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Good-Year woke


May 21, 2020
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Employee posts a slide from Good Year HR training, causes a storm.


Then Good Year backpeddles



Trump gets it, has he been reading my posts?



ALL the Corps have come out in support of BLM, to the point that a boycott would be almost impossible. You'd have to pick one and kill it. I submit FIA, and then we force a bailout after they comply with our demands to repudiate BLM, and end their Diversity Hire programs and training.
Good Riddance. Good Year tires suck anyways. I think I only own 2 and they were on the truck when I got them. They seem like one has a broken belt but looking the tire over I cant see any signs of it being broke. I guess I better smoke them off and buy a set of 45acp built Coopers.

At work we all ran a set of Good Year Steer tires they were junk. I ran a set of Good Year drives and they did ok though. Aftet our shitluck with their steers we talked them into letting us run Michelins.
while it is comical to see the way the news has been portraying this, i hope goodyear does pull their head out of their ass and make all political shit on the "not good" list, because it really is just easier.

i don't mind that they banned MAGA hats, they sure as hell shouldn't allow BLM though. I expect this shit from amazon/starbucks/ben and jerries, but damn, goodyear should shut up and dribble
Good Riddance. Good Year tires suck anyways. I think I only own 2 and they were on the truck when I got them. They seem like one has a broken belt but looking the tire over I cant see any signs of it being broke. I guess I better smoke them off and buy a set of 45acp built Coopers.

At work we all ran a set of Good Year Steer tires they were junk. I ran a set of Good Year drives and they did ok though. Aftet our shitluck with their steers we talked them into letting us run Michelins.

I'm not beating up on GY, I think they make good tires and they employ Americans, in my Midwest. But oddly now that you mention it, GY class 8 tires are not very good and my dad never used them. BFGs and Coopers for steers, rotate them into the drives when he felt they were worn, even on trucks he didn't drive. We also had a good safety record. We had a good local company for re-treads so we used those, some of them GY, but that depends more on the re-tread company than the tire manufacturer. But not for steers.
Pretty sure they came out and stated it was not a company policy, but that of an employee. Either way just shows how fucked our world is.

That's not true. It IS company slide, just didn't run through the corporate office.

But it IS a policy, because the CEO said they changed it:

TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW/WOIO) - The CEO of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company has released a statement clarifying the company’s stance regarding what is and is not allowed inside the workplace.

According to Rich Kramer, CEO and president of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, the
slide that was leaked from the Topeka plant was created by an employee at the Topeka plant and did not run it through its corporate office.

The slide obtained by 13 NEWS gave examples of what is and is not allowed inside the workplace.

Under acceptable: Black Lives Matter (BLM), Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride.

Listed as unacceptable: Blue Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, MAGA Attire, Political Affiliated Slogans or Material.

Kramer said the policy on political expression on the job is longstanding.
The rule regarding the ability to express support for law enforcement has been revised.

That's because their corporate policy was against it. They changed the policy.

“We have clarified our policy to make it clear associates can express support for law enforcement through apparel at Goodyear facilities,” Kramer wrote.

Kramer’s comments come after
President Trump called for a boycott of the tire company, and newly discovered audio was leaked from the meeting.

“I deeply regret the impression it has created,” Kramer apologized.
This shit will blow over, nobody will even remember 2-3 months from now.

Just like the "defund the police" stuff will disappear in a few more months.


Yes, these particular incidents will be forgotten, but the change is permanent, and has been happening since the 1980s.

You're either ignorant or in denial if you think 'this is all going back to normal'. The idea that you would force employees to undergo Diversity Training would be ridiculous in 1990. Now it's mandatory at every single sizable Corporation. It's an entire industry, telling white males how bad they are and putting them through a Struggle Session.


BLM absolutely got permanent changes to LE in many cities, and it will spread. Yes, TOTALLY de-funding the Police isn't going to be permanent, but biasing the police toward violence against Whites while minorities get treated with kid gloves has been going on in earnest for years now.

Shit is not going back to 'normal', you Ostriches :shaking:
I put a 1500 set of american made tires on my 1/2 ton truck because I support people who are on this site and respect them.
I put a 1500 set of american made tires on my 1/2 ton truck because I support people who are on this site and respect them.

