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Excess Deaths

A lot more folks avoiding the doctor too. News last week was talking about how regular screenings for stuff were down over 60%. Fewer folks getting regular checks and more folks avoiding the doc all together.
I saw a different study that put us like 30% under normal deaths this year vs last year?

I started reading that study and really have a hard time believing that it’s sound data. I was having a hard time seeing what they were comparing the numbers too?

there are typically what 2.8 million deaths annually?
Baby boomers gonna boom. The death rate in America has been increasing since 2013.

If 200k died from covid and there were 300k extra deaths. that means without covid there would have been 100k extra deaths anyway. seems fishy if you're trying to make it look like covid is to blame.
A lot more folks avoiding the doctor too. News last week was talking about how regular screenings for stuff were down over 60%. Fewer folks getting regular checks and more folks avoiding the doc all together.

I discussed this with our local fire chief back in May. They were seeing increased problems in the people they were responding to from their lack of going to the Dr. for regular treatment.
How due you reconcile that given your acceptance of ExWrench's post ???

Just guessing: .09% of the population (excess deaths) = 12% of expected deaths?

EDIT: (from linked article)


What is already known about this topic?

As of October 15, 216,025 deaths from COVID-19 have been reported in the United States; however, this might underestimate the total impact of the pandemic on mortality.

What is added by this report?

Overall, an estimated 299,028 excess deaths occurred from late January through October 3, 2020, with 198,081 (66%) excess deaths attributed to COVID-19.

198,081 / 331,000,000 = .06%
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How due you reconcile that given your acceptance of ExWrench's post ???

the two aren't related. exwrenches post was saying "meh, 1% die a year, so 10% of 1% is no big deal"

my post was more a reference on the state breakdown and locations of those excess deaths, associated mostly with the several categories provided. NY and NJ are absolute drivers, both in raw numbers and percent, for much of the spike. Sure, there is a "acceptable range", i think it was 2018 that was another "high" year as well, but you can certainly find year over year comparisons that are used to derive Mean
Baby boomers gonna boom. The death rate in America has been increasing since 2013.

If 200k died from covid and there were 300k extra deaths. that means without covid there would have been 100k extra deaths anyway. seems fishy if you're trying to make it look like covid is to blame.

and, wouldn't you know, the regular non covid influenza has nearly been eliminated this year! Hell, it wouldn't be earth shatterting for 60-100k people to die from influenza previously. i think we are under 10k comparitively now that covid exists :laughing:
and, wouldn't you know, the regular non covid influenza has nearly been eliminated this year! Hell, it wouldn't be earth shatterting for 60-100k people to die from influenza previously. i think we are under 10k comparitively now that covid exists :laughing:

It's a friggin' medical miracle! :bounce2: 'Rona cured the flu :laughing:
an important thing to note, the CDC already said ~12% of covid deaths are covid ONLY.

I have a very hard time believing that 197k out of 210k covid deaths are solely to blame on covid (i.e. unexpected) for the rise.

It will be YEARS before we are able to get an honest look at any of this information. It is openly admitted that standard practice is to wait 2 years before discussing Suicide deaths and trends, because those become self-fulfilling with too much immediacy
A lot more folks avoiding the doctor too. News last week was talking about how regular screenings for stuff were down over 60%. Fewer folks getting regular checks and more folks avoiding the doc all together.

For sure.

My wife is a worrier. The other night I was doing electrical work in the shop and she came outside saying, “Connor’s side hurts, he’s doubled over in pain. I think it might be his appendix. We should take him to the ER.” I told her to slow her roll and just wait. They might get something worse running to the ER for no reason.

What was it? A lactose flair up...:homer:

My body parts will be hanging off me or I’ll be bleeding profusely before I go to the doc for awhile.
Also worth mentioning that about half of the "covid deaths" were nursing home patients. Average life expectancy of a person upon entering a nursing home is 13 months. Alot of people who would have died next year instead died this year and thus we can expect a drop in excess deaths next year.
like others have said, but i didnt read cuz im lazy :flipoff2:

300k deaths could be car crashes, cancer, drug od, suicide, kyle rittenhouse encounters, yada yada
and, wouldn't you know, the regular non covid influenza has nearly been eliminated this year! Hell, it wouldn't be earth shatterting for 60-100k people to die from influenza previously. i think we are under 10k comparitively now that covid exists :laughing:

Can you share a dataset that reflects that, I have had trouble getting that data. I would love to share that with my commie social media pals.
like others have said, but i didnt read cuz im lazy :flipoff2:

300k deaths could be car crashes, cancer, drug od, suicide, kyle rittenhouse encounters, yada yada

to say that the US would have been at 100% without covid, and that the 200k covid deaths are the root of 2/3 of the excess deaths is an abject lie.

oh, wait, they said 178k of the 210k covid deaths :shaking: dis-honest
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