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Dope heads

There was a lieutenant that worked with us a few times in Afghanistan. You would never guess in a million years that he wore a trident. He was 5’8 and probably weighed 140 pounds in boots.

Have a buddy that earned a green had that is around 5-7 and maybe 160# soaking wet. Its not he size of the dog but the fight in the dog for sure.
There was a lieutenant that worked with us a few times in Afghanistan. You would never guess in a million years that he wore a trident. He was 5’8 and probably weighed 140 pounds in boots.
That’s because it’s more mental than anything. My uncle told a few stories from when he was in. He was 98lbs when he graduated high school and got into BUDS.
You really need to take a step back from weed, take it from the resident stoner.

1. Stuff now isnt the same stuff as 15-20 years ago
2. When yoi just start smoking, it doesnt have the same effect as when youve been smoking year after year after year
3. The only reason you (and others) think it helps you, is because youve smoked so long, you dont know what its like to be sober
4. Your mind has a much better mechanism for coping and dealing with reality when you are not under any influence
5. You are not fucking 23 anymore
6. Alcohol is no better, but your body lets you know much sooner when "youve had enough"
7. If you made it this far, disregard everything I said nad go buy Four Lokos. (just gitting Artin!)

seriously lay off the ganja, it is time. I saw it really fuck with peoples heads.

Pot is like everything else in life, some people can handle it in moderation, some people can't. To say "alcohol is better" just shows that you couldn't handle the pot (not your fault, just doesn't make your statement true)
Pot is like everything else in life, some people can handle it in moderation, some people can't. To say "alcohol is better" just shows that you couldn't handle the pot (not your fault, just doesn't make your statement true)

you must be high because I said "alcohol is no better" not alcohol is better :flipoff2:
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