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Discussion Has No Value, Has Never Changed Anyone’s Mind

Ive read a few of your threads. Afterwards i took a dump. Id rather not see the world through jammynumbas smudged monocle.
So let me ask you Jimmynumbers......

Have you learned anything you deem constructive from the people who've replied to your threads?

My guess is no. You seem like a thick-headed simpleton who only wants to lecture and not listen.

Yes I have, some users on here and on PBB have changed my mind or at least made me look at things from a different point of view. In particular the user "crowbar" off the old site was very instrumental in my changing my opinions on flat rate and automotive work in general and changed my attitude. I still see shortcomings in the field all around me, and I think my advice is still pertinent because too many guys lose sight of the basics that I've been so ridiculed for posting on here.

I realize I can come across as a know it all at times, but I'm very dedicated to proving my point when I want to get something across, thinking of every possible angle someone could come at me with and trying to have a response for it. Those that actually want to have a discussion and not just poke fun without offering any substance are the ones I feel that are worth my time. Those that think ridiculing me into giving up are wrong, you have to refute me with ideas, not junior high level insults.

Nailed it.

What jimmyblahblah doesn't understand (amongst most things) is that HE won't change people's minds because he doesn't understand the majority of the things he's arguing about as well as he thinks but he's to young and impetuous to understand that.

This is the shit I hate, if I "don't understand" you should be able to easily put my in my place and tell me WHY I'm wrong, not just that I'm wrong. The only thing you and every other member who posts a quick insult and think of it as a refutation to my OP prove is how stupid you really are. I've made my case, now others should make theirs. Not being willing to entertain opposing points of view (such as mine) and consider the pros and cons of that way of thinking shows how closed minded normal people are.

They never question how they think or what they do, they are just convinced that they already know everything and don't need to question themselves. I'm not convinced that I know better than everyone else, but I do like to argue and discuss differing ways of seeing things, and most of my opinions on things aren't in line with the majority of people/techs, so they tend to rile people up, but I'm not doing it intentionally.

I question myself all the time so I can continue to learn and grow as a person and as a tech. Some of you motherfuckers seem pretty stunted to me :flipoff2:
This is the shit I hate, if I "don't understand" you should be able to easily put my in my place and tell me WHY I'm wrong, not just that I'm wrong. The only thing you and every other member who posts a quick insult and think of it as a refutation to my OP prove is how stupid you really are. I've made my case, now others should make theirs. Not being willing to entertain opposing points of view (such as mine) and consider the pros and cons of that way of thinking shows how closed minded normal people are.

They never question how they think or what they do, they are just convinced that they already know everything and don't need to question themselves. I'm not convinced that I know better than everyone else, but I do like to argue and discuss differing ways of seeing things, and most of my opinions on things aren't in line with the majority of people/techs, so they tend to rile people up, but I'm not doing it intentionally.

I question myself all the time so I can continue to learn and grow as a person and as a tech. Some of you motherfuckers seem pretty stunted to me :flipoff2:

finally went back and read your OP.

what's your point again? of course discussion changes peoples mind. it is our #1 method of influence over others. yes, greater than war.

pen is mightier than the sword

history that isn't recorded doesn't exist

oral history is less influential than written history

all those things.
I don't argue to change the person I'm arguing with's mind, I argue so the silent person listening or reading the conversation can know they are not alone in thinking a certain way.


I know that most people are set in their ways and aren't going to change their minds about something, but that still doesn't mean that talking about it at all is a waste of time. I've had many times where I did things a certain way and another tech just gave me a quick tip that made me look at it from a different prospective and (usually) made the job I was doing easier. And I've been on the flip side of that, giving a tip to another tech based on my past experience dealing with said issue.

Someone might make what was an offhand comment to them that really "strikes a chord" with someone else and makes them view things a little differently, or even just broaden their horizons if not outright changing their viewpoint. You limit yourself only sticking to the ideas in your own head instead of branching out and seeing how others see things, even if it only shows you that you disagree with how so and so does it, or that you agree with part of it but not everything.
finally went back and read your OP.

what's your point again? of course discussion changes peoples mind. it is our #1 method of influence over others. yes, greater than war.

pen is mightier than the sword

history that isn't recorded doesn't exist

oral history is less influential than written history

all those things.

I've gotten the "you're not changing anyone's mind by discussing this, you're just wasting your time" reply from many people on various forums over the years, and I've always thought it was BS. They were basically saying that discussing differing viewpoints had no value at all. I don't set out to change anyone's mind by posting my threads, I seek to put my ideas out there and get feedback from others on how they feel about my ideas. And maybe they or I can come away a little bit wiser than when we started. I know I have learned something from damn near every thread I've ever posted. Might not be much, but each one has taught me some sort of lesson.
I've gotten the "you're not changing anyone's mind by discussing this, you're just wasting your time" reply from many people on various forums over the years, and I've always thought it was BS. They were basically saying that discussing differing viewpoints had no value at all. I don't set out to change anyone's mind by posting my threads, I seek to put my ideas out there and get feedback from others on how they feel about my ideas. And maybe they or I can come away a little bit wiser than when we started. I know I have learned something from damn near every thread I've ever posted. Might not be much, but each one has taught me some sort of lesson.

maybe the answer you are looking for is "toughen up, nancy"

hell i get told i'm wasting my time in damn near every thread i participate in, yet i used to have 40k+ posts on this board :flipoff2: well above anybody else.

of course it is BS.
maybe the answer you are looking for is "toughen up, nancy"

hell i get told i'm wasting my time in damn near every thread i participate in, yet i used to have 40k+ posts on this board :flipoff2: well above anybody else.

of course it is BS.

