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Ethically sourced consumer goods?

Scott Cee aka 2drx4

Taste the butwhole
Jun 13, 2020
Member Number
The middle of BC, Canada
Does the ethics of a company/brand/product actually factor into you purchasing it or not?

IE, do you spend more for the coffee that allegedly is fair trade? Or, do you avoid buying products made by companies that are confirmed to use sweatshop labour? Or will you avoid an electronics brand that exclusively manufactures in China?
I DGAF about most of that. I'll try to buy USA because quality, not because USA.

I avoid 'Fair Trade' scam products, as well as Organic. Extra expensive, not much better, BLM/Reddit moral superior.
I believe that China by way of Walmart got cheap ass Americans addicted to their low priced garbage. This isn’t exclusive to Walmart, but they had a big role in closing Mom and Pops and US manufacturing.

I have been doing my best to not buy anything Chinese made well before COVID.
Minimally. I care more about fit, function, and quality reputation. I care about consistency... if I buy another of item x, is it like the first item x I bought.

I don't buy Nike... not because of any political BS or supposed slave labor, they don't fit for shit.
I buy Reebok because they fit and they are consistent for their size. They have been so for over 30 years. I don't care if they support BLM or if they use sweat shops.
to a point, i generally put some effort in to avoiding mainland china stuff.

that's nearly as far as i go :rasta:
I believe that China by way of Walmart got cheap ass Americans addicted to their low priced garbage. This isn’t exclusive to Walmart, but they had a big role in closing Mom and Pops and US manufacturing.

I have been doing my best to not buy anything Chinese made well before COVID.

So, do you primarily not buy from China because their trade practices hurt Americans, or does it concern you that they stuff shoeless children in factories with no safety standards, or other moral issues regarding the CPC's treatment of people in their country (not specifically their citizens)?

Mom and pops were going to die because of the internet and the megastores regardless of the goods prices, unless they chose to specialize or provide service levels not possible for a larger company.
So, do you primarily not buy from China because their trade practices hurt Americans, or does it concern you that they stuff shoeless children in factories with no safety standards, or other moral issues regarding the CPC's treatment of people in their country (not specifically their citizens)?

Mom and pops were going to die because of the internet and the megastores regardless of the goods prices, unless they chose to specialize or provide service levels not possible for a larger company.

i primarily try not to support china because of their cultural awakening/cleansing and their abject human rights abuse. being a massive trade partner makes them easier to avoid, in a sense.

i'm more on the free trade rather than fair trade school of thought, and their children being shoeless in a sweat shop is a fairly common condition. provided they are the lucky children the CCP has allowed to live
I’ve been opposing the flood of chinesium shit since before Y2K and took a lot of shit for it. We’ve become dependent on it now and we’re totally fucked. Try finding a thermos bottle made in USA, I’ll wait. Then the NRA sending Chinese trinkets when I donate. 😡 It’s not because of the forced labor or some humane cause, it’s the destruction of our manufacturing base that I care about, yet here we are.
If you won’t buy blood diamonds or Nike’s you might as well burn your clothes and go nekkid, toss your electronic devices, strip half the parts off your car, and mail your friends letters telling them how moral you are. And get used to piss warm coffee cuz you can’t find a thermos made in USA.
Try to stick with American made when I can. Also shop local.

We've been weeding out products that openly donate/pander to terrorist organizations like Antifa and BLM and all that bullshit. Won't buy Gillette products. Wife cancelled Disney+. I won't watch a single sports game. That sort of thing.
I buy cage free eggs. They cost almost double and I eat 6 eggs a day.....every morning

I saw a thing on the news one night about chickens being in these tiny cages where they can't even turn around to pump out eggs till they die.

Stuck with me, Never bought eggs that aren't labeled Caged Free ever again
I buy cage free eggs. They cost almost double and I eat 6 eggs a day.....every morning

I saw a thing on the news one night about chickens being in these tiny cages where they can't even turn around to pump out eggs till they die.

Stuck with me, Never bought eggs that aren't labeled Caged Free ever again

isn't cage free the law in CA as of a few years ago? that push is probably why you saw it on the news.
I buy shit based on quality and value, if the best one is made by a 9 year old Chinese kid, that's the one I'm buying. I try to shop small business and buy US made goods when I can, but it's not always an option or feasible.
"Ethically Sourced" is flavor of the day buzzword. Made to make a consumer feel warm and fuzzy.

Somebody needs to put Country of Origin on all the meat we consume. I guarantee that will make most feel cold and queasy.
I buy shit based on quality and value, if the best one is made by a 9 year old Chinese kid, that's the one I'm buying. I try to shop small business and buy US made goods when I can, but it's not always an option or feasible.

Basically this. I buy a lot of shit from Amazon and Walmart because fuck you, it's my money so value per dollar is the way it goes.
I told a jewelry salesperson I wanted a blood diamond. I wanted to know (other) people gave their life for my marriage.

So no, IDGAF.
I told a jewelry salesperson I wanted a blood diamond. I wanted to know (other) people gave their life for my marriage.

So no, IDGAF.

eh, debeers is all a scam :laughing: if my wife didn't have an heirloom ring she wouldn't have a diamond :rasta: hell she typically just wears a cheap band of various size and i don't wear anything just in protest :rasta:
I buy cage free eggs. They cost almost double and I eat 6 eggs a day.....every morning

I saw a thing on the news one night about chickens being in these tiny cages where they can't even turn around to pump out eggs till they die.

Stuck with me, Never bought eggs that aren't labeled Caged Free ever again

Search classifieds for local eggs.

I buy my eggs from a local farm. $3 a dozen. The chicks roam the big field and even come after you when you stop by. I am usually given eggs collected that very morning.

