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watched the first half. He looks way less confident and is in less controlled than the last guy. Crazy for sure. So far its awesome.
watched the first half. He looks way less confident and is in less controlled than the last guy. Crazy for sure. So far its awesome.

if you ever here pastrana talk about his stunts and shit, he's pretty open about being terrified in most of them, that's the appeal.
he's a full on adrenaline junky.
if you ever here pastrana talk about his stunts and shit, he's pretty open about being terrified in most of them, that's the appeal.
he's a full on adrenaline junky.

Yep, he has never been cocky at all and one of the only extreme athletes to try to be a good rodel model.

I was 17 doing a show/ exhibition for charity in vegas... when the coke came out at the afterparty travis pulled me away and we went and had wheely contests up and down the strip on z50s.
Pastrana definitely has a different driving style than Block. Im just glad to see more madness again. And Vermont Sports Cars built a nutty machine....
pretty cool. so he is genuinely scared of what he does. glad to hear that. edit... as as a guy whos been almost 200mph in cars and felt a lot of horsepower from both seats in a car... holy hell it would take me a few minuets to get the nerves up and then back down but that jump at 150mph would be rowdy.
Yep, he has never been cocky at all and one of the only extreme athletes to try to be a good rodel model.

I was 17 doing a show/ exhibition for charity in vegas... when the coke came out at the afterparty travis pulled me away and we went and had wheely contests up and down the strip on z50s.

Awesome. He definitely seems like a stand up guy.
pretty cool. so he is genuinely scared of what he does. glad to hear that. edit... as as a guy whos been almost 200mph in cars and felt a lot of horsepower from both seats in a car... holy hell it would take me a few minuets to get the nerves up and then back down but that jump at 150mph would be rowdy.

i've heard him on some pod casts and such.

He realizes the risks, and attempts to mitigate them, but admits that what he does cannot be made safe in any sense of the word.

to accept the risks and do it anyway is why he's a famous dude and we all just watch.

his list of injuries is fucking crazy. almost died from smashing his pelvis. got back on a dirt bike.

motherfucker just crazy.
i've heard him on some pod casts and such.

He realizes the risks, and attempts to mitigate them, but admits that what he does cannot be made safe in any sense of the word.

to accept the risks and do it anyway is why he's a famous dude and we all just watch.

his list of injuries is fucking crazy. almost died from smashing his pelvis. got back on a dirt bike.

motherfucker just crazy.

He's this gen's evil knievil.
8 minutes of my life I will never have back. I dont understand it. Every last gymkhana is donuts and drifting and there is only so much you can do with either. Oh wait, they just the car a few times. Whew, that's new.
8 minutes of my life I will never have back. I dont understand it. Every last gymkhana is donuts and drifting and there is only so much you can do with either. Oh wait, they just the car a few times. Whew, that's new.

well you knew what the fuck it was, why'd you click on it?

fucking downer.
8 minutes of my life I will never have back. I dont understand it. Every last gymkhana is donuts and drifting and there is only so much you can do with either. Oh wait, they just the car a few times. Whew, that's new.

The 100mph+
jump was pretty cool. Especially the in car view

And the 9 year old pulling a double flip
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Yep, he has never been cocky at all and one of the only extreme athletes to try to be a good rodel model.

I was 17 doing a show/ exhibition for charity in vegas... when the coke came out at the afterparty travis pulled me away and we went and had wheely contests up and down the strip on z50s.

I'll be honest, as a Maryland resident and a dirtbike/atv/offroad enthusiast, I'm a Pastrana fan boy. It makes me very happy to hear this from someone from the other side of the country with no real ties to the guy.

I have a few VERY loose ties to Pastrana around here (we're talking 3+ degrees of separation), but everything I've ever known about the dude locally has been nothing but positive. A good friend of mine is now married into his family, and has never had anything negative to say about them.

MD could be a really awesome state to live in if we didn't have Baltimore and the tumor on our ass that is DC. If we have to hang our hat on something, I'm glad its somebody like Pastrana.
8 minutes of my life I will never have back. I dont understand it. Every last gymkhana is donuts and drifting and there is only so much you can do with either. Oh wait, they just the car a few times. Whew, that's new.

Its cooler than anything I've ever done.

Its nice to see a fresh driver and style. There's a build video of the car that's pretty cool.
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