True. Obviously from my posts you can tell I like to argue and if someone says something I think is bullshit I like to call them out on it. I don't know what's a bigger waste of time, them telling me it's a waste of time, or them wasting THEIR time to tell me I'm wasting mine:lmao:

Don't think I've ever replied that someone was wasting their time, if I felt that way, I just didn't post in their thread LOL
True. Obviously from my posts you can tell I like to argue and if someone says something I think is bullshit I like to call them out on it. I don't know what's a bigger waste of time, them telling me it's a waste of time, or them wasting THEIR time to tell me I'm wasting mine:lmao:

Don't think I've ever replied that someone was wasting their time, if I felt that way, I just didn't post in their thread LOL

it's all a waste of time. obviously they weren't wasting their time, it bugged you enough to start a thread about it :flipoff2:
I R&R'd the gearbox in my BMW last weekend, WITHOUT a tranny jack if that answers your question :flipoff2:
Please Read This A Few Times

I'm not sure why I keep trying.
no one here is disagreeing with 99% of what you write. That is why people are just hurling poo your direction and not arguing anything.

What you are doing is walking into a college level advanced physics class (I have no idea what's taught in physics) and continually screaming "2+2 = 4".
a couple people are being nice and saying yeah we know, and everyone else is bored and using it as an opportunity to talk shit.. you leave for a few hours and then come back saying "2+2=4 prove me wrong instead of hurling simple minded insults" and everybody face palms and starts thinking of creative ways you could face fuck a wood chipper. I guess what I'm getting at is the discussions you want to have are so basic (2+2=4) that they dont need to be had.

This site would serve you much better if you use it as a source of information rather then a way to project your vast knowledge over everyone else.
99% of us dont give a fuck what goes on in an auto shop but look at how many threads are "help me diagnose this ball tickling vibration in my ls powered corvair" . Maybe those are the threads to pop in to tand if you have a suggestion throw it in the mix.
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This is the shit I hate, if I "don't understand" you should be able to easily put my in my place and tell me WHY I'm wrong, not just that I'm wrong. The only thing you and every other member who posts a quick insult and think of it as a refutation to my OP prove is how stupid you really are. I've made my case, now others should make theirs. Not being willing to entertain opposing points of view (such as mine) and consider the pros and cons of that way of thinking shows how closed minded normal people are.

They never question how they think or what they do, they are just convinced that they already know everything and don't need to question themselves. I'm not convinced that I know better than everyone else, but I do like to argue and discuss differing ways of seeing things, and most of my opinions on things aren't in line with the majority of people/techs, so they tend to rile people up, but I'm not doing it intentionally.

I question myself all the time so I can continue to learn and grow as a person and as a tech. Some of you motherfuckers seem pretty stunted to me :flipoff2:

We can and have shown you how you're wrong but you know everything so you mentally discount the majority of the advice and move on thinking we're close minded or just don't understand ourselves.

Most of us have more experience than you by decades but you know better because you've been at it for 5 years. Fuck right off. I rebuilt my first engine (350 chevy, basic shit) at 13 all by myself from disassembly and clean up to plastigaging for bearing clearances to final assembly nobody was watching me, it was MY project. What were you doing at 13? X box or hot wheels? That puts me at 30 years of experience not counting the 10 years I was in the shop before that chasing tools and helping everyone as best I could.

You may have a good idea here and there but you have such a fucktarded way of getting it across nobody cares how good it may be. :homer:
Jimmy#s reminds me of actionfag. Dude truly believes that he’s better at and has the answer for everything, yet he’s truly never accomplished anything.
Discussion with people here that are smarter then myself (mostly everyone) has changed my mind or opinion on a lot of things.

And as far as your threads, everyone here understands and maybe even agrees with the bassis of the point you are trying to get across.
What you dont understand is most of points you are making are baby steps 2 & 3 of volume 1 while your audience is on step 34 of volume 11.

Nailed it.

What jimmyblahblah doesn't understand (amongst most things) is that HE won't change people's minds because he doesn't understand the majority of the things he's arguing about as well as he thinks but he's to young and impetuous to understand that.

jimmy the pioneer:

"Everyone needs to understand the significance of sliced bread - here's a wall of text you should memorize"


Please Read This A Few Times

I'm not sure why I keep trying.
no one here is disagreeing with 99% of what you write. That is why people are just hurling poo your direction and not arguing anything.

What you are doing is walking into a college level advanced physics class (I have no idea what's taught in physics) and continually screaming "2+