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Full 2A Infringement Coming?

Yep, that will get them taken away pretty quick, assumed a handful of things but hate assuming.

There's no assumption. Being convicted of a DV crime makes ownership or possession of firearms a Federal crime. All DV offenses are State crimes, and prosecuted under those statutes. There is no DV civil infraction at the local level in all 50 States and hasn't been for decades.

That's not the worst offense about firearms either. Slightly worse is convicting someone of Armed Robbery at the State level, then the Federal government convicting them of Firearms offenses for a Federal crime as well. That's the worst b/c it's twice in jeopardy of course.

This board and gun culture allowed both of those things, so now they are surprised and outraged when support for their cause among 2A stripped citizens isn't quite as fervent as they'd like :laughing:
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For clarification I assumed, DV, Assault, some type of Fed crime etc..... and Yes i'm very aware of gun laws.
This board and gun culture allowed both of those things:

How about not being a prick and take some self responsibility instead of preaching how high and mighty your are with your bullshit??

Cod basically because he’s a convinced felon and can’t own firearms, he believes the 2A should be stripped. Also he did not give this information willingly at first on the sinking ship AKA PBB. He was called out on it by some members then he slowly started to come out with it.
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How about not being a prick and take some self responsibility instead of preaching how high and mighty your are with your bullshit??

Cod basically because he’s a convinced felon and can’t own firearms, he believes the 2A should be stripped. Also he did not give this information willingly at first on the sinking ship AKA PBB. He was called out on it by some members then he slowly started to come out with it.

This. IMO he "did the crime, he does the time" and in this case he loses his access to firearms. From what I've seen he's in denial about taking responsibility for his actions.
There's no assumption. Being convicted of a DV crime makes ownership or possession of firearms a Federal crime. All DV offenses are State crimes, and prosecuted under those statutes. There is no DV civil infraction at the local level in all 50 States and hasn't been for decades.

That's not the worst offense about firearms either. Slightly worse is convicting someone of Armed Robbery at the State level, then the Federal government convicting them of Firearms offenses for a Federal crime as well. That's the worst b/c it's twice in jeopardy of course.

This board and gun culture allowed both of those things, so now they are surprised and outraged when support for their cause among 2A stripped citizens isn't quite as fervent as they'd like :laughing:

Bottom line is you fucked around and found out. And honestly with your history or random incoherent walls of posts, I am happy you cant own one. You appear to not be mentally stable or possess enough self control. The fact that even after you get a DV conviction you still felt it was ok to post stuff about how you could easily beat up women tell me you probably wont ever learn.

While I dont think the feds should have anything to do with state gun laws and stats should not have the ability to supersede the COTUS that’s the reality we live. And since all guns are on a federal level you have to be smart enough to realize you are playing by multiple sets of rules. Also the states have a reputation for dropping firearms charges if they can get the perp to plea to a deal they offer. It often lets them keep everything in house and not involve the feds. Because ones again the FEDS set the rules.

Washington state has a law on the books that all crimes committed with a handgun loaded or not fired or not require a 10 year sentence on top of what you got for the actual crime you used the handgun in. It has never once been enforced. But is a hell of a motivator to get someone to take a deal...
[486 said:
domestic violence charges can come from simply shouting at someone that you want the fuck out of your house
In everboobs situation though we know he didn’t get a DV charge for shouting at someone....:homer:
In everboobs situation though we know he didn’t get a DV charge for shouting at someone....:homer:

I don't really care, wasn't there.
Still not convinced he isn't a paid fed informant.
If he's stable enough to be not in prison then what's the point of a few selective feel-good restrictions? He can still buy a claw hammer, make a pipe bomb, or kill someone by driving while on his phone.
[486 said:
domestic violence charges can come from simply shouting at someone that you want the fuck out of your house

Yes but you typically beat those charges or do anger managment, ect, not automatically lose your guns forevers 'cause words hurt
[486 said:

so like how gun bans used to work?

Those are certainly all words. Wanna arrange them in a way that makes sense little Biden? :flipoff2:
[486 said:
selective enforcement are the key words

Ah I get the intent now. Still not seeing the correlation.
This. IMO he "did the crime, he does the time" and in this case he loses his access to firearms. From what I've seen he's in denial about taking responsibility for his actions.

The absolutely fucking ridiculous part of this is that they made a carveout in the law to allow cops convicted of DV to have guns.
Seems like a lot of Democrats have been arming themselves too recently.... they may not feel the same about having their new guns taken away.

