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Haunted house, ghost stories, supernatural experiences

This house that I am referring to was a house that my friends parents owned when were in High School..(early 90's) It has been sold for a while now.

I am curious if the new owners have had anything happen to them
I think someone should ask them. :laughing:
I do drive by it from time to time, can't say that i haven't thought about it

why the heck not? story like that, i would have for sure.

report back after you do. dont scare the peeps though, just say you heard rumora as a kid and wondered if they saw or heard anything like that. Dont spook them out
why the heck not? story like that, i would have for sure.

report back after you do. dont scare the peeps though, just say you heard rumora as a kid and wondered if they saw or heard anything like that. Dont spook them out
....they aren't rumors :laughing:
I'm not that way

Different house, my Great Grandma had died in years back, been sold with the estate.
I was riding my mountain bike and decided to go by, just to look. classic city block setting, everything is right there on the residential road, typical grid pattern.

The new family was in the yard, I stopped and introduced myself and told them that it was my Great Grandmothers house, lots of good memories in that house.

They of course had lots of questions about why things were the way they were, timelines and the such, I answered them the best that I could

Little boy about 12 chimes in and says proudly that he got 'the big bedroom'

Now, I realllllly wanted to tell him that this was the room that Grandma died in, good luck! and ride away ,:laughing: but I chose not to, the kid was proud of his house and I left that part of the story out.

see, I'm a good guy :grinpimp:
My grandma died when my dad was a young boy, along with his sister shortly after. Both were pretty sick and died in their home.

Fast forward to a couple years back, a random lady sends me a Facebook message request. She introduces herself and says that she is the aunt of one of my buddies I went to tech school with, and she asked him if he thought I'd be cool with her sending a message.

Turns out she bought the house my dad grew up in, where my grandma and and dad's sister passed away. She said a bunch of weird things would happen, lights turning on, radios turning on, even unexplainable voices that you could have a conversation with. Even people that were over to work on the house noticed things also.

Out of curiosity, she went to the library to look up old news articles and information on the people who's names she had been hearing called out in the house, which is how she found me with the aid of some Facebook stalking.

Shortly before her reaching out, my dad passed away unexpectedly and I was unable to say goodbye. She asked me if I wanted to come over and talk to my grandma and my father, as they were both pretty active. That creeped me out.

I know the people who live in the house next door and even the old man who lives there said people living in that house over the years have had a lot of weird shit happen.

I havent really had anything weird happen to me in my life, but I find this kind of thing very interesting to talk about.
My father's farmhouse has had problems in the past. His parents bought it in the 60s, it was built very early 1800's and has the stereotypical New England cemetery behind the house. Some point in the 70s the tore out the back staircase to make the upstairs bathroom bigger and they started having "visits." Storys sound about the same as some posted here, little things, pranks. Little kids foot steps on the 2nd floor, heavier foot steps in the attic, believed to be the mother.

A few years went by and after some supernatural consultation they were told to tell the spirits it wasn't their home and they needed to go. One night the blankets were pulled off my uncles bed, he sat up and nobody was there so he went off yelling at the spirit. It woke up everyone in the house, as my father was going back to bed he walked by the upstairs bay window in the front hallway, you could apparently see the silhouette of a man, woman, and child standing on the corner of the road under the street light, out on a backroad where a family wouldn't be at that hour. Stopped after that.

Both my grandparents died in that house, we moved in when I was 11 or 12. weird things happened, but nothing major. After I was 18 I was on a wild tear for a bit and when I had been out doing dumb shit activity would increase enough that everyone noticed. Lay low for a week and things went back to normal.
My father's farmhouse has had problems in the past. His parents bought it in the 60s, it was built very early 1800's and has the stereotypical New England cemetery behind the house. Some point in the 70s the tore out the back staircase to make the upstairs bathroom bigger and they started having "visits." Storys sound about the same as some posted here, little things, pranks. Little kids foot steps on the 2nd floor, heavier foot steps in the attic, believed to be the mother.

A few years went by and after some supernatural consultation they were told to tell the spirits it wasn't their home and they needed to go. One night the blankets were pulled off my uncles bed, he sat up and nobody was there so he went off yelling at the spirit. It woke up everyone in the house, as my father was going back to bed he walked by the upstairs bay window in the front hallway, you could apparently see the silhouette of a man, woman, and child standing on the corner of the road under the street light, out on a backroad where a family wouldn't be at that hour. Stopped after that.

Both my grandparents died in that house, we moved in when I was 11 or 12. weird things happened, but nothing major. After I was 18 I was on a wild tear for a bit and when I had been out doing dumb shit activity would increase enough that everyone noticed. Lay low for a week and things went back to normal.
One thing that I distinctly remember about my Grandpa, you got a warning, then the hammer came down.
Looks like you got you warning:laughing:
My uncle owned a (big) farm house that was pretty old at the time. It was originally out in the country but the city had grown and now it was inside the city limits My uncle was a member of the Brother Speed M/C club, and his house was the local "crash pad". Lots of scruffy looking dudes hanging around and there was usually at least one Harley torn apart in the dining room.

My dad lived there for a time and i used to visit him there. Him and my uncle (and all of the bikers) claimed that there was a ghost named "Jake" that lived there. Apparently Jake liked to open all of the windows upstairs when he was feeling the need to be noticed. One winter I went over there to visit my dad once during a rare time when noone else was around. Just me and my dad. Dad told me that it felt cold and he said Jake probably opened all of the windows again. We went upstairs, and sure enough all of the windows were open on the top floor. We shut them, then later we walked across the road to get a hamburger. When we got back, the windows upsatirs were open again. There was still noone around, and we didn't hear any bikes coming and going when we were across the street.