You can be smart, but if/when that Chinese donut blows out and you wreck your rig, you'll only have yourself to blame. Of the decent tires out there, American tires are the least expensive. Of the general purpose tires out there, seems like Michelin is the most expensive.
Can you imagine getting fired for saying that all lives matter?
Nobody could have predicted this many years ago.

If you ask me "Do black lives matter?", I say "of course".
If you ask me "Do asian lives matter?", I say "of course".

My answer never changes. It's the same for all lives that you ask me about.
Yet I'm a racist for feeling like this?
According to Rich Kramer, CEO and president of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, the slide that was leaked from the Topeka plant was created by an employee at the Topeka plant and did not run it through its corporate office.[/QUOTE

I wonder how big the severance package was that the scapegoat in Topeka got for saying, yeah it was me, I created that slide, not corporate.
That's not true. It IS company slide, just didn't run through the corporate office.

But it IS a policy, because the CEO said they changed it:

TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW/WOIO) - The CEO of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company has released a statement clarifying the company’s stance regarding what is and is not allowed inside the workplace.

According to Rich Kramer, CEO and president of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, the
slide that was leaked from the Topeka plant was created by an employee at the Topeka plant and did not run it through its corporate office.

The slide obtained by 13 NEWS gave examples of what is and is not allowed inside the workplace.

Under acceptable: Black Lives Matter (BLM), Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride.

Listed as unacceptable: Blue Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, MAGA Attire, Political Affiliated Slogans or Material.

Kramer said the policy on political expression on the job is longstanding.
The rule regarding the ability to express support for law enforcement has been revised.

That's because their corporate policy was against it. They changed the policy.

“We have clarified our policy to make it clear associates can express support for law enforcement through apparel at Goodyear facilities,” Kramer wrote.

Kramer’s comments come after
President Trump called for a boycott of the tire company, and newly discovered audio was leaked from the meeting.

“I deeply regret the impression it has created,” Kramer apologized.

Just to "clarify" the letter from the ceo I saw said they "clarified" the policy not necessarily changed it.
Not that it matters a lot, but I think the difference matters.
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Since the left goes after everyone that does them wrong and tries to get people canceled I sincerely hope that whoever created and presented that slide has been fired.
A private company has every right to define a dress code and speech rules within the workplace. As a consumer I have no problem with this provided that such policies are applied uniformly. When such policies are so blatantly skewed then its also my choice as a consumer to no longer do business with that company. The statement from the CEO did not go nearly far enough. He basically said Goodyear supports law enforcement but otherwise rubber stamped the policy shown on the slide. FAWK GOODYEAR. DONE.

Yes, these particular incidents will be forgotten, but the change is permanent, and has been happening since the 1980s.

You're either ignorant or in denial if you think 'this is all going back to normal'. The idea that you would force employees to undergo Diversity Training would be ridiculous in 1990. Now it's mandatory at every single sizable Corporation. It's an entire industry, telling white males how bad they are and putting them through a Struggle Session.


BLM absolutely got permanent changes to LE in many cities, and it will spread. Yes, TOTALLY de-funding the Police isn't going to be permanent, but biasing the police toward violence against Whites while minorities get treated with kid gloves has been going on in earnest for years now.

Shit is not going back to 'normal', you Ostriches :shaking:

I never said "shit will go back to normal" or even implied that life in the US will get back to some sort of pre-2015 social stability you fucking sweaty twat string. I said this will blow over. This = Goodyear incident. Outrage at Goodyear. Anger at Goodyear. Stock drop at Goodyear. It will "blow over". The Goodyear thing itself. Not current life on planet United States.
I've never been a big fan of Goodyear. Their tires are expensive and their service centers are fighting the Firestone service centers for space at the bottom.
That's not true. It IS company slide, just didn't run through the corporate office.

But it IS a policy, because the CEO said they changed it:

TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW/WOIO) - The CEO of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company has released a statement clarifying the company’s stance regarding what is and is not allowed inside the workplace.

