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Excess Deaths

Put on your tin foil hat for this: So we are overpopulating urban areas which is overwhelming the supporting natural resources across the country to supply the urban areas. Old non working individuals are non beneficial for the land and government. Young working individuals are beneficial for the land and young non working individuals for voting in favor of the government establishment and dependence. Virus and disease come along which help decrease the old population => win for land and government. Lock downs and masks create and or promote unhealthy physical and mental conditions => more deaths than what would have occurred from just the virus and disease along. While it may delay the deaths, it will still add to the total. In the end society is depopulated of undesirables and remaining population is mentally conditioned for more governmental dependence.

Yes, the whole world suddenly started embracing eugenics.
So we trust the cdc aint padding the #'$ to suit their allocation of fed $$$???

Or think of it as attrition.
Can you share a dataset that reflects that, I have had trouble getting that data. I would love to share that with my commie social media pals.

you are having trouble for a reason :tinfoil:

start here


Column "deaths involving influenza without covid19 or pneumonia" for the year we are at 6,735

then go here


column "estimated deaths due to influenza" (obviously historicals are years without covid)
(estimates are fall-spring so they overlap years)
19/20=22k (which, combined with the current year info that 20 is only good for <7k means in fall of 19 we had ~15k)

handier chart form


very broad "all cause deaths by year" (ends in 2017 due to reporting lag)


I can't find the one chart I was using, but it was a monthly graph that showed the rise and fall for deaths with colored lines you could highlight for each year, then it showed an estimated "100%" average. it was fun and handy
So we trust the cdc aint padding the #'$ to suit their allocation of fed $$$???

Or think of it as attrition.

we known and have proven that hospitals have been over reporting to the CDC ever since it was ordained that hospitals could see no patients other than covid, and therefore covid deaths would pay significantly higher to make up for it, oh and no tests are required for proof :rasta:
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Yes, there are excess deaths, but I don't think COVID is to blame. The REACTION to COVID is to blame.

I read somewhere that to date, 2020 has seen a 20% rise in suicide and a 30% rise in homicide.

If there are generally about 15,000 suicides in the US, that means we have had an additional 3,000 deaths in that category alone.

If there are generally 20,000 homicides in the US, that means we have had an additional 6,000 deaths in that category alone.

Just by those two factors, I have just accounted for 9,000 additional deaths. Add in those who delayed or refused to seek treatment for illnesses or injuries, and who knows how many more can be added to the list.

It will take years for us to ever find out the real numbers, if they are ever released/reported.
Can you share a dataset that reflects that, I have had trouble getting that data. I would love to share that with my commie social media pals.

Here's another data set that actually is a good bit higher than the other, showing 130k-140k deaths per year between pneumonia and influenza. It generally starts as the flu, but turns into pneumonia which is the main killer. I've worked for a company involved in the funeral industry, and as morbid as it is, its always been tracked (strong flu season=higher death rates). Data is always a bit behind, but I agree with others. 2020 will be the year we finally wiped out the flu/pneumonia.
So we trust the cdc aint padding the #'$ to suit their allocation of fed $$$???

Or think of it as attrition.

No. I dont think they do that. Too much social media for you :laughing: I don't think the CDC gets more $ for showing more dead people. Some select for profit medical establishments do, Hospital ER fro example but I doubt the Public funded ones do. Medicare sure. Lot's of the Bat-dead are older, over 65 and presumably covered by Medicare. But not the CDC. If there is credible info on that, please anyone show it.

I have noticed here in CA in my own little world that the regular flu and colds are way way way down. No one we know of has gotten sick as is typical in past years. Despite all the bullshit freely thrown out here in this forum, the sanitation and other preventative measures have made remarkable reductions apparently on common mucus and snot derived infections here in CA. Coughing and snot wiping boogers. Shutting down the schools has to be huge for the common cold and other regular types of flu, pink eye, body lice etc. You cannot say the control measures don't work, that's just stupid. They do, they always have. Surgical masks work as intended, lessening bacteria from personnel working over immune compromised and open wound surgery patients. Not intended for mass public use. Over the long haul, as shown here, the Wuhan will eventually run it's course despite these measures. Subtracting the nursing home deaths and sifting through the with Covid or of Covid death nonsense is frustrating and corrupt. The State of Idaho clearly states and shows this in their data and appears legit to the extent possible.
No one we know of has gotten sick as is typical in past years.

I just did this past week, so now you know.

