health, flu like symptoms for a week

dad- 74 and not great health, flu like symptoms for 3-4 days

mom- 73 and bad health (30 yrs worth of respiratory issues), asymptomatic

son- 5, asymptomatic

daughter- 3, normal preK type bug for 3 days

wife- 43, asymptomatic

me- 45, mild allergies, complete loss of taste and smell for I guess forever. Doesnt seem to be coming back.
My entire family tested + a month ago

uncle (the spreader)- 60's, so so health, flu like symptoms for a week

dad- 74 and not great health, flu like symptoms for 3-4 days

mom- 73 and bad health (30 yrs worth of respiratory issues), asymptomatic

son- 5, asymptomatic

daughter- 3, normal preK type bug for 3 days

wife- 43, asymptomatic

me- 45, mild allergies, complete loss of taste and smell for I guess forever. Doesnt seem to be coming back.

:eek: Don’t say that! It’s the shits having everything taste like cardboard!
:eek: Don’t say that! It’s the shits having everything taste like cardboard!

It's coming back, but it's like 1% per day gain. At current rate, taste will be back to normal after thanksgiving. Freakiest thing ever. Both nostrils clear, sinuses clear, breathing 100% through nose... zero taste. Zero smell.

All food= styrofoam
All drink= water
What required him to go to the hospital?

He hadn’t ate or hardly drank anything for four days. He was having trouble breathing. When we got there they took his vitals and they hauled him straight into the er. He is doing better now. They started an IV to get him hydrated and on oxygen to get his count up. The shitty thing is, they won’t let anyone in the hospital. I think he will be coming home tomorrow. I won’t lie. I was worried sick. When the MA took his stats and showed them to the doctor his face turned white. They do it kinda like a triage outside of the regular er.
Last December I had exactly the same symptoms. Negative flu, negative strep. No taste for a week and a dry cough for 6 weeks.
He hadn’t ate or hardly drank anything for four days. He was having trouble breathing. When we got there they took his vitals and they hauled him straight into the er. He is doing better now. They started an IV to get him hydrated and on oxygen to get his count up. The shitty thing is, they won’t let anyone in the hospital. I think he will be coming home tomorrow. I won’t lie. I was worried sick. When the MA took his stats and showed them to the doctor his face turned white. They do it kinda like a triage outside of the regular er.

According to healthcare professional wife, it is not uncommon for it to randomly affect individuals completely differently for no reason. At least not a reason that is currently understood.

Young/old/sick/healthy, some people just get knocked TFO with it for some reason. I am certain that I already had it last Nov but there was no test to prove it. Tested negative for everything and no drugs would touch it, lasted about 14 days and slowly dissipated .
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According to healthcare professional wife, it is not uncommon for it to randomly affect individuals completely differently for no reason. At least not a reason that is currently understood.

Young/old/sick/healthy, some people just get knocked TFO with it for some reason. I am certain that I already had it last Nov but there was no test to prove it. Tested negative for everything and no drugs would touch it, lasted about 14 days and slowly dissipated .

That’s the crazy part. I by all accounts should be the one of the three of us in the hospital. Shit is just unpredictable. The health department called this afternoon and the lady said we will have built antibodies that will last up to sixty days. She said after that they didn’t know because multiple people have gotten it again.
As far as I know I have not have not had it..... but some kind of illness rampaged through my work site in February and March and knocked a lot of us that never get sick on our collective asses. Been fine since then.

My girlfriends brother just got a positive result today.
Back in Feb I was in Germany, buddy and his family over there all had the 'flu' I felt like shit for a few days, took the normal meds I had with me (Theraflu) by say two I was good to go (or maybe it was the good German beer)

Looking back, yea I prob had it. But its a basic virus and it you have a functioning immune system life goes on, if not well it was not meant to be
It's coming back, but it's like 1% per day gain. At current rate, taste will be back to normal after thanksgiving. Freakiest thing ever. Both nostrils clear, sinuses clear, breathing 100% through nose... zero taste. Zero smell.

All food= styrofoam
All drink= water

Have you tried mowing up an electric fence?
Might help.
My buddy I live with tested positive and we had the exact same symptoms. He has stage 4 multiple myeloma so his immune system is shit. Mine is fine but we both had the the shits, no sense of taste or smell for a few days other than that it was a week of the basic flu.
If the scary flu is a contagious as they claim there's no way i haven't had it considering all my coworkers but 1 tested positive
Haven't tested for it but...

