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First day back in the office after almost an entire year working from home


This was all my idea
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I've been working from home since March17, 2020 and today is my first full day back in the office. I'm already sick of commuting.
LOL SUCKER..... I am still working from home and loving every minute of it. :laughing:
No commute, my car won't need to be replaced as quick and I am right on the farm after work.
Meh, I worked from home last year for about a month. It was fine, but I couldn't do it forever. There needs to be some interaction with people. Good or bad. Just something to remind myself of how much I hate people.
Left the office for home March 19th 2020. Have been in for a few hours here and there but not a full day. Office is working on reintegration plans. Looking like it will be some sort of hybrid, week in, week home schedule. Will have to go back eventually and not looking forward to it. I'm saving $300/month in fuel alone, nevermind maintenance/wear and tear.
I've been back in the museum since June. Working from home when my physical presence is not required. But less and less home time as we ramp up the exhibits.

My commute was better for a while. 10 min faster than normal. Till everyone else started going back. Ya'll get off MY road!
I don't get it, just tell them straight up "I will not be coming back in full time, meetings and events, sure. Five days a week, no."
[486 said:
;n327905]I don't get it, just tell them straight up "I will not be coming back in full time, meetings and events, sure. Five days a week, no."

I told both my boss and my HR manager that verbatim. We'll see if it sticks or not. :laughing:
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I started remote March 1, 2020. I haven't been in since.
i go in 2 days a week and hate it with a passion.
i been using my transplant as excuse.
no reason to go in at all. more productive at home.
I’m glad I don’t have a office based job. :flipoff2:

I don't.
I'm a car mechanic, haha

Still only going in to the shop to work part time as needed. Mostly for building maintenence like fabricating brackets and bulk oil tank type stuff.
Soon as the ground thaws I'll be working on my dirt 100% of the time again
interesting, what was the reaction of everybody seeing each other?

i was driving past the big FB campus last week and was thinking that place will probly be a huge party on the 1st day back in office
I’m not an office or computer type of guy but I get cabin fever after a long weekend at home. Working from home that long sounds like torture.
Been WFH since March 16th; the company I work for is planning on phasing people back in starting with Executives & Staff for a "30 day trial" starting here toward the end of March. There has been talk that my department (since productivity has increased rather than decreased) of staying WFH indefinitely.

My little commuter car hasn't moved in months... mostly due to the pack rat that moved into the engine bay and chewed on my engine wiring harness. I could have fixed it by now, but I've been busy doing other things.

Working From Home is fine, but sometimes it's harder to find that work/life balance and sometimes that pendulum swings over into the "Living at Work" range.
If all these jobs apparently can be done just fine from home, why weren't they being done from home even before the scamdemic?
I've been back in the museum since June. Working from home when my physical presence is not required. But less and less home time as we ramp up the exhibits.

My commute was better for a while. 10 min faster than normal. Till everyone else started going back. Ya'll get off MY road!

What kind of museum do you work at? That's interesting.

I've been able to take more call and stay around the house, but when work needs to be done I cannot do it remote :laughing:

If all these jobs apparently can be done just fine from home, why weren't they being done from home even before the scamdemic?

Cause old white dudes who are in charge of stuff don't feel like they're in charge of stuff if you aren't in their sight.

And also India.
It's been weird. I've worked here for several years before COVID, but after a year I'm having a hard time remebering some people's names. I just haven't interacted with most of these people for a year. I got here at 6:30, so well before everyone else. It's now about 8:30 and a few people are trickling in. Lots of "You still work here? ha ha" going on.

My boss has been cool. He knows that there will be an adjustment period to get back into the swing of office life. The part that sucks is I can do everything from home. My job just doesn't require me to be in the building, but they want to get "back to normal". Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.
If all these jobs apparently can be done just fine from home, why weren't they being done from home even before the scamdemic?

Management fear that employees wouldn't be effective.
Management fear of not having control.
Management "likes" having people in the office.

The scandemic forced them to send us home, where we could prove it was possible. We had a record breaking year not only in sales but in in house savings. My rough back of napkin calculations say we are saving close to $1000/month in COFFEE alone having no one in the office. :laughing:
Still home, first month or two was hard to stay focused....now it's easy enough to work when work needs doing and not feel guilty about not punching the clock if there is "free" time. I'm going to have trouble going back to office life where you actually need to wake up early lol
[486 said:
;n327905]I don't get it, just tell them straight up "I will not be coming back in full time, meetings and events, sure. Five days a week, no."

Well, I have 5 years to go before retirement, so the thought of looking for another job isn't appealing to me.
I’m not an office or computer type of guy but I get cabin fever after a long weekend at home. Working from home that long sounds like torture.

Wife's worked from home for roughly a year now. She can barely leave the house now. Anxiety gets peaked any time we're away. I planned a trip out a couple weekends ago. Lowes, an office store, grab some lunch, maybe visit a motorcycle dealer. We got to the city, was there for about 20m before we had to pack up an leave. Wife had a breakdown in the car and asked we head back home. She developed a really strong fear of being away from home. Its tough to get her out.

Me on the other hand, cannot wait for 50º+ weather so I can start taking the bike on the long way home.
Left the office for home March 19th 2020. Have been in for a few hours here and there but not a full day. Office is working on reintegration plans. Looking like it will be some sort of hybrid, week in, week home schedule. Will have to go back eventually and not looking forward to it. I'm saving $300/month in fuel alone, nevermind maintenance/wear and tear.

Similar here. Offices are still officially closed until June 30th. Talks are supposed to start this month about the phased re-integration plans (aka partial weeks or alternating weeks).

GF is similar. We are now both trying to make Remote permanent and relocate. My direct supervisor has already gotten his approved and moved back to NC.
If all these jobs apparently can be done just fine from home, why weren't they being done from home even before the scamdemic?

Trust. Most employers didn't trust their employees to work from home, until they were forced to try. Also whiney employees can make a mess of it - You should pay for my internet, you should buy me a new chair for home, you should get me new monitors for home.

I've been working from home since 2017. At the time my entire team of 6 was spread out over 3 states. Part of my job is onsite at customers locations - sometimes I'll work from home for 2-3 weeks straight, othertimes I will work at the customer site for a day up to several months. That team dissolved and I was actually working on going back to the office to help lead efforts on the new team - I got a desk assigned and had just started moving to it when the rona shutdown happened. Never spent a single day there.

There are advantages to both. When I need to get solo work done - say systems design/engineering or push out a ton of quotes - WFH is great. I can manage the distractions better, put some music on and get to work. But for collaborative projects there is nothing quite the same as just swinging by a desk and asking someone status or opinion. I've found that our bigger coordination sales stuff has fallen somewhat, but individual small projects are getting better.

The work life balance is hard in both directions. Sometimes you are too distracted by something going on in the house and ignore work in a way that you couldn't at the office. Othertimes you are working till 8 pm due to not noticing. Not having even a short drive to break the "This is work" "This is home" line can be hard.
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