I have a 3 year old in daycare. He never got sick in his life until he started going to daycare 5 months ago. Ever since then, he's had a perpetual running nose... and it erupted into a head and chest cold last week. By Sunday, he was feeling horrible and had a fever. By Monday, the fever surpassed 103, so we took him in to the Dr. Just a respiratory infection from the long-term runny nose and a week-long cough, but by that night, I was feeling down. I passed it in two days, my GF did as well, only a day behind me in the cycle (he's a daddy's boy and was laying on my chest when sick, didn't want her). He finally recovered enough without a fever to return to daycare yesterday.

Just your standard seasonal cold virus, passed in normal ways because face it, you're not getting a toddler to wear a mask and wash his hands on his own. Heck, sometimes I can't get him to keep his shoes on, much less consider a mask! Toddlers are veritable petri dishes.
"no one has got sick"

keep in mind, early on testing was limited to only at risk, showing symptoms and the very wealthy. of those, 50-90% were being reported as negative for covid (and we have evidence, admissions and solid proof that testing locations were NOT reporting all of their negatives to drive up the postive % rate). Plenty of people are getting sick, far fewer are getting reported or getting hospital stays and nearly none of them are getting recorded as non-covid deaths
I just did this past week, so now you know.

I have a 3 year old in daycare. He never got sick in his life until he started going to daycare 5 months ago. Ever since then, he's had a perpetual running nose... and it erupted into a head and chest cold last week. By Sunday, he was feeling horrible and had a fever. By Monday, the fever surpassed 103, so we took him in to the Dr. Just a respiratory infection from the long-term runny nose and a week-long cough, but by that night, I was feeling down. I passed it in two days, my GF did as well, only a day behind me in the cycle (he's a daddy's boy and was laying on my chest when sick, didn't want her). He finally recovered enough without a fever to return to daycare yesterday.

Just your standard seasonal cold virus, passed in normal ways because face it, you're not getting a toddler to wear a mask and wash his hands on his own. Heck, sometimes I can't get him to keep his shoes on, much less consider a mask! Toddlers are veritable petri dishes.

Our family also had a viral cold. It lasted about a week total in our house. Most of us did not have symptoms, and the ones that did were very mild, except our youngest, she had a fever for a day, but not over 101.
I feel like the cold and flu season will be far worse this season than those in recent past due to the lockdowns and not sharing virus in the spring so our immunities will be down as a nation...
"Excess deaths" is a false argument after the fact.

Remember back in February/March when the experts said that 2 million people were going to die if we didn't do something? Well, we did something and it cut the deaths to 200,000+-.

Fawked all sorts of other things up in the process but "Excess Deaths" is just the press moving the goal posts to suit their narrative against Trump.
"Excess deaths" is a false argument after the fact.

Remember back in February/March when the experts said that 2 million people were going to die if we didn't do something? Well, we did something and it cut the deaths to 200,000+-.

Fawked all sorts of other things up in the process but "Excess Deaths" is just the press moving the goal posts to suit their narrative against Trump.

excess deaths has always been the standard that this and everything else will be measured against, it is the only viable way. it is also obviously an after the fact thing.

and yes, i do remember back in Feb/Mar...hell, remember back in Apr when they said, before masks were a thing and before mass protests, that if we maintained distance and sanitation that after a 2 week lockdown we could likely see ~240k deaths by the end to the year? verified by a whole host of outside experts, not just the CDC.

well, that was before the "no test needed" and "blatent not covid related" information was about. Why bring that up? because it highlights that even going against the mandates at the time and using known bad information, we are still on track to be pretty far ahead of all the "novel, what if it is?!?!" concerns

edit: Gavin Newsome said, when announcing his statewide lockdowns, that 50% of CA would get it, and that was when 5% CFR was expected, i.e. 1 million dead due to covid in CA alone by the end of the year if "we took no action, such as the lockdowns and mandates here today"
I just did this past week, so now you know.

I have a 3 year old in daycare. He never got sick in his life until he started going to daycare 5 months ago. Ever since then, he's had a perpetual running nose... . .. . .. Toddlers are veritable petri dishes.

