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Firefighters don't get enough credit.

Chuck Finley

Nov 21, 2020
Member Number
They risk their lives to provide a public service that our tax dollars pay for and that is pretty sweet. It's pretty great to see these brave men and women exist in a job that benefits everyone when needed regardless of tax bracket / contribution.

Let's hear it for the men and women who not only put out fires and rescue cute kitties from trees, but are also often first responders on the scene of accidents, etc.
If OP is on fire, I hope the firefighters don't put him out.

But they would, regardless of my class, race, etc. They exist to help everyone and definitely are not class traitors.

It's a really beautiful social program that everyone benefits from...I'm kinda shocked that you don't agree.
I agree with op...just figured everyone did and no need to say anything about it...?
not trying to be a dick or say they don't deserve the cudos.
But they would, regardless of my class, race, etc. They exist to help everyone and definitely are not class traitors.

It's a really beautiful social program that everyone benefits from...I'm kinda shocked that you don't agree.

I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. Unless I could figure out how to piss gasoline. And then I would totally piss on you if you were on fire.

Looks like they added a new evolution to Firefighter 1....:laughing:
Why are y'all so mad, anyway? Why is it irate4x4? From what I can tell, y'all are more like impotentrage4x4.
They get a giant MEH from me.

Do the job, collect a check.
They are not indentured servants, They make pretty good money. Some work harder than others, some don't do shit.

What happened you save a cat and didn't get a parade?:lmao::lmao:
No. Anyone who volunteers for a job doesn't deserve to get put on a podium. The ones who go above and beyond the call of duty and willfully neglects their own safety to protect others deserve admiration, but the VAST majority do not.

At least in So Cal, firefighters make damned good money and even better retirement. Their unions allow them to game the retirement system and collect more money after retirement than their regular salary. Fuck em.
Dad's a retired firefighter. I guess its a very political career. He's resuscitated about half a dozen people. Delivered a baby once. Kind of neat. Only one qualified to run the ladder truck. 30+ years, not a single accident. Only one too. Also the only one able to climb a three story building, hit all the tag points, and return with excess air. Every other guy ran out by the second story. :laughing:
No. Anyone who volunteers for a job doesn't deserve to get put on a podium. The ones who go above and beyond the call of duty and willfully neglects their own safety to protect others deserve admiration, but the VAST majority do not.

At least in So Cal, firefighters make damned good money and even better retirement. Their unions allow them to game the retirement system and collect more money after retirement than their regular salary. Fuck em.

So basically they're the police except they don't kill people or from them via civil forfeiture. Got it.
Dad's a retired firefighter. I guess its a very political career. He's resuscitated about half a dozen people. Delivered a baby once. Kind of neat. Only one qualified to run the ladder truck. 30+ years, not a single accident. Only one too. Also the only one able to climb a three story building, hit all the tag points, and return with excess air. Every other guy ran out by the second story. :laughing:

Thank him for his service for me.
Firefighters are a tool of the indoctrinated facist police state akin to naziism am I right?:flipoff2:

I do not support fire fighters because I'm not a nazi sympathizer.
After having recently going through the largest wildfire in the state of Colorado history, I have to disagree about the fire fighters.

Long story short, they seem to get paid a lot of money to mostly stand around and do literally nothing. ya sure, they sometimes are 'caught in the act' of actually 'fire fighting', but they don't really do much. First hand knowledge.
Firefighters are a tool of the indoctrinated facist police state akin to naziism am I right?:flipoff2:

I do not support fire fighters because I'm not a nazi sympathizer.

youve confused fire fighters and police.

Let me guess: you back the blue like a good little bootlicker.
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