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Fawk California...I'm outta here.

I was exaggerating a bit obviously. I haven't looked in GA. But what I've seen in TN, NC, SC, MO, AR, AL, ect. $750k will get you a lot over there. Heck even $250k will get you a nice chunk of land with a nice house.

$750k won’t go as far on Lake Oconee as it will other areas in GA but will still allow something pretty significant. Granted I live in the middle of nowhere, but I bought my 25 acres with newer home and pond for les than $300k. He could buy a very nice home on a nice chunk of land for that kind of money around here. As long as he votes red. If other we are full.
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I left Humboldt County almost 10 years ago for N ID. I make way more here than I could doing anything legal in Humboldt, cost of living is less, and I pay way less to the state up here. My mom's still down there retired on the family property on Berry Summit and my sister lives in Orleans but I'm never moving back to CA.
Congrats on the decision. We decided to book it out of here 6 years ago but we cannot sell our commercial property which would finance our move out of here. So we are stuck until someone wants to buy it.
Serious question, for those moving out of CA with their money...

Do you believe you could have made that same amount of money in the same amount of time at the place you moved to?

I don't think anybody thinks that's possible.
You earn 1.8x average salary, put away 1.8x average retirement and SSI, pay 2.5x housing costs, if you don't go broke or crazy, you end working years and take your inflated home equity, inflated pension, inflated SSI to an average or below average cost of living state. Hopefully they don't bring their fucked up politics to a free state.
The trend right now is California is so skewed that people can't stay afloat to get through their working years.

Also, don't assume that because wages are high in California it's a good thing. Get while the getting is good, but it's not sustainable.
I personally think one of California's biggest issues is overcrowding- I believe it is a big part of the reason we went full retard to the left, why our roads are shit, and why things are so expensive here. I'm glad to see people leaving, it can only help the situation and those people will be happier and more prosperous elsewhere.

People taking the stance of "California is dead" or "California is a shithole" sound like ford vs chevy guys trying to justify to themselves why their choice is better. As my wife's grandpa used to say "Don't leave mad, just leave."
I personally think one of California's biggest issues is overcrowding- I believe it is a big part of the reason we went full retard to the left, why our roads are shit, and why things are so expensive here. I'm glad to see people leaving, it can only help the situation and those people will be happier and more prosperous elsewhere.

I 100% agree.

Over-crowding is at the crux of our problems for the past few centuries. Damn agriculture and medicine making us live and shit!
"fuck the place where I earned my money"


The thing is, your money doesn’t go very far here at all. I’ve been looking elsewhere for a while now and it is truly astonishing just how much more you can get for the same money or less practically EVERYWHERE but here. California real estate is beyond out of control. I mentioned this in the other thread but I’ll toss it in here as well.

we are currently planning to move to Maine from San Diego. My home here was purchased 7 years ago for 320k. I currently owe about 205k on it. It is a 3 bed, 2.5 bath in a quiet San Diego suburb that is just over 1,000 square feet with a decent driveway, 2 car garage, and an ok (for SoCal) sized yard. Current Zillow estimate on our home is 565k which does not take into account all the work we have done since owning. Our agent came by the other day and flat out said she would list it for 600k and expect it to move fast at that price. This would net me about 300k after all is said and done.

that 300k in Maine can buy me a 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom, 4000 sq ft home on several acres with outbuildings for cash and I won’t have a mortgage at all. Or I could drop that 300k as a down payment on a 570k property in Maine with massive acreage, rooms, outbuildings, indoor pool, etc and have almost the exact same mortgage payment I have now or several variants there of in between. Bottom line, I can get WAY more for my money there than I can here and be way ahead.
Serious question, for those moving out of CA with their money...

Do you believe you could have made that same amount of money in the same amount of time at the place you moved to?

There isn't even any jobs for what I used to do where we're going. My wife knows that she would have received appx. a 40% lower salary for the same position as salaries area based partly on the area's cost of living.
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California is a shithole.... but also.... let me make my money there.

it's a funny thing isn't it? the people who can afford to leave and live better on what they made, i.e. the wealthy and non-working, can go ahead and do so. the people who are working and struggling are the ones who suffer with and under it while a big chunk of the tax payers dip out, leaving higher burdens on those that remain. it puts greater strain on the working people and those trying to grow and prosper.

and of course, increases in programs and taxes only exacerbate the problem as again, the rich and non-working can afford to leave and live anywhere :laughing: but hey, keep voting for your class struggle creating barriers to mobility and your damaging regulations. eventually it will chase off enough people that a state than can physically support a very large and diverse population loses enough people so that it can support in poverty the few that remain.

rape while the raping's good, as they say.

edit: in reference to your earning question, I left CA 10 years ago and probably next year or maybe this year my household income will reach or surpass what it was in CA when I left. of course, we went from dual income to single income for those 10 years and our overall standard of living has gone up as well.
it's a funny thing isn't it? the people who can afford to leave and live better on what they made, i.e. the wealthy and non-working, can go ahead and do so. the people who are working and struggling are the ones who suffer with and under it while a big chunk of the tax payers dip out, leaving higher burdens on those that remain. it puts greater strain on the working people and those trying to grow and prosper.

and of course, increases in programs and taxes only exacerbate the problem as again, the rich and non-working can afford to leave and live anywhere :laughing: but hey, keep voting for your class struggle creating barriers to mobility and your damaging regulations. eventually it will chase off enough people that a state than can physically support a very large and diverse population loses enough people so that it can support in poverty the few that remain.

rape while the raping's good, as they say.

Rich and non-working?
Welathy and non-working?

I thought people who are Rich and Wealthy, became so through hardwork. Hmmm... 🤔
Rich and non-working?
Welathy and non-working?

I thought people who are Rich and Wealthy, became so through hardwork. Hmmm... 🤔

notice this thread is full of retiree's and mid career people who are sick of the state and leaving. Those that can afford to leave, do and are. those are the people who you want to attract as your tax base. they pay for schools but don't have kids going into them. they pay income taxes and spend more money on sales taxes because they are less interested in savings and investing. they buy the luxury items that support industry.

but again, rejoice in your declining population. eventually you will get there and have enough poverty for everybody :laughing:
Just funny to me that people love to make their wealth in CA, while simultaneously complaining about CA, and then leave CA with their CA-earned money to spend elsewhere.
I left Humboldt County almost 10 years ago for N ID. I make way more here than I could doing anything legal in Humboldt, cost of living is less, and I pay way less to the state up here. My mom's still down there retired on the family property on Berry Summit and my sister lives in Orleans but I'm never moving back to CA.

what do you do?

my brother just moved to ID, him and the wife are both red so dont worry :flipoff2:
Seems to be a trend. Make your money/wealth in CA, and leave when you have "had enough".... to spend said money/wealth elsewhere. Hard to see a downside with the cost of living being so much lower in GA.

Yup. We left in September and bought a house on acerage in southern Oregon (I know... still way better than CA). We are able to save more money on a single income here than dual 6 figure incomes in CA
Just funny to me that people love to make their wealth in CA, while simultaneously complaining about CA, and then leave CA with their CA-earned money to spend elsewhere.

You are conflating High wages with quality of life. Wages are high due to high cost of living. Cost of living is high due to regulation, Taxation, and overpopulation. All of which are tied together and propped up by several industries that are arbitrarily located here. I don't think agriculture or entertainment are moving anywhere soon but the big tech companies are letting people work from home and they have started moving to rural areas and out of state. The people that make enough money to leave California are doing so in spite of the state not because of it.

You also live too close to LA to say California, at least major swaths of it, is not a shithole. The politicians take the tax money and use it counter to the interests of its own taxpayers. How much money do they spend on the homeless? More and more every year, more and more keep showing up because there are programs to support them and they are given cate blanchett to do whatever they want.

You say California is good because wages are high when that is just a symptom of the mismanagement. California was better and could be better again.
Does Supply and Demand not factor into the cost of living here in CA?

Let me rephrase, if CA cost of living decreased, would you expect an increase in population?
You are conflating High wages with quality of life. Wages are high due to high cost of living. Cost of living is high due to regulation, Taxation, and overpopulation. All of which are tied together and propped up by several industries that are arbitrarily located here. I don't think agriculture or entertainment are moving anywhere soon but the big tech companies are letting people work from home and they have started moving to rural areas and out of state. The people that make enough money to leave California are doing so in spite of the state not because of it.

You also live too close to LA to say California, at least major swaths of it, is not a shithole. The politicians take the tax money and use it counter to the interests of its own taxpayers. How much money do they spend on the homeless? More and more every year, more and more keep showing up because there are programs to support them and they are given cate blanchett to do whatever they want.

You say California is good because wages are high when that is just a symptom of the mismanagement. California was better and could be better again.

CA could support a massive population organically, but of course the state regulations don't want that.
Does Supply and Demand not factor into the cost of living here in CA?

Let me rephrase, if CA cost of living decreased, would you expect an increase in population?

Overpopulation in the sense that there are too many people in 2-3 major metropolitan areas (Sac is iffy). Living deep in LA or the Bay area is not worth almost any but the highest wages to me personally. As Provience says the state could technically support way more people though you would start cutting into farmland at some point.

Your question is flawed, you could not decrease cost of living without first decreasing demand by decreasing population or increasing supply by decreasing regulation. Neither seems likely.
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