My .02
When you feel your benefactor is ALL holly and just....
You tend to NOT pay attention to these things...
I'd LOVE to see ALL the lefties that are just now becoming aware of how under fire the 2A really is by their Ilk..
Dumbacraps with gunz (sounds like a fairytale rap song.
The absolutely fucking ridiculous part of this is that they made a carveout in the law to allow cops convicted of DV to have guns.

Rules for thee, not me.

I'm not going to defend EN, but the entire DV/Lautenberg thing is a shitshow and a sham. It was supposedly passed to prevent violent people from being able to hurt or kill a loved one, specifically domestic partner or former domestic partner. Of course murder and assault were already against the law, they just needed one more law to make everyone safe. In the end it is just used as another tool for the government to strip citizens of their rights. Domestic violence is a motherfucker, lived through a bunch of it as a kid and I'm not excusing it, but it's a strawman argument. As 486 pointed out, EN could go buy any number of deadly items and wreck a buss full of nuns. Nothing could stop him except his own self control and conscience.
they are surprised and outraged when support for their cause among 2A stripped citizens isn't quite as fervent as they'd like :laughing:

You over-estimate the level of GAF. It's more in the category of "Wow, that homeless guy on the corner looks pissed!" as they drive to work. Congrats on the thread de-rail, though.

Rules for thee, not me.

I'm not going to defend EN, but the entire DV/Lautenberg thing is a shitshow and a sham.

Then work to change the law. I agree it's a ridiculous exception.

If you agree with me you could also work to change the law. Or just not make ridiculous comments like that. Government/law enforcement doesn’t restrict themselves willingly. It won’t happen.
Rules for thee, not me.

I'm not going to defend EN, but the entire DV/Lautenberg thing is a shitshow and a sham. It was supposedly passed to prevent violent people from being able to hurt or kill a loved one, specifically domestic partner or former domestic partner. Of course murder and assault were already against the law, they just needed one more law to make everyone safe. In the end it is just used as another tool for the government to strip citizens of their rights. Domestic violence is a motherfucker, lived through a bunch of it as a kid and I'm not excusing it, but it's a strawman argument. As 486 pointed out, EN could go buy any number of deadly items and wreck a buss full of nuns. Nothing could stop him except his own self control and conscience.

I agree.
If you agree with me you could also work to change the law. Or just not make ridiculous comments like that. Government/law enforcement doesn’t restrict themselves willingly. It won’t happen.

You're the one who whined about the law, so the way our system works is YOU need to work to get it changed if that's what you want. Pointing that out is FAR from ridiculous.
The DV thing should not be a black and white, automatic thing.
I had a friend who at the age of 18 married too early to a drunk druggie idiot bitch of a nightmare. One night they were both drunk and stupid and yes, he slapped her. The 1 and only time in his entire life. He got divorced shortly after and never had issues since. Yet here he is, in his 40's with no criminal record, no issues at all since age 18, and he will never own a gun.

Doesn't seem right to me that he's stripped of his gun rights the same way that a real abuser is, the type that actually beats his wife over and over and actually uses fists or worse.
Yet here he is, in his 40's with no criminal record, no issues at all since age 18, and he will never own a gun.

Doesn't seem right to me that he's stripped of his gun rights the same way that a real abuser is, the type that actually beats his wife over and over and actually uses fists or worse.

We have several zero tolerance, one size fits all, sentencing items in our present criminal system. Look at the people that get caught peeing on a tree somewhere and have to register as a sex deviant the rest of their lives.

Much of this boils down to no one trusting another to act like an adult, particularly trusting someone who went to the effort/training to become a judge. Cant trust them so lets set mandatory sentencing, then start stuffing any related thing into that larger category. Yeah sure, there are some jackass judges who legislate from the bench, but overall not so much. Change the standard for judges to make it easier for the people to vote them out and then reinstall their authority to apply appropriate sentencing.
If you agree with me you could also work to change the law. Or just not make ridiculous comments like that. Government/law enforcement doesn’t restrict themselves willingly. It won’t happen.

That would require him to actually take a stand and not just be “on the contrary”:flipoff2:
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The absolutely fucking ridiculous part of this is that they made a carveout in the law to allow cops convicted of DV to have guns.

I don't think that's accurate.
They don't give a fuck about the shooters or the victims, if you think otherwise you are a fool. This is just their lame ass excuse to get guns out of the hands of citizens. It's called eliminating the threat. Once that happens the government will then have complete control with no opposition. Exactly what those fucksticks want...... :mad3:

One would think Timothy McVeigh would have proven to them that if they are going to be attacked...guns will not be the weapons of choice.
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