First Irate baby?


May 20, 2020
Member Number
Japatul Valley, CA
born 6-6-2020
9lb 12oz

First baby, ended up c-section after 4hrs hard labor. Cord around the neck twice.
Baby and Momma are doing awesome.



My youngest is 19 later this year so takes after me mostly private and hence no social media associations.
Congratulations, I have an 11, 7 and two year old daughter. Enjoy every minute.
Congratulations :beer:

Good to hear mom and baby doing well ☺️

My youngest just graduated from high school, and can’t wait to start college. The oldest is married to a great kid who is serving in the Army at Fort Drum, she just started a new job this week

I won’t say raising girls without a instruction manual was easy, but if I can do it... :homer:
Fkg awesome. You must have been worried during the 4hr hard labor. And congrats on a big big healthy girl. :grinpimp:
Fkg awesome. You must have been worried during the 4hr hard labor. And congrats on a big big healthy girl. :grinpimp:

It was pretty intense. Baby was a week and a day overdue with no signs of labor. Went in Friday at 5. Contractions all night with no pain meds. 3 dilation checks with no pain meds. Got to 10cm and she started pushing. After almost 24hrs of being here and 4hrs hard pushing the DR said baby was too big. Plus there was an infection in the uterus.

Thankfully they let me in the room with her during the c-section and let me cut the cord. Weird having her wide awake with her stomach cut open.

Hard part is no one can visit and I can’t leave. Normally the family can come and help so Mom and I can get some rest. So we are running on very little sleep.

Tell you what though, whole new respect for my wife and what she can put herself through. That’s some tough stuff. :eek:

Sitting here holding her is Amazing. Can’t describe how awesome it feels. :smokin:

Thanks for all the support here. Haven’t figured out multi quote but I read them all.

Sweet. At least with CVII in the midst, they allowed you in during the c section and all. What hospital are you at (if you don't mind) since my gal works for Sharp... and is putting in OT every week.
Sweet. At least with CVII in the midst, they allowed you in during the c section and all. What hospital are you at (if you don't mind) since my gal works for Sharp... and is putting in OT every week.

At the new kaiser off Claremont Mesa Dr. Nice place.
Congrats Dad. It's awesome hey

Thankfully they let me in the room with her during the c-section and let me cut the cord. Weird having her wide awake with her stomach cut open.

I watched every bit when my daughter was born. Amazing amazing stuff to see.

But, I have to ask, did you watch the C-section procedure? All of it?
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