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In still at work...but I'm about to leave

Got here at 630 pm after I drove 100 miles. 2 hours to drill out broken bolts...hour and half to get the fuckin chain back on


Got off work early, scope mount for my revolver was in the mailbox so I mocked that up, waiting on the tiny tap I need to lock it down for good. Undecided on what I'm doing for a scope just yet.

Drinking beer and bored outta my skull.

Out of town for work, and debating the possibility of throwing the quad on the deck to bring up here the next time I go home...
in. Watching the riots. Last FNC I broke my jeep in my backyard. Got stuck in mud. Drunk. Got the jeep out but blew the stock pwr steering pump. Debating hydro assist set ups. Redneck ram or psc. Everyone says psc. Ny wallet tells me wto but I've got a bad habit of harbor freighting my way through life. Hmmm... as the world is burning im literally sitting here thinking about Jeep parts... fuckin stupid jk pos
My wife and kid drove a one way 8+ hour trip to look at a horse today. She was planning a round trip and be home tonight. I talked her into getting a hotel and come home in the morning. The bars opened up, so I took advantage. Now I'm here alone, with you assholes 8 grand poorer. What sucks is, now I gotta do the drive next weekend to pick the fucker up.
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