MAN O' MAN...... Golf carts...
Below is MY OPINION based off my experiences...
Pro's- Quieter, technically less maintenance, more throttle response, and more torque than gas (in stock form).
Cons's- the maintenance you do have to do is more meticulous and typically is expensive, when the batteries are dead your day of riding is over, travel range, and less accepting of lift kits and big tires with out up grades.
Pro's- it runs on gas, more traditional maintenance, easier and cheaper to upgrade little things, less impacted by bigger tires.
Con's- louder, less torque (in stock form).
I have lots of experience with electric golf carts and I will say... They are fun and I prefer electric over gas. However, one needs to know up front that if you plan to run bigger tires, back seat or use it on a dear lease then you will be dumping money in to it over time. The stock controllers are not designed to handle the load. The only golf cart I have seen come from the factory that seems to do ok with the heavier add ons is the EZ-GO 48V TXT (2014-2019) maybe newer as well but 2019 is the latest I can remember, but iirc that is the lucky year ranges. Electric golf carts can become money pits if not properly set up and maintained. You can stretch the life of the batteries as long as you take care of them, Trojan and US-battery are the 2 best brands IMO, and as long as you check the water about once a month, always use distilled water to fill them and always keep them on the charger as a battery tender you can get some extra life out of them. Lastly, I would try to get a 48V, 36V will leave you really wishing you had more speed and torque!
Gas models are tinkers dream or the lazy soccer dad's worst nightmare IMO. When they run they are awesome and reliable. They have more grunt as far as using them to haul fire wood or load up the entire family to cruise the beach... but I swear gassers have problems that always come in 3's, it never seems to just be one thing that is wrong with them when something needs fixed. If you can, try to find one that comes from the factory with the bigger engine, there is nothing worse than wishing you had a bigger gas engine on your golf cart, because although you can do little upgrades to your current engine the bigger "big block" engines are night and day on power and to swap out can cost a lot of money.