I also eat 6 a day and ask for 5 dozen at a time. These eggs are so damn good that I could not go back to store bought.

This Covid shit has them on back order these days. I assume it's cuz some folks are avoiding stores.


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SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — California voters overwhelmingly approved a measure Tuesday requiring that all eggs sold in the state come from cage-free hens by 2022.

Proposition 12 also bans the sale of pork and veal in California from farm animals raised in cages that don’t meet the new minimum size requirements. That means the Golden State’s new rules will apply to farmers nationwide whose eggs, veal and pork are sold in California.

Supporters say the measure is a big step toward more humane farming practices, while opponents say it is misleading and maintains cruel practices for animals.

yet another fuck CA thing. chickens don't mind cages, law is poorly written
no cause I read those buzzwords as we charge more so we can make a larger profit. Or the logic of well we want to help lift up the people in china, well how about helping people here in the states first?
Depends what it is, but no, not actively in general. If something falls into that and is similarly priced I'll got for the more "ethical" option.

I try to avoid Nestle products. Company sucks and it's mostly processed shit I don't eat anyway.
I mostly buy coffee from a local company, but it's not much more than big brands and tastes good. There's some other local places that have great coffee, but it's also 50% more so I don't buy it.
I buy what ever is available at a good price for most stuff. My toyotas hate any part not made in japan, and I try to stay local for business related services.
no cause I read those buzzwords as we charge more so we can make a larger profit. Or the logic of well we want to help lift up the people in china, well how about helping people here in the states first?

Skip the buzzwords and just look at the COO. I only put the coffee example in there because it's a common one (I don't drink laxatives myself), but the other examples have nothing to do with buzzwords.

What about a Turkish shotgun? Would you rather buy a Remlin?

If it was made in Canada versus PRC, what would you choose?

Is French machining better than Indian? Okay, what about the morals behind it?
Absolutely I do. We buy pretty much everything we eat organic/fair trade/local. I buy as much USA made clothes as I can. I buy USA made tools. If I need specialty products I'll research as many options as possible and buy the best made product from the highest quality vendor.
I’ve been opposing the flood of chinesium shit since before Y2K and took a lot of shit for it. We’ve become dependent on it now and we’re totally fucked. Try finding a thermos bottle made in USA, I’ll wait. Then the NRA sending Chinese trinkets when I donate. 😡 It’s not because of the forced labor or some humane cause, it’s the destruction of our manufacturing base that I care about, yet here we are.
If you won’t buy blood diamonds or Nike’s you might as well burn your clothes and go nekkid, toss your electronic devices, strip half the parts off your car, and mail your friends letters telling them how moral you are. And get used to piss warm coffee cuz you can’t find a thermos made in USA.

I USA made thermos coming right up.

I have "made in the usa" tattooed across my back. I've always done what I can to buy american made products, or from company's that employ a good amount of Americans to slang thier Chinese garbage. I pretty much never order straight from any other country unless I do it unknowingly.

As far as "ethically sourced" I dont give 2 shits about a chicken not being able to move or my bacon being locked in a cage. I also never buy organic unless it is the cheaper option. I will however make a slight attempt to buy food grown and raised locally
As I get older it makes a difference, but what do you do in a situation where You really like an item, it is unique, but made in a country you don't think is ethical? e.g. a car or radio, toy, or gun. ect.

You grow up dreaming of a particular car, when you can afford it, all the sudden you say, Nah, I don't like the politics of the country that produced it so I will forgo my childhood dreams?

When you are trying to raise 4 kids when jobs are coming and going you take the cheapest thing you can get almost every time. Of course you learn some things you can't skimp on but price becomes everything.

I hate walmart more and more every day but when your food bill is running $300 a week you learn pretty fast $300 in food goes a lot farther at walmart than any other grocery store.

Sure it would be great to have time and money to not care about price and buy more ethically but some people don't have the time or the money to do that.
Search classifieds for local eggs.

I buy my eggs from a local farm. $3 a dozen. The chicks roam the big field and even come after you when you stop by. I am usually given eggs collected that very morning.

I also eat 6 a day and ask for 5 dozen at a time. These eggs are so damn good that I could not go back to store bought.

This Covid shit has them on back order these days. I assume it's cuz some folks are avoiding stores.

What’s up Beaver county, PA :flipoff2:
I try to buy stuff made in the US or Canada. We buy a lot of our food locally, when possible. Unfortunately the source of many things has been deliberately obfuscated.
IDGAF about China. That's a problem that the big boys at the federal level are gonna have to solve. I do what's best of me so I shop for value.

I do deliberately try to avoid doing domestic business if the proceeds are likely to trickle down to people who hate me. Why would I want to fund people who want to destroy my way of life and are local enough they have a good shot at doing so? This generally means not spending my money in overpriced shitholes so it's a win-win.

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — California voters overwhelmingly approved a measure Tuesday requiring that all eggs sold in the state come from cage-free hens by 2022.

Proposition 12 also bans the sale of pork and veal in California from farm animals raised in cages that don’t meet the new minimum size requirements. That means the Golden State’s new rules will apply to farmers nationwide whose eggs, veal and pork are sold in California.

Supporters say the measure is a big step toward more humane farming practices, while opponents say it is misleading and maintains cruel practices for animals.

yet another fuck CA thing. chickens don't mind cages, law is poorly written

Wolves and Grizzly Bears gotta eat too. Part of the Center for Biological Diversities plan to repopulate the west with the wolf and Grizzly Bear, from Mexico to Alaska. Free range chickens for all!

Smithfield is owned by China, so they own the Bacon.

I try to avoid spending any money with socal business's. L.A.'s boycott of Arizona because of our Immigration Policies cost a local Ammo company a big contract.
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