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Foods that you hate?


Annoying flesh monkeys!
May 21, 2020
Member Number
North Alabama
What foods do you hate and why? I hate anything that is branded low fat, lightly salted, no fat, vegan, tofu. Also organic because the price is at least 50% more. I also do not like Indian food (red dot). That stuff is horrible! Fuck Asian food!
What foods do you hate and why? I hate anything that is branded low fat, lightly salted, no fat, vegan, tofu. Also organic because the price is at least 50% more. I also do not like Indian food (red dot). That stuff is horrible! Fuck Asian food!

All the things you listed, plus sour cream, ranch, coffee, mustard, dill pickles and sauerkraut.
Scallops, lobster, crab, and most sea foods.

I'll eat most any sushi however.
Cooked apples, and cooked tomatoes. Can't do it. I'll eat raw apples and tomatoes all day long, once cooked forget it.

I can, and have, sat down to an entire jar of olives.
As I get older less bothers me. Used to be onion and coconut were horrible for different reasons, now I can stand most things. For the olive folks, I think we need a line of division between black and green. One is good Solo in large quantities, the other is tolerable at best if on something.
As I get older less bothers me. Used to be onion and coconut were horrible for different reasons, now I can stand most things. For the olive folks, I think we need a line of division between black and green. One is good Solo in large quantities, the other is tolerable at best if on something.

As a kid I wouldn't eat black olives, only the green ones with pimento. As an adult I prefer the black over the green. I especially like the oil cured black olives.
Water chestnuts, hate the taste and texture.

Fake mac and cheese the smell makes me sick, probably from when I was little and didnt like it a whole lot and a babysitter I had forced me to eat it almost every day. It took me years to eat hotdogs since that was another thing she fed us too much.

Sauerkraut & Coleslaw but I like cabbage cooked or not.

Green olives.
Okra. And I'm going to guess only because I haven't had it made well.
Kung Foo nailed one of mine. Water chestnuts. Not a huge walnut fan now that I think about it.
As a kid I wouldn't eat black olives, only the green ones with pimento. As an adult I prefer the black over the green. I especially like the oil cured black olives.

Marinated garlic cloves and jalapenos marinated in olive oil.

So good.
Liver and any other organ meat, dot Indian food, the smell makes me gag. rhubarb and most salads which is weird because I'll eat all of the contents but just not made into a salad.

I have to add Chinese food and nuts, not because I don't like them but because they tear my guts up something fierce the last couple of years.
Marinated garlic cloves and jalapenos marinated in olive oil.

So good.

Yes they are.
I grew up eating "meat & potatoes" in Wisconsin. Then I joined the Navy and did Westpac cruises. In the different ports I noticed all the different foods available, so I decided to try them. I went where the locals ate. I figured if there's a line up for the food it can't be making people sick. To this day I still don't know what 1/2 of it was, but it tasted great. Really broadened my diet.
Not too picky here. Only eat olives in limited doses on Pizza, Pass on oysters too, not into boogery slime. No pickles on burgers, jalapenos instead. I don't eat rice pudding or breakfast Custard .
I have traveled all over the world for months on end and have eaten some pretty crazy shit. The only thing I cannot eat, and will not eat is liver. The smell alone makes me loose any appetite. Just the smell of it cooking will turn my stomach off.
What foods do you hate and why? I hate anything that is branded low fat, lightly salted, no fat, vegan, tofu. Also organic because the price is at least 50% more. I also do not like Indian food (red dot). That stuff is horrible! Fuck Asian food!

All of that plus:

Spaghetti-Os, canned ravioli, SPAM, and vienna sausages.

Filipino food.

Indian food that is not curry but uses a lot of clarified butter (ghee) is actually pretty good. Too bad you can never get it without the smell of curry nearby:barf:
Vienna sausages and fresh pears. Canned pears are fine, fresh pears are the worst thing on the planet
Okra. And I'm going to guess only because I haven't had it made well.

You don't like bitter, deep-fried boogers? What a philistine.

You have it right: Okra is either this sweet, succulent fried nugget, moist and sweet on the inside, crisp on the outside. Or, it is a vile, bitter, slimy booger. Mostly the latter. The only good okra I've ever had was a bbq joint in Tennessee.
Oh, the bags of precooked chicken you toss in the microwave. The Tyson shit. The texture of it is nauseating.
I'm not a picky eater but I can't stand ham. The only form of ham I routinely eat is deli ham when it's layered with other meats. Ham alone. .. no thanks.
You don't like bitter, deep-fried boogers? What a philistine.

You have it right: Okra is either this sweet, succulent fried nugget, moist and sweet on the inside, crisp on the outside. Or, it is a vile, bitter, slimy booger. Mostly the latter. The only good okra I've ever had was a bbq joint in Tennessee.

Try this, it's the shiznits.
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