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"flat rate box" challenge

Yep. Especially since commifornia outlawed lead weights. I've still got probably 6-700lbs of old wheel weights and maybe a ton of ingots.

A good source for lead is sheets from the x-ray room in a hospital. For whatever reason I know several people who have been involved with remodels of hospitals and have 2' high stacks of warped 4'x4'x1/8" lead sheets stacked on pallets, which are have long been pressed into the ground as the pile of lead slowly makes it's way back to the earths mantle. I used to do the wheel weight scrounging thing, pick out the zinc, smelt it with sulfur, etc. till I found out about the hospital sheet guys and just traded beer for some sheets to melt. Way less work and it seems like it makes nicer castings, probably because I would miss a couple zinc wheel weights.
The big question is will USPS ship a Large Flat Rate (12x12x6") crushing a scale at 350lbs?

12x12x6" of solid lead block is roughly 350lbs
The big question is will USPS ship a Large Flat Rate (12x12x6") crushing a scale at 350lbs?

12x12x6" of solid lead block is roughly 350lbs

small frb at 70lbs would probably do its best to destroy any other parcel that got anywhere near it in transit
if you're that sort of asshole
When I had my surf boat I bought 800lb worth of lead ballast that comes in 50lb bags. It was free shipping and I ASSUMED it was coming freight so I used my work address for the forklift capabilities. Yeah a week later the USPS calls me and says I have a delivery. Go down thinking its a package for work I let the old lady know I'm there to pick it up and she gives me the most evil look ever and just starts cussing under her breath. She goes back and grabs one of those cloth carts they have and is struggling to move it. Yeah the guy shipped each 50lb bag separately in the old style envelope flat rate. They were wrapped to hell with packing tape. They still glare at me when I go to the post office and that was 6 years ago.
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