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land of corruption and control of the people
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Living in hell
worked half day.
went shooting
cut the grass.
enjoying a boston lager
in for the night
Add said:
I'll be popping the question to her tonight

going to ask to put it in her butt? Just surprise her. :flipoff2:.

seriously, good luck!

in, Friday number 3 for me. Worked the dog in water, wanted to drink his way to his bird. Hopefully he doesnt have pond water shits, already has mystery shits all week. Tacos for dinner. Wondering when the next episode of the grand tour will air, if ever
In. Worked a half day. Finished watching the series "Grant" on the History channel. Very very good.

Might get off my lazy ass and go fishing tomorrow.
In. Hot as fawk for like the millionth day in a row. Kickin back with a silver bullet looking for .405 Winchester ammo. Might go pester the cute neighbor gal later. She’s single, cute and has a pool. Have a feeling she’s a raging liberal though...
In, off today and worked on the 'fixing to be' carport and mowed the yard. Beers with pedialyte in between as the heat index is like 150-something. Heat doesn't really bother me or me either. HEY WHAT WAS THAT???? Everything smells purple.

getting good and drunk. Hope to catch Neowise, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars in the telescope tonight. Hope to kick it up on the dual sport tomorrow and get drunk again.

Wife made a kick ass stew,

House sitting for the neighbor And they are still out of town due to a motorhome breakdown...
So we may have to check out his hottub...:smokin::smokin:

Wife made a kick ass stew,

House sitting for the neighbor And they are still out of town due to a motorhome breakdown...
So we may have to check out his hottub...:smokin::smokin:

I"m a stew fan, and I'm going to do one next week despite the heat. I'm going to do a Pork/Beef combo roast, tied together with string, with a big wedge of pork fat tied over the chuck.

I made my specially-modified Frank's chicken dip, and I have home-made bleu cheese dressing to go with it.

Protip on the Frank's chicken dip: add a bit of cumin and garlic powder to it, just a pinch each. Takes it to the next level.
In, off today and worked on the 'fixing to be' carport and mowed the yard. Beers with pedialyte in between as the heat index is like 150-something. Heat doesn't really bother me or me either. HEY WHAT WAS THAT???? Everything smells purple.

I have an electrician who talks like that regularly. I think hes zapped his brain a time or two. :shocked:

In, going to try to ignore my phone this weekend. Dealing with construction partnerships, the county, contractors etc. I'm getting to the end of my rope with being politically nice and am about to bitch slap some people about how contracts work. Also doing my bosses job while he is off on medical. I'm going to piss some people off while hes gone so I can straighten some shit out:mad3:

Drinking beer, doing filets and fries with salad. Then bed. Fuck this week.
In, just rolled in from work, round two of bullshit on my DD starts tomorrow, did chains a couple weeks ago chasing a start up rattle, locking the cam phasers now because I'm not dropping $400 on this turd.

Got to talk to the cops before I walked in the door because some of the local bums decided to set up by the highschool on the next block.

First day without rain in actual weeks so I made good use of it. Walked the dogs and did vet stuff, finished off the new greenhouse and got all the yard work done. I am feeling it now so just kicking back with my OG Coors and fixin' to make a big pot of beans and wieners to go with the bread my GF baked.
In. Hot as fawk for like the millionth day in a row. Kickin back with a silver bullet looking for .405 Winchester ammo. Might go pester the cute neighbor gal later. She’s single, cute and has a pool. Have a feeling she’s a raging liberal though...

Perhaps you can charm her back over to our side? If not, pics or it didn't happen 🖕🖕
In, my daughter is home with our 23 month old grandson...he's hell on wheels...LOL never a dull moment :)

Ran errands his morning. Part of my running around included trying to locate some cheap 9mm, and snap caps because Mrs wants to learn about handguns
Two places were cleaned out of all pistol calibers, and all 5.56/.223/7.62x39. There was an abundance of .22 at both stores :homer:

Dick’s in Folsom eliminated their hunting & fishing department all together. I have no reason to go to Dick’s anymore

I have spuds baking on the grill, filets are going on soon. I think I’ll start the evening with a margarita or two :blender:
In. Another busy work week done with, relentless heat didn’t help matters at all.
Surfing the couch and contemplating what needs to be done etc.

Last night we partied with our usual crowd, it continues come Saturday night.

Likely to make Cars and Coffee tomorrow AM.
In. Got home from work and did the last of the prep work i needed to get done to put the boat in the water tomorrow.

Now I'm axle shopping and realizing you can buy built bolt in axles for about the same cost as parts. :homer:
Fit up my front limit straps earlier. Hitting the sack soon then going out to mark trails at a new property tomorrow!

In, picked up some rum and mexican cokes. Drinking a couple and listening to some music.

Nothing is really open here anyway. Few bars are, but they've got super low max capacities, can't sit at the bar, have to wear a mask, time limits, ect and now they have to do last call at like 10 or 11. Not worth the bullshit.

Morning rains, stayed inside goofing off. Got a couple of surprise visits, went well...

Scrapped a lot of aluminum for tomorrow's run, had to quit due to the humidity-
Stew.. yum.

Waiting for cooler weather but I want some beef stew and chili meow!

I"m a stew fan, and I'm going to do one next week despite the heat. I'm going to do a Pork/Beef combo roast, tied together with string, with a big wedge of pork fat tied over the chuck.

I made my specially-modified Frank's chicken dip, and I have home-made bleu cheese dressing to go with it.

Protip on the Frank's chicken dip: add a bit of cumin and garlic powder to it, just a pinch each. Takes it to the next level.

IDK shit about what's in it, But it's buttery chunks of beef in a thick savory stew broth. With Carrots and Potatoes and other shit. Again IDK other that it's good.
In, laughing at you fawkers up north complaining about heat :flipoff2:

Spent most of the day cleaning/catching up around the house. Got some things squared away on the new to us boat, going to lake test the shit out of it tomorrow. I’ve got 88 gallons of fuel, a 454 with a Holley, a case of coors and a big bucket of pretzels. Ready to rock :smokin:
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