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Fawk California...I'm outta here.

Overpopulation in the sense that there are too many people in 2-3 major metropolitan areas (Sac is iffy). Living deep in LA or the Bay area is not worth almost any but the highest wages to me personally. As Provience says the state could technically support way more people though you would start cutting into farmland at some point.

Your question is flawed, you could not decrease cost of living without first decreasing demand by decreasing population or increasing supply by decreasing regulation. Neither seems likely.

I looked pretty hard at moving back to CA for retirement, well free state of Jefferson at least. plenty of high desert and volcanic open areas up north with reasonable prices and few people, because that is where I want to be anyways, i'm fine paying for a deep well.

the state mandated building permits and regulations are just obscene though, ignoring materials and labor costs. So that leaves the option of buying land and building everything illegally. which is a fairly iffy situation to be in. I'd RATHER pay for permits and be legal, I don't mind paying reasonable taxes and such, but the increase to cover mandated solar panels, fire suppression system, extra rural fire insurance fines/fees, and about $60k in permits alone for what I want to do is just too much to swallow when the market is really no better or worse compared to anywhere similar in a different state.

so, checked them off the list.

if in the next decade Idaho goes nuts or my neighbors go insane and CA decides to de-regulate and recognizes that is a great solution to the eternal "housing crisis" then maybe i'll head back, but those odds are pretty slim.
The thing is, your money doesn’t go very far here at all. I’ve been looking elsewhere for a while now and it is truly astonishing just how much more you can get for the same money or less practically EVERYWHERE but here. California real estate is beyond out of control. I mentioned this in the other thread but I’ll toss it in here as well.

we are currently planning to move to Maine from San Diego. My home here was purchased 7 years ago for 320k. I currently owe about 205k on it. It is a 3 bed, 2.5 bath in a quiet San Diego suburb that is just over 1,000 square feet with a decent driveway, 2 car garage, and an ok (for SoCal) sized yard. Current Zillow estimate on our home is 565k which does not take into account all the work we have done since owning. Our agent came by the other day and flat out said she would list it for 600k and expect it to move fast at that price. This would net me about 300k after all is said and done.

that 300k in Maine can buy me a 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom, 4000 sq ft home on several acres with outbuildings for cash and I won’t have a mortgage at all. Or I could drop that 300k as a down payment on a 570k property in Maine with massive acreage, rooms, outbuildings, indoor pool, etc and have almost the exact same mortgage payment I have now or several variants there of in between. Bottom line, I can get WAY more for my money there than I can here and be way ahead.

Have you ever compared the weather in Maine to the weather in San Diego?
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Have you ever compared the weather in Maine to the weather in San Diego?

Yep. Sure have. And I’m looking forward to 4 full seasons again. I was born and raised in upstate New York, lived in northeast Ohio for quite a few years, and spent 4 years in Rhodesia Island for college. Granted my cold weather tolerance is shit right now from living in San Diego for 16 years, but I have no doubts at all that I will adjust and acclimate to the winters in Maine by the second winter. The weather in San Diego is nice, but that alone doesn’t make it worth the cost to live here anymore, and I don’t just mean the financial cost. Adolf Newscum is getting more and more tyrannical by the day.

in Maine I will be able to walk into any sporting goods store, Wal-Mart, etc, pick out a new gun, wait ten minutes for the background check to go thru, and walk right out with my new shiny firearm. No ten day wait. I also won’t need to apply for a CCW I will never get, Maine is a constitutional carry state. With enough acreage I can walk out my back door and shoot skeet off my back porch or in season pick off a nice fat buck. My car insurance will be cheaper, my registration fees will be cheaper, I won’t have to smog my vehicles, my kids will have a huge yard and maybe some woods to go run around and explore and play in, they can go to the fantastic public schools there with student to teacher ratios of 12:1, saving me the 26k a year to send them to a good private school here, I can go buy real Maine lobsters right off the boat for less than $3 a lb, I can plant a garden and actually successfully grow stuff. It actually rains regularly there so everything is green during the springs and summer instead of varying shades of brown. Maine is also the safest state in the USA with the lowest crime rating and in the top ten healthiest states to live in as well.
in Maine I will be able to walk into any sporting goods store, Wal-Mart, etc, pick out a new gun, wait ten minutes for the background check to go thru, and walk right out with my new shiny firearm. No ten day wait. I also won’t need to apply for a CCW I will never get, Maine is a constitutional carry state. With enough acreage I can walk out my back door and shoot skeet off my back porch or in season pick off a nice fat buck. My car insurance will be cheaper, my registration fees will be cheaper, I won’t have to smog my vehicles, my kids will have a huge yard and maybe some woods to go run around and explore and play in, they can go to the fantastic public schools there with student to teacher ratios of 12:1, saving me the 26k a year to send them to a good private school here, I can go buy real Maine lobsters right off the boat for less than $3 a lb, I can plant a garden and actually successfully grow stuff. It actually rains regularly there so everything is green during the springs and summer instead of varying shades of brown. Maine is also the safest state in the USA with the lowest crime rating and in the top ten healthiest states to live in as well.

You could buy half the state :flipoff2: Humidity would suck there but anyways yes I can't believe how the state of CA thinks they are the only state with anything nice. Buy a gun and walking out minutes later is a pretty neat feeling.
You could buy half the state :flipoff2: Humidity would suck there but anyways yes I can't believe how the state of CA thinks they are the only state with anything nice. Buy a gun and walking out minutes later is a pretty neat feeling.

