My ethics are different and they aren't the primary decision maker.
Most of the times (utilitarian purchase)-looking for value.
1. Will this last me as long as I want to use it? Or alternatively does this last longer than typical shit on the market.
2. What's the cost of the item vs cheap shit on the market? Then I'm looking at ratios 3 times as long for twice as much, all over it. Twice as nice to use for twice as much? Yep. More money and just as shitty, that is a bucket of nope.
3. Assuming there is more than one option remaining, we get into my morality, fuck what gen society defines as moral.
Does this company openly get involved at all with politics as in donate generically to one party or the other? lost some value for me.
Does this company try to restrict my access to public lands? lost value to me
Does this company restrict any of my constitutional rights or support groups who do? Lost value for me
Gaining is tougher,
Preferred hiring of vets especially veteran owned? gain some value
Locally owned? Gained some value
I can't think of a way to give fewer or less valuable shits about how happy Juan is picking my coffee beans or what happens to his family when they aren't picking my beans or how many goats they have to milk. What I want is some coffee in my cup that doesn't taste like someone dipped their sweaty socks in it because they think bitter = strong.