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First Irate baby?

Ruffin? Didn't know that facility was brand new. Nice bldg. You're still there I take it, get some rest man!

Yep. Gonna be here until Tuesday most likely. All the labor and c section took its toll on my wife. I can’t leave or I won’t be allowed back. Getting sleep maybe 20min at a time. Trying to get her to latch on. Good times.
Congrats Dad. It's awesome hey

I watched every bit when my daughter was born. Amazing amazing stuff to see.

But, I have to ask, did you watch the C-section procedure? All of it?

I didn’t watch the whole thing, they had a little barrier between us and I wanted to be by my wife. They had me there to cut the cord and I saw plenty. I was there the whole time just didn’t look.
late to this but congrats!

if it were a true irate baby there woulda been a poll for the name and her name would be bacon:flipoff2:
Congrats! Healthy looking kiddo, enjoy it because they don't stay small and squishy for ever. My daughter will be 5 this year... time flies.
I watched every bit when my daughter was born. Amazing amazing stuff to see.

But, I have to ask, did you watch the C-section procedure? All of it?

I watched all three of ours. Still amazed even on the last one. "Holy shit there is a baby coming out of her stomach!" Sir, please sit down, dads pass out all the time. "No way, I'm getting a better view."

Turning 2 in just over a week. Crazy how the time has flown by.

Got her nails painted for the first time and went to our yearly car show.

Such a bundle of joy. She knows how to turn on her scx24 so we play with those all the time.


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