Yep. I also have read it’s easy to get the permit for full auto there too. They have an annual full auto shoot too. For my JL ey, just looking at pictures online, Maine is absolutely gorgeous too. Especially in the fall. Cali ain’t got nothing on this scene.

Yep. I also have read it’s easy to get the permit for full auto there too. They have an annual full auto shoot too. For my JL ey, just looking at pictures online, Maine is absolutely gorgeous too. Especially in the fall. Cali ain’t got nothing on this scene.

Southern CA has what's likely the best rock crawling trails in the world. I just so happen to live in an area equidistant from mountain wheeling, desert butte wheeling, JV, and sandstone wheeling. It's pretty much the best part of CA. Sure, the summer is 110-120 degrees, but the extreme heat keeps populations down. I never have to shovel snow, and I can drive 45 minutes to see it if I wanted. The politics of CA are terrible, but the ski/surf in one day is a good point. We have a lot of environments without much travel time between them. And more Mexican food than you can shake a stick at!
Yep. I also have read it’s easy to get the permit for full auto there too. They have an annual full auto shoot too. For my JL ey, just looking at pictures online, Maine is absolutely gorgeous too. Especially in the fall. Cali ain’t got nothing on this scene.

Bar Harbor. Tourist trap :flipoff2:

NH and VT are constitutional carry too. It is nice to have 3 adjoining states that way.
Southern CA has what's likely the best rock crawling trails in the world. I just so happen to live in an area equidistant from mountain wheeling, desert butte wheeling, JV, and sandstone wheeling. It's pretty much the best part of CA. Sure, the summer is 110-120 degrees, but the extreme heat keeps populations down. I never have to shovel snow, and I can drive 45 minutes to see it if I wanted. The politics of CA are terrible, but the ski/surf in one day is a good point. We have a lot of environments without much travel time between them. And more Mexican food than you can shake a stick at!

I agree and that is the one thing I’ll miss about SoCal is the wheeling. But Maine has some good wheeling trails, a couple of Offroad parks as well. And they also have 15,000 miles of ATV and snowmobile trails that run all over the state. Some of these are Jeep accessible, some aren’t. Never been a surfer and I rarely go to the beach. Skiing I haven’t actually done once since I moved here even though I’ve been skiing since I could walk and was a black diamond level skier by middle school. Another thing I am really looking forward to getting back into and introducing my kids to. Maine has several great ski slopes and there are even more great ones nearby in Mass and Vermont that I grew up skiing on.
Bar Harbor. Tourist trap :flipoff2:

NH and VT are constitutional carry too. It is nice to have 3 adjoining states that way.

Yeah I know. We have been mostly looking at rural areas surrounding Bangor or Augusta. NH and VT were the other 2 states that were in our final 3. We killed Vt pretty quick because it’s super liberal. NH is kind of still in the running, but we like Maine just a bit more.
Guys, shut up on the New England States.

NH - no State income or sales tax.
My first roommate in college was from CA and moved to GA. Worthless whiney bitch. Always talking about how everything was backward (but he didnt get into any of the city colleges). Wanted to be an engineer but didnt even know how to change directions on a ratchet.

Told me all I needed to know about cali.

BTW georgia is full unless you can pass the redneckship test. Atlanta has openings though and low standards.
Bar Harbor. Tourist trap :flipoff2:

NH and VT are constitutional carry too. It is nice to have 3 adjoining states that way.

Can confirm. BH is really pleh. Madawaska is nice. Camden Hills even. Kennebunk isn't bad for a quick day out.

I'd move to VT for sure. My favorite state to travel to via motorcycle. I'd spend weeks exploring there.
"fuck the place where I earned my money"


How much property and state taxes, vehicles licenses, and utilities costs have you paid in the last ten years?

Not all money in your state is made in your state. Do you have companies headquartered in your state that has revenue from around the world?

Post up your great wealth and knowledge please so we can see if your opinion is relevant.
I agree and that is the one thing I’ll miss about SoCal is the wheeling. But Maine has some good wheeling trails, a couple of Offroad parks as well. And they also have 15,000 miles of ATV and snowmobile trails that run all over the state. Some of these are Jeep accessible, some aren’t. Never been a surfer and I rarely go to the beach. Skiing I haven’t actually done once since I moved here even though I’ve been skiing since I could walk and was a black diamond level skier by middle school. Another thing I am really looking forward to getting back into and introducing my kids to. Maine has several great ski slopes and there are even more great ones nearby in Mass and Vermont that I grew up skiing on.

You can ski and surf in the same day :laughing:. I was checking some Maine live cams of the beach last week and a bunch of folks were surfing in wetsuits.
You can ski and surf in the same day :laughing:. I was checking some Maine live cams of the beach last week and a bunch of folks were surfing in wetsuits.

Water's warmer in the winter.

Your balls shrink swimming in the Atlantic in the summer.
Mechanic, have done automotive, diesel, oilfields, telecom construction equipment, truck, and logging. Where in ID did your brother move?

not the great part :laughing: caldwell, their son just started college there so they sold the house in reno they just bought
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I make almost double what I did in Komifornia. Couple that with the lower tax's and house prices and retirement actually looks like a possibility.
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