I'm torn on this and this is something I see other people saying on their own, so I know it's a widespread opinion:
This has been the rule in the past decades:
- European enters a political discussion to an American, and now on social media
- The European most times is not invited, they just state their opinion
- America is racist
- America has a bad educational system
- America has lower Life Metrics:
- -Infant mortality
- -Life expectancy
- -Literacy
- US has street crime, burned out cities like Detroit and Baltimore
- US has no Socialized Medicine
- Europeans are healthier
- etc
All of this gets said and nobody can make a defense, and you CAN'T make the defense in public or in the media:
It's the Minorities. And because Minorities lag behind in social integration and metrics, America is accused of being racist, because you can't say its the Minority's fault, so the fault MUST lie with White America. White America MUST be racist as the only explanation for all of this.
Europeans including you,
ev13wt , especially you in years past, piled on us about these things, on PBB, and we watched you do it.
And now that Germany has reached a tipping point of 7.7% Muslim and Black population, your metrics are now getting fucked up.
I'm torn. I want to be smug at you because you DEFINITELY criticized the US for these problems and I watched people on this IBB argue with you about it on PBB.
So I want to rejoice and revel in your hypocrisy, now that the crows have come home to roost, but I just can't. It's such an awful, awful shame about the Demographic Minority problem in Europe, it makes me sick.
The FORCING of minority populations and remediation on white Americans who are dropping like flies from Deaths of Despair... the FORCING of minority populations on Europe, is so fucking evil I can hardly believe something like this exists.
If you make even one PEEP about it, you are ostracized from society.
It's evil. This is evil. I'm not joking or exaggerating. Forcing Europe to accept minority and especially Muslim immigration is Evil. I overthink everything and am accused of doing so all of the time, and I literally can't think my way out of observing that this FORCED immigration process isn't Evil.
This is Hitler-level shit and it all ends in a horror-show with absolutely not a single indication otherwise. Not even one. Not a single indication this doesn't all end in war and ethnic cleansing. More and more signs every day of the opposite.