The more I think about it, the more I believe I had it twice. Mid summer I had a ferocious fever - unlike any I've ever had. It was located only on the left side upper cranium area and was very very hot. That lasted a week, and was accompanied by severe lethargy - and overall malaise. Were it not covid, it sure as shit was strange / odd to have those symptoms coincide - considering my past bouts with flu-like stuff meaning I don't get severe symptoms.

Then in September, a huge onset of taste loss / everything has the taste of something else. Add to that, standard clear nose discharge with a drained sense of energy. Still those symptoms linger today... and water tastes like whatever my tongue wants it to. Today, it has a chemical flavor. :rasta:
My wife has lost 2 uncles and a cousin so far.

I've been tested 4 times so far because of where I work and thankfully have not contracted it yet.
I own a hardware store and during the height of the ,"pandemic," my business almost doubled...no masks and 400 plus customers a day one and a half our usual volume I was at the registers and on the sales floor 12 hours a day seven days a week...I have to think I had it and worked through it or...it's some serious bullshit...Still don't wear a mask...Should prolly add I am overweight and have asthma.
A couple weeks ago my dad completely lost his sense of taste and smell, had one day with a slight fever, and felt like crap for two days. He’s overweight and drinks like a fish.

We went to two parties for Halloween, one a kids party, the other an adult party. My boys ended up with diarrhea for almost a week straight. Two days after the party I had pain in my sinuses, a cough, and when I would take a deep breath in it burnt. Apparently quite a few people at the parties were in direct contact with positive cases.

I’m not getting tested for it unless I’m dying and unable to refuse it. :flipoff2:
I had it the end of June. Fever, night sweats, dry cough, no taste/ smell, really tired and just couldn't catch my breath when doing anything. It lasted around two weeks. All I did was try to eat and drink and nap a lot. After everything went away I could only taste hot (temp not spice) smell came back fine. The general fatigue lasted probably another two weeks but I powered through it and around the one month mark I finally got my wind back.

I have yet to wear a mask and still won't, during the last three weeks of it I lived as normally as possible, shopping, appointments etc.

Either this thing is no worse than a bad flu or I got real lucky. I am 54 and on a biologic so little immune system and smoke. GF is paranoid I am gonna catch it again and kick the bucket, she is almost begging me to mask up when out. I just tell her to turn off the news/ facebook/ media shit and look at the facts.
Three co-workers tested positive, I spent a week with one traveling in and out of airports before he was tested positive the weekend we returned home. The one I traveled with is 25, he just lost sense of smell and taste felt bad for one day. The other two was a 60+ year old man borderline diabetic he had a rough time for about a week, next was the 43 yr old woman who had a really rough time she's pretty healthy but a little overweight. She was diagnosed the first week with a sinus infection, that weekend she felt so bad went to ER and they diagnosed her with COVID.

This all happened within the same week, we were traveling and the two were here in the office.

I have family in healthcare RN's X-Ray Techs etc. etc... and they've seen people die with it here, most have underlying conditions but there are the rare few young people with nothing that just go in and don't come out of the hospital.

I also wear a mask when going anywhere and use sanitizer like crazy..... probably die of OD sanitizer shit.

People are fucking nasty....... and they seem to be getting worse before this happens, hopefully it'll teach some assholes to wash your fucking hands, cough where you should and just don't be a fucking moron......I doubt it but I hope.
Just as the title says. Not I think I had it, but yes I’ve had it with the nasil scrubbing your brain positive test. Just curious. One of our boys works at the hospital. He doesn’t live with us but stops by about once a week to visit. He got it from work and I guess passed it to us before he was sympathetic. My wife got sick first. She’s been sick about a week. Then our other son that is staying with us got sick...damn sick! Weird because I have an autoimmune disease that I take a biologic for that weakens my immune system. Lost my sense of taste and kinda feel shitty. Ended up taking my son to the ER last night. They put him in the hospital. Makes no sense. He’s way younger and healthier. Yet he is the sickest.
So have you had it? You wives or kids?

Whoa. So far no one very close has gotten it in my family. Pulling for you and yours!
I have it now.

It sucks
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