According to Rich Kramer, CEO and president of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, the
slide that was leaked from the Topeka plant was created by an employee at the Topeka plant and did not run it through its corporate office.

The slide obtained by 13 NEWS gave examples of what is and is not allowed inside the workplace.

Under acceptable: Black Lives Matter (BLM), Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride.

Listed as unacceptable: Blue Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, MAGA Attire, Political Affiliated Slogans or Material.

Kramer said the policy on political expression on the job is longstanding.
The rule regarding the ability to express support for law enforcement has been revised.

That's because their corporate policy was against it. They changed the policy.

“We have clarified our policy to make it clear associates can express support for law enforcement through apparel at Goodyear facilities,” Kramer wrote.

Kramer’s comments come after
President Trump called for a boycott of the tire company, and newly discovered audio was leaked from the meeting.

“I deeply regret the impression it has created,” Kramer apologized.

I hesitate to quote you, but since you think it matters that the slide didn't come from corporate, Do you think they fired the little shitbag that made the slide? Do you think they will fire a lineworker wearing a MAGA hat or just put out a statement that their policy needed adjusting?

I don't really have a problem with that being Goodyear's position, I just wish they were more even handed about it. BLM is just as political as MAGA. Why even have a policy? Make the tires and go home, who gives a fuck about what your hat says? In that sense They have a fucked corporate policy and deserve every bit of fallout from it.
Why even have a policy? Make the tires and go home, who gives a fuck about what your hat says? In that sense They have a fucked corporate policy and deserve every bit of fallout from it.

Damn, wouldn't it be cool if it were all that simple? Seems like every company has to have a stance, image, policies, etc these days.
:idea: - maybe we should outlaw . . . actual racism :laughing:

I'm sure you mean 'Racism' in the context of open, abject racism from Professors at publicly-funded Universities, gov contractors like Good Year, government policies like Affirmative Action, etc.

But Jeremiah Wright, the Obama's spiritual minister, saying "God damn the United States!" over his racist opinions is not against the law and should never be. If BLM wants to be racist, it is their right to be so.
  • There's white racist DNA running through the synapses of his or her brain tissue. They will kill their own kind, defend the enemies of their kind or anyone who is perceived to be the enemy of the milky white way of life. - Jeremiah Wright
That's perfectly legal and should be.
This = Goodyear incident. Outrage at Goodyear. Anger at Goodyear. Stock drop at Goodyear. It will "blow over". The Goodyear thing itself. Not current life on planet United States.

You didn't make that clear, thank you for doing so. I agree, except for a little bit. I think a tiny bit of a budge was made in the common perception about these companies being anti-white racist, and I think there is a growing momentum against this sort of Corporate Racism.

There does seem to be a push-back on it that wasn't there before. Hence why I made the thread.
Why even have a policy? Make the tires and go home, who gives a fuck about what your hat says? .

They have a policy because the Marxists have been very, very successful in bending over Corporations and forcing them to endorse their political views. The Right hasn't done that very successfully, or at all.

Someone from the BLM funding bodies will contact GoodYear and let it be known that they will be 'protested', the ACLU will let it be known they will be sued, the SPLC will let it be known that they will be listed as a racist organization, and Good Year has to bend. They have to endorse BLM as 'non-political'.

When someone white or not with BLM orthodoxy makes a tiny peep, then Goodyear can just hand-wave it away because whites won't do shit about it, or haven't in the past.

I feel that this is reaching a critical mass, and that things are going to shift around.
A private company has every right to define a dress code and speech rules within the workplace. As a consumer I have no problem with this provided that such policies are applied uniformly. When such policies are so blatantly skewed then its also my choice as a consumer to no longer do business with that company. The statement from the CEO did not go nearly far enough. He basically said Goodyear supports law enforcement but otherwise rubber stamped the policy shown on the slide. FAWK GOODYEAR. DONE.

Nope. It's not about you, as a consumer, boycotting them. This is a civil rights infringement and requires the wrong to be made right.
No employer has a right to do this because it downright discriminatory. It's no different than a business putting up a sign that says "white only".
Full stop, no go.
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