I know this sounds all soupy and weep sack, but I really miss my son now that he is all grown up and knows everything. But yeah, he was a petri dish, prolly from Day Care. After the third time he got strep throat we think we traced it back to the huge playhouse at Chuck E Cheese. Strep almost killed me also. My Ex, his Momma, never ever got sick from anyting the entire time, drinking and smoking all the while. The FUCKING school nurse argued with me when I brought up that their after school care room had no hot or warm running water to use. As Dr have said for at least 100 years with children, hot soap and water. She argued the hot wasn't necessary. I had to tell her kids dont like to use COLD water, but they will more willingly, grudgingly submit to WARM water. Fucking tards. To this day they have taken zero measures at Public schools to address simple hygiene including sanitation stations, door open policy etc. Ever try and talk any common sense to some teachers ?? :eek:
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To this day they have taken zero measures at Public schools to address simple hygiene including sanitation stations, door open policy etc. Ever try and talk any common sense to some teachers ?? :eek:

zero measures? hardly!

here in WA, it is outright against the rules to have cleaning supplies, disinfectants and hand sanatizer esque products in or around a classroom environment. might trigger an allergy, don'tcha know. and some have smells, that certainly t'aint good for the chilluns.
The common steel commerical and public door knobs and handles require, forces the user to press and apply pressure to operate it. This smashes flesh and skin oil onto the smooth surface. I cant think of a more efficient transmitter of gew and pew other than sneezing a nice nose oiler in a crowded elevator.
A lot more folks avoiding the doctor too. News last week was talking about how regular screenings for stuff were down over 60%. Fewer folks getting regular checks and more folks avoiding the doc all together.

not avoiding them, can't go because they're not allowed to practice.

just before all this shit hit my mother in law got a chest scan and they found nodules on her lungs.
it's taken 4 months before she can follow up on it, because "non essential"

I mean, it's no big deal, maybe you have cancer, maybe you don't.
87manche That must be regional.

I've had 2x lithotripsy outpatient procedures in the past 2 months. Granted it took almost 2 months between the Doc saying we're going to do lithotripsy and it actually happening. During this lithotripsy mess, I've had 2 visits to the urologist, a CT scan at a different hospital than the one that did the lithotripsy, and an ultrasound at the urologist. I've not had any real trouble seeing a specialist or a radiologist, CT scan was even the same day my GP said he wanted me to get one. The outpatient lithotripsy did take some squeaky wheel, hounding from me the first go-round, but second one happened 2 weeks after the first one.

Additionally, Jewels had something come up, that was concerning enough to need a biopsy, everything came back fine and benign thankfully, but it was ~3 weeks between her GP saying we need to have a biopsy and it happening.

There has been a lot more telemedicine too. My poor grandmother is dealing with shingles right now, instead of going to the Doc, she saw him via my dad's smartphone, and got an Rx for treatment.
87manche That must be regional.

I've had 2x lithotripsy outpatient procedures in the past 2 months. Granted it took almost 2 months between the Doc saying we're going to do lithotripsy and it actually happening. During this lithotripsy mess, I've had 2 visits to the urologist, a CT scan at a different hospital than the one that did the lithotripsy, and an ultrasound at the urologist. I've not had any real trouble seeing a specialist or a radiologist, CT scan was even the same day my GP said he wanted me to get one. The outpatient lithotripsy did take some squeaky wheel, hounding from me the first go-round, but second one happened 2 weeks after the first one.

Additionally, Jewels had something come up, that was concerning enough to need a biopsy, everything came back fine and benign thankfully, but it was ~3 weeks between her GP saying we need to have a biopsy and it happening.

There has been a lot more telemedicine too. My poor grandmother is dealing with shingles right now, instead of going to the Doc, she saw him via my dad's smartphone, and got an Rx for treatment.

it's all state government shit.
the fed can't actually do anything.

our governor went full fucking retard because he's on a power trip.
the state health director resigned so she wouldn't be party to the lawsuits.

but yeah, for 4 month anything that wasn't emergency medicine was shut the fuck down.
elective surgeries? no.
Diagnostic scans and shit? fuck off, not important.
anything outpatient? get bent.

and during that time my local hospital laid off a fuck ton of staff, because emergency medicine doesn't pay the bills.
so now they're legit understaffed because of budget, and here we are with rising cases and shit because what we should have let happen 4 months ago is happening now.
87manche Arkansas and governor Hutchinson was demonized in the national media most of the summer for, "not doing enough." We're currently a "red zone" so maybe he didn't. Pretty much everything is open now, has been for months, but we do have a state wide public mask requirement, but there's essentially zero enforcement of it.

Regardless, I'm glad I don't live in Ohio anymore, for several reasons, but this COVID mess would likely have ruined me based on what some of my old coworkers have shared with me.
"Excess deaths" is a false argument after the fact.

Remember back in February/March when the experts said that 2 million people were going to die if we didn't do something? Well, we did something and it cut the deaths to 200,000+-.

Fawked all sorts of other things up in the process but "Excess Deaths" is just the press moving the goal posts to suit their narrative against Trump.

I think 200k deaths was their absolute best case scenario if everyone shut down and completely went along with whatever bullshit they came up with. That obviously didn’t happen and now they are padding numbers just to try and save face.
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