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Female cops. lol


May 21, 2020
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In this thread we will talk about how useless, indeed dangerous, it is to have a female in a physical confrontation profession.

Female cops kill hundreds in the US each year due to their physical weakness and incompetence. Without being inside, I know it's even worse in the military now compared to how it was in the 1990s. Many stories of guys coming back from patrol only to dig latrines for the female contingent which will show up and requires special potties and showers.

Woman cops can't even get a teenage boy to stop ice-skating. I know that real criminals don't give a single shit about female cops, but they never run females on violent felony arrests, rather keep the women in the stables so they don't get hurt.

They also usually use female cops on white people, as blacks are less likely to comply with female officers, and hispanics quite a bit less.

It's hard to imagine a college girl screaming at me with forceful commands, and I'm going to comply. I would always be careful to comply with a female cop b/c she's more sensitive, being a woman. Women are more sensitive and bitchy than men, as we all know, as I am a male on the high end of bitchiness and sensitivity, I can say beyond the shadow of a doubt that female bitchiness disqualifies them from all but the most mundane jobs, like washing clothes or cleaning bathrooms.
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I think it's bullshit to arrest a kid playing hockey. Especially in Canada.

BUT all I can picture is the kid trying to walk around the station in ice skates :lmao:
Arresting him for refusing to comply with distancing rules? It was hard to figure out wtf those bitches were wanking on about.
Arresting him for refusing to comply with distancing rules? It was hard to figure out wtf those bitches were wanking on about.

I would have ended up in jail and those bitches would have ended up in the hospital.


That dude showed a lot more restraint and composure that I would have. Someone would have ended up being tazed but it wouldn't have been me:grinpimp:
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Pretty sad when you cant knock some hoser on skates down. He should have just skated around on the ice while they waddled after him
Jesus Christ youtube and big tech are fucking cancer. Pulled the vid :shaking:
Are the police not allowed to bring someone in unless they put them to the ground? It was obvious the skater was in control of the 2 female cops. He also looked like he was heavily dressed and the tazer might not have worked.....what happens then?
Would have been a lot easier to just ask him to get off the ice and get his boots on to the station.
Missed the video. Sounds like some female cop was PMSing.
On the other hand everdouche I have worked with female TX DPS and other state troopers and female Border Patrol agents that would flat out bitch slap your little ass into next week. Not all female LEOs are whiny bitches.
Are the police not allowed to bring someone in unless they put them to the ground? It was obvious the skater was in control of the 2 female cops. He also looked like he was heavily dressed and the tazer might not have worked.....what happens then?
Would have been a lot easier to just ask him to get off the ice and get his boots on to the station.

I think it was more of a powertrip/listen to my commands type thing. And I agree, that tazer probably would not penetrate all those clothes.
Yep, Nazi-toob pulled it. I wanna see it, or could someone describe what happened?

News link maybe?

Canadian teens playing hockey somewhere in public and two lady officers show up and run everyone off because of the rona and social distancing.

One young man demands explanation and reasoning for being run off and lady cops start the bad cop bad cop routine and now want to arrest him.

young man without laying a hand on either of them basically fends them off...Was really quite funny.

They were trying to kick his knees out from under him and to no avail.

The whole time he is wearing skates which in my opinion made it all the funnier.
Missed the video. Sounds like some female cop was PMSing.
On the other hand everdouche I have worked with female TX DPS and other state troopers and female Border Patrol agents that would flat out bitch slap your little ass into next week. Not all female LEOs are whiny bitches.

Working with Navy MAs I can think of two females out of hundreds that were worth worth a shit and squared away. The rest were looking for the men in their section to do their work.
Working with Navy MAs I can think of two females out of hundreds that were worth worth a shit and squared away. The rest were looking for the men in their section to do their work.

From what I understand TX DPS holds female troopers to the same standard as males. BP is supposed to and for the most part they do but Ive seen the wink wink nudge nudge during training. Gotta get those female numbers up some how.
From what I understand TX DPS holds female troopers to the same standard as males. BP is supposed to and for the most part they do but Ive seen the wink wink nudge nudge during training. Gotta get those female numbers up some how.

Yeah I hear yah. That's actually encouraging, that somebody has standards.
Missed the video. Sounds like some female cop was PMSing.
On the other hand everdouche I have worked with female TX DPS and other state troopers and female Border Patrol agents that would flat out bitch slap your little ass into next week. Not all female LEOs are whiny bitches.

No they wouldn't. I'd whoop them all.

Not really though, men will instinctively take the abuse from females.

I would go through the female MMA roster like a scythe. And as I've stated many, many times before, I am no more than average size and strength.
No they wouldn't. I'd whoop them all.

Not really though, men will instinctively take the abuse from females.

I would go through the female MMA roster like a scythe. And as I've stated many, many times before, I am no more than average size and strength.

No you wouldnt. Youre a little **** and I guarantee even going 100% youd be crying like a little girl.
He should have asked them when were they going to start getting naked.
No they wouldn't. I'd whoop them all.

Not really though, men will instinctively take the abuse from females.

I would go through the female MMA roster like a scythe. And as I've stated many, many times before, I am no more than average size and strength.

Here is clip of the Russian you fucking around and finding out.
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