That's my one ghost story, but I feel like I should qualify it. My dad was a notoriuos bullshitter, so he could have been behind the whole thing.
I saw my grandmother in the house she died in 5 years, 5 months and 15 days after she died (just figured it out). I woke up in the middle of the night, looked over and she was standing there in the doorway to the next room in her nightgown. She had a soft blue glow about her. It scared the shit out of me and I pulled the covers over my head and hid. :laughing:

From that day forward I would close that door and tell her goodnight any time I was sleeping in that room.

My uncle saw her walk down the hall and go into the kitchen one day. He said she looked like she was in pain, which was common for her.
I lived in a house for 12 years where the first 10 I always saw a shadow out of the corner of my eye. My cat would turn its head to it also and stare. I always told my wife there was a shadow figure, but it was never scary and never any other sign. She said I was crazy. We remodeled the house after year 10 and I never saw it again. ??
Did you replace the furnace during the remodel? Most times that stuff can be attributed to mild carbon monoxide poisoning.
Did you replace the furnace during the remodel? Most times that stuff can be attributed to mild carbon monoxide poisoning.
No, took out a wall and rearrange the layout a bit. The furnace was relatively new.
Both my parents died in their home about five years apart. My sister took over the family home. Its on 1.5 secluded acres in Del Mar, Ca. She says she sees shadows of feet under closed doors, hears noises and someone pushes the buttons on the microwave at least once a month when no one is in the kitchen. Sister says "Hi mom" and whatever is going on stops.

The house was empty for about a year and I was the trustee, so I went there at least once a week. I was in the back bedroom and the TV in the family room turned on by itself, with the volume very loud. Scared the shit out of me. I also got called by the alarm company several times within that year about motion sensors going off from the family room to the master. First two times I asked them to have the sheriff respond while I was en-route because there was a bunch of nice stuff in that house along with 55 years of memories. I would haul ass over there and the house was empty and all locked up. Deputies didn't mind because they knew the house was empty and my dad was a very well liked and respected retired deputy chief, but I quit asking for them to respond. I had the alarm updated so I could monitor it, turn it off or on via my phone app. I would turn it off after it activated, then drive over to make sure it was empty. Deputies started parking in the driveway while writing reports at night and one time while they were there, the motion sensors tripped one after another as if someone was walking through the house. I drove up the driveway with two sheriff cars parked in the driveway backed up against the shop doors. They heard the alarm go off and were walking around the perimeter within seconds and said no one was there.
My brother has also had extensive experience with the paranormal. I wonder if we aren't receivers for certain types of energy with some receiving stronger signals than others. Some may not receive at all.
Yes that's true from my experience.

I dont see or hear much, only occasionally when our house is active for some reason.

My wife sees, hears and can communicate with a ton of stuff I will never understand.

She can pass messages from passed people to living people. She doesn't do that often anymore though because she says it gets overwhelming when the spirits try to then start communicating all the time.

I would never believe it (I never believed the shows) until seeing her conversations with people first hand, discussing situations with people about family instances she would have no way of knowing specific details about. It wasn't like "I'm sensing the color blue"...type of junk she would say things like "uncle Charles says he is safe now and apologizes to your aunt Lucy" having no idea who the people are she's talking to. She will talk about very specific life events that are only relevant to the other people's lifes.

It was a surprise at first for me, but after being married 16 years, I'm used to it.

I didn't really see anything in AZ except for in the forest below Snow Bowl in Flagstaff but I see a little and hear a lot more now in NY. My wife says this area (east coast) is the most active she's been to.

I'm not sure if that is why I'm having more experiences or if I learning to see/hear them more?
I've never "Seen" anything but have had things touch me or get on the bed.
The first time I was doing some front gears, sitting on the ground facing the diff and felt a hand on my shoulder, I had heard it walk up behind me and I started talking. The hand was removed from my shoulder but they didn't answer me so I turned around but nobody was there. I had thought it was my wife so I got up and went inside and my wife was sleeping on the bed.
I've actually had this type of thing happen many times since then even feel them get on the bed a few times. Its not tied to one place and I have no idea if its the same thing or all different ones.
They don't scare me its just unnerving as all get out.
Yes that's true from my experience.

I dont see or hear much, only occasionally when our house is active for some reason.

My wife sees, hears and can communicate with a ton of stuff I will never understand.

She can pass messages from passed people to living people. She doesn't do that often anymore though because she says it gets overwhelming when the spirits try to then start communicating all the time.

I would never believe it (I never believed the shows) until seeing her conversations with people first hand, discussing situations with people about family instances she would have no way of knowing specific details about. It wasn't like "I'm sensing the color blue"...type of junk she would say things like "uncle Charles says he is safe now and apologizes to your aunt Lucy" having no idea who the people are she's talking to. She will talk about very specific life events that are only relevant to the other people's lifes.

It was a surprise at first for me, but after being married 16 years, I'm used to it.

I didn't really see anything in AZ except for in the forest below Snow Bowl in Flagstaff but I see a little and hear a lot more now in NY. My wife says this area (east coast) is the most active she's been to.

I'm not sure if that is why I'm having more experiences or if I learning to see/hear them more?
Can you actually pinpoint the time that you realized that you married a witch, or has that sunk in yet? :laughing:
I have heard that there are lots of ghost activities on the east coast, beings the history seems to make since
She does seem to get scarier the longer we are together (going on 20+) 🤣😂
Girlfriend works in a nursing home. Has on multiple times cared tor people that seem possessed. Speaking in tongues, super deep voices, weird laughs.

All sorts of weird stuff happens when patients are getting ready to die. She says patients often talk about seeing children before they die and she has occasionally seen them through the window in the door leading to the hall run by.
I read an article about this stuff often being caused by carbon monoxide. Causes hallucinations, pets to act strange. More likely to happen in older houses.
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