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First day back in the office after almost an entire year working from home

Me on the other hand, cannot wait for 50º+ weather so I can start taking the bike on the long way home.

It was over 70 here this weekend, your just in the wrong place. Definitely a weekend sitting there browsing bike ads and mental budgeting
I've been about 50/50 WFH and on-site since about November. Before that was almost entirely at home. Really hoping I won't have to go back 100% on site but it will probably be happening.
Old school says that shopping must be done at a brick and morter building, then along comes Amazon and the like!
Office workers must travel from their domicile and sit in there cubicals where the masters can be assured that they are at least giving the impression of working all day, nose to the grind stone making the company money. When not there they don't know if you are doing your work in a couple of hours and billing for 8?
Construction is different we don't show we don't get paid!
The office I work from closed last March and I have not been back since. The company has reopened the office a couple times since then and plan for the next reopening on the 15th of this month. Before then I mostly worked from home anyway except for meetings with local colleagues.
What kind of museum do you work at? That's interesting.

I've been able to take more call and stay around the house, but when work needs to be done I cannot do it remote :laughing:

Cause old white dudes who are in charge of stuff don't feel like they're in charge of stuff if you aren't in their sight.

And also India.

I'm an Exhibit designer for a History museum. But I wear a few other hats as well.

I can do most of my job from home. And am pretty productive there in my bunny slippers with a cat on my lap. Only when it comes to putting hands on artifacts for dimensioning or work in the galleries do I really need to be there. Our fabricators on the other hand heed to be here to work.

I've got two screens and a pretty complete office at home. Some folks have been pretty idle, it appears, so they will probably ruin WFH for the rest of us.
We're coming up on a year as well, but from the sounds of it, we won't be returning full time. Actually looking to downsize the office to a smaller shared space that people can go into if they want for meetings, or just need to get out of the house, but otherwise staying working from home. Should cut the cost of renting an office down by at least $2K per month. However that will then be turned right around to pay for my GM from Germany to have an apartment for when he's in the states. We were covering that anyway, but at least it'll now be offset with the smaller office.

I was just joking with my buddy yesterday that we haven't had to change the oil on our trucks in an entire year, and that was even with driving from Denver to KOH and back in 2020.
Working from home is foreign to me.

Nothing has changed before or during covid except mask up or gtfo.
I worked from home from mid-March 2020 to
Mid-June. Was at the office from June to just before Thanksgiving. There is talk about bringing us back soon, but nothing definite.

last week I put gas in my van for the first time in a month.
Because nobody wanted to demonstrate how easy these kind of jobs would be to outsource to India before. Now it's going to be easy.
Not really. All the top talent from India have already moved over here . . . and have been working from home along with the rest of us.
Worked remote for about two weeks at the very beginning and another two weeks when my wife got the Wuflu. Otherwise I have been in the office everyday.
i go in 2 days a week and hate it with a passion.
i been using my transplant as excuse.
no reason to go in at all. more productive at home.

My buddy (work together, but known each other longer than that) is a transplant recipient too. He gets to continue working from home while the rest of us return to the office. He's playing it up big time with management. He tells them that he doesn't leave the house at all, meanwhikle him and I are meeting for drinks at least once every couple of weeks. More power to him. His work has been on time so who cares?
You mean I won’t hear people hitting golf balls during a teams meeting? Or someone driving while they are supposed to be working? Or the lovely I am working from home can you do something for me because you are in the shop. I feel so sorry for you bums :flipoff2:
Me and my team have been working from home for the past year and were told last month that they're extending the work from home thing through August of this year.
We proved that roughly 95% of our work can be done remotely so even if we do go in, it'll be a hybrid schedule of a couple of days working from home and going into the office.
I tried working from home but boss wouldn't let me load a $750k mill onto a gooseneck :flipoff2:

I couldn't imagine working from home like that for so long honestly. I would be working on 20 other things than work
Management fear that employees wouldn't be effective.
Management fear of not having control.
Management "likes" having people in the office.

The scandemic forced them to send us home, where we could prove it was possible. We had a record breaking year not only in sales but in in house savings. My rough back of napkin calculations say we are saving close to $1000/month in COFFEE alone having no one in the office. :laughing:

All of this. I'm hearing zero "want to get back to the office" from the worker-bee level. Lots of "want to get everybody back in the office" from upper management. Having been WFH since the end of '16, I see no point. I get needing space to manufacture, to ship, occasional space for meetings, but the office itself, I'd be happy to see die of the 'rona.
I work from home sometimes, mostly cause I don't have a lot to do at the office and I want an easy day.

Myself, I get distracted easy around my house when I work from home. To many other projects to do. If I'm at the office, I generally work a productive day. When I'm in the field, well, can't do that from home.

However, I think many people need to work in an office. people need that interaction with others. partly for sanity and partly for new thoughts. how many things have been realized when you're complaining to a coworker about something and they say something off the cuff.... and totally is a solution you never thought of?

or how many times have your network of new and old coworkers gotten you a job? conferences, meetings, all that stuff, just isn't the same on a zoom call.

Or when you were still in college, trying to get into what ever industry you were working for as an intern? none of that's happening right now.

Yeah, everyone who's got a job is still doing it, but, what about new people? what about promotions?

Yes, there are those managers that have to see you in the office to be thinking that's how you can only work... I worked for one for 12 years.... its sucks.
I work from home sometimes, mostly cause I don't have a lot to do at the office and I want an easy day.

Myself, I get distracted easy around my house when I work from home. To many other projects to do. If I'm at the office, I generally work a productive day. When I'm in the field, well, can't do that from home.

However, I think many people need to work in an office. people need that interaction with others. partly for sanity and partly for new thoughts. how many things have been realized when you're complaining to a coworker about something and they say something off the cuff.... and totally is a solution you never thought of?

or how many times have your network of new and old coworkers gotten you a job? conferences, meetings, all that stuff, just isn't the same on a zoom call.

Or when you were still in college, trying to get into what ever industry you were working for as an intern? none of that's happening right now.

Yeah, everyone who's got a job is still doing it, but, what about new people? what about promotions?

Yes, there are those managers that have to see you in the office to be thinking that's how you can only work... I worked for one for 12 years.... its sucks.

i agree with to a point, my problem is i am the only conservative in my off, and all i hear is bull shat all day.
every time there is a shooting in syracuse, daily, i get to hear how bad guns are. bla bla bla. basically come to off work and go home.
i talk to no body except clients.
i agree with to a point, my problem is i am the only conservative in my off, and all i hear is bull shat all day.
every time there is a shooting in syracuse, daily, i get to hear how bad guns are. bla bla bla. basically come to off work and go home.
i talk to no body except clients.

Fully get that. My boss was the polar opposite of me. we learned very quickly to not really talk politics LOL

not all industries are the same. but, I honestly couldn't imagine getting into my field as a college kid right now. Nobody is going to hire a kid who knows nothing to work from home, and I think that's the same in many places.

yeah, people who are 5-10 years experienced, you can give them a computer and see quickly if they can do the job you hired for.

I think there is a lot being lost currently. someone that wants to change fields, nope not happening. heck sometime people that want to change employers.... I can't count the number of people I know that got a job because of someone they knew from some conference, meeting or workplace. Those sorts of connections will start drying up for many.
All of this. I'm hearing zero "want to get back to the office" from the worker-bee level. Lots of "want to get everybody back in the office" from upper management. Having been WFH since the end of '16, I see no point. I get needing space to manufacture, to ship, occasional space for meetings, but the office itself, I'd be happy to see die of the 'rona.

Can't say our upper management has been like that, most are of the mindset "whatever works best", so I imagine we'll go to some sort of hybrid setup of sometimes in the office, sometimes home, depending on what's going on that day.
I've been about 50/50 WFH and on-site since about November. Before that was almost entirely at home. Really hoping I won't have to go back 100% on site but it will probably be happening.

Same roughly. Even before the 'rona I could WFH as needed here and there, for the next couple months I have a couple/three WFH days per week. Upper mgmt wants everyone back on-site, I guess to babysit and micromanage those that need it.

Our buildings are capped at 50% occupancy per some random controllavirus spacing rule, so not sure how that will pan out long term.- they will either need more office space or perm. WFH arrangements for some. More office space seems like a bad investment given the circumstances.

As a non user interacting IT nerd, I can do my job from anywhere- so having to go into the office to sit in isolation with my door shut all day doesn't seem to serve much purpose except 'taking on for the team' and giving them a headcount tally.
Can't say our upper management has been like that, most are of the mindset "whatever works best", so I imagine we'll go to some sort of hybrid setup of sometimes in the office, sometimes home, depending on what's going on that day.

This won't last.

You can't design spacer or lease space for a staff that shows up when they want.

If you aren't there, I don't need the sq.ft. you take up. So PICK. Do I sign a new lease based on you having a desk or not?

Do I need a conference room, or is it all zoom from here on out.?
pics of work wife or office Lolita. We'll be the judge if your complaint has merit-

She got fired about 6 months after I started, so she no longer works there. We live together now.
This won't last.

You can't design spacer or lease space for a staff that shows up when they want.

If you aren't there, I don't need the sq.ft. you take up. So PICK. Do I sign a new lease based on you having a desk or not?

Do I need a conference room, or is it all zoom from here on out.?

Two reasons why we might be different:

1) They outright own our campus (several buildings on adjoining properties), so no leases.
2) We were at (or nearly beyond) capacity before the lockdowns, we needed more space....so less people coming back or unassigned desks for the majority of people might solve this.
Good luck. People kept being born and dieing, so my wife had to stay in her office to process birth and death records.
buildings can't be built remotely, so I kept going to work. Lack of traffic was nice.
worked from home from 4/1 to 2nd week of may. been back in the office since then with the occasional work from home day. Still the point is driven home we need to be in the office (because from home you screw off) despite finding myself alone here pretty often. In construction management, Its all up to me, if i take "time off" i have to find a way to get what needs done done anyways, there is no time off. Doesn't matter where I am. Im actually more productive at home most times because our upper management is a huge time waster/distraction but they cant see the forest for the trees.

I actually put about 40 lbs on my squat and deadlift, and apprx 20 lbs on my press and bench working from home during quarantine because my home office has a platform/power rack in it. It was very frustrating losing the ability to work out during the day and not choose between time with my kids or getting a workout in.
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