Unless you need a smaller truck to wheel...which makes no sense because the Taco after 04 is neither small nor a good wheeling rig. I'd stay clear of them in general especially now since they are redesigned and having pretty large issues right out of the gate.
It's funny watching people try to leverage a Toyota truck product these days.
My XLT F150 will beat a Tundra in power, fuel economy, towing, interior space, etc.
Oh my Toyota is better off-road...probably doesn't go off-road
Oh my Toyota retains more value...I guess of your plan is to sell it immediately
Oh my Toyota is better quality, Ford is a POS...how is that working out so far?
I'm not advocating that an F150 or Ranger is far superior but God damn they are all piles of shit these days so why are you paying the Toyota premium anymore?
I just put an alternator on my buddies 5.7 Tundra. Holy fawk Toyota of North America can suck a dick. What a terrible design and he was getting quotes of $1300+ for the job. Also just had a transmission done at 130k. They just are not what they used to be.
Also manual vehicles are really hard to sell so unless you are keeping it forever I'd buy a double cab auto regardless. Not that it's my personal first choice but getting an extended cab manual is going to cut a significant number of buyers if you want out.
Ending my rant, I like how the TFL tards blow the front diff up and the obese engineer is like yeah we exceeded the torque capacity by 0.001% so we will reprogram the tuning. Hahaha
Yeah sign me up for the $1000/a month payment