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Fawk California...I'm outta here.


May 19, 2020
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I've lived in California for over 64 years. Grew up here, starting out in So. Cal and eventually ended up in remote section of Nor Cal, in Humboldt Co; where I finished my career with PG&E after 35 years. It's beautiful up here and I really considered this our retirment location.

We bought an ocean view lot just over 3 years ago, and have been working with an Architect to draw up plans to suit the lot. The house came out awesome. Kinda of "beachy" in design, with nothing really "opulent" as far as trim and finished touches. It would have been built on a sloped lot, but nothing terribly difficult to deal with. At the start of the design, we had budgeted $750,000 for the build of the house alone, since the lot was purchased free and clear.

We got 3 bids back from local builders. The cheapeast bid to build our house came in at $1.2 million.....all said and done, this brings construction cost to about $350/sf..... :eek: :eek: :eek:

WTF ?????

Seems stupid labor costs and costs of materials as a result of Covid, have skyrocketed, in California. A 2x4 stud that cost just over $2 a few years ago is now over $9 a stud. A sheet of 4x10 T-111 plywood siding use to be about $35 is now over $95. The concrete for the foundation, retaining walls, driveway, etc was $150,000 alone. :rolleyes:

Fawk it...we are so outta here.

Our son (who also use to work for PG&E) and his family relocated to Georgia 3 years ago for a new job with Georgia Power. They love it there and have been trying to get us to move there to be closer to them. They are getting their wish, and we are packing up. We are currently looking around the Lake Onocee area of Georgia, where it's not too crowded and the housing isn't rediculously stupid in price. We can get an awesome newly constructed country club home in gated community, on the lake or with lake access for less than $600,000.

PLUS, we won't get taxed on our Social Security, and our retirement pension is exempted for the first $65,000 before State tax kicks in. There are so many other cash savings positives, that it makes the move easier to swallow. Gun laws are also much more friendly too! :grinpimp:

Much as I tried to put up with it, the liberal politcal diatribe in California are getting to be too much. At least I signed a recall petition to oust Newsom, so hopefully that will turn into a nice parting shot for me....

Fawk California.....
Congrats on seeing the light. I left 21 years ago..... dont miss it one bit
CA is competitive. You always have to work, have an income, or hussle. Since youre 64 or older, well ita definitely not the state to retire in, unless youre rich or homeless.
CA is competitive. You always have to work, have an income, or hussle. Since youre 64 or older, well ita definitely not the state to retire in, unless youre rich or homeless.

Seems to be a trend. Make your money/wealth in CA, and leave when you have "had enough".... to spend said money/wealth elsewhere. Hard to see a downside with the cost of living being so much lower in GA.
Seems to be a trend. Make your money/wealth in CA, and leave when you have "had enough".... to spend said money/wealth elsewhere. Hard to see a downside with the cost of living being so much lower in GA.

it's a side effect of the states abusive policies and regulations. results in significant outflows of cash.

same thing as people complaining about folks from phillippppeaanns or india or Honduras or mexico moving to the USA to work and live cheap as fuck while stashing cash, send the money back home and retire out of the country.

doesn't do much to add to the tax base or stable growth as people trying to establish roots and multigenerational stuff, but hey, that must be what CA wants because they sure model themselves that way :lmao: keep voting for your liberal utopia!
Guy on youtube was talking about having to sell MI horse property in Georgia because they had to move her to NM, because she couldn't take care of herself anymore
The fires really haven't helped building costs. Just between the one in Santa rosa in 17 and Paradise in 18 there was ~25k structures lost. I haven't even kept track of the count the last few years.

That $750k will go a loooooooong way back east. You could probably buy 1000 acres with a nice house if you wanted :laughing:
FYI, that 2x4 is going to be just a little bit cheaper. $7 in Texas. About the same in colorado. But $95 for T1-11? That's nuts. It's $33 for a 4*8 in colorado.
That $750k will go a loooooooong way back east. You could probably buy 1000 acres with a nice house if you wanted :laughing:

not likely.

a good part of the OP's cost increase is lumber prices....
Sorry Georgia is full. No more California people are allowed......


I heard they're going to build a non stop bullet train from California to Georgia. That way illegals and liberals can never touch ground in the free states.
not likely.

a good part of the OP's cost increase is lumber prices....

I was exaggerating a bit obviously. I haven't looked in GA. But what I've seen in TN, NC, SC, MO, AR, AL, ect. $750k will get you a lot over there. Heck even $250k will get you a nice chunk of land with a nice house.
Hardest thing and best thing I ever did was leave that state after 42 yrs. We sold our 3 yr old home in Yuba City and paid cash for this one. @ 2X the size and on 1.25 acre.

My father sold his 20 acres in Anderson after retiring from PG&E and bought a place in N. Alabama he's really stoked.
I think this is mostly the effect of inflation that hasn't been officially recognized as much. Employers pay you the same but charge more and more by the day for their products.

I bought a small grocery order the other day that might have cost $40 two years ago and it was $120 now. Construction materials are out of control. Housing prices are climbing again.

Might have something to do with all the money printing going on to pay for all this covid BS?
Serious question, for those moving out of CA with their money...

Do you believe you could have made that same amount of money in the same amount of time at the place you moved to?
What did you do for them? My dad retired from there as well.

I was an Engineer for PG&E, first started my career working at our Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power plant; on the seismic remodifications of the plant before it received its operating license.

Later in my career, I dealt mostly in Electric & Gas reliability / restoration efforts, customer communications, and worked interconnection operational logistics with local Cogen Independent Power Producers in the area. Also due to the remotes of the area, I also did On Camera media work reporting outage status and other PG&E related matters; because our Regional News Rep was headquartered 4 hours away, and it was cheaper and easier for me to do it remotely....
I was exaggerating a bit obviously. I haven't looked in GA. But what I've seen in TN, NC, SC, MO, AR, AL, ect. $750k will get you a lot over there. Heck even $250k will get you a nice chunk of land with a nice house.

in some places.... but definitely not near Nash, chattanooga, Knoxville.... or shoot, even Memphis.

Out in the "country?" still possible.
I was an Engineer for PG&E, first started my career working at our Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power plant; on the seismic remodifications of the plant before it received its operating license.

Later in my career, I dealt mostly in Electric & Gas reliability / restoration efforts, customer communications, and worked interconnection operational logistics with local Cogen Independent Power Producers in the area. Also due to the remotes of the area, I also did On Camera media work reporting outage status and other PG&E related matters; because our Regional News Rep was headquartered 4 hours away, and it was cheaper and easier for me to do it remotely....

I toured Diablo a few years ago. Such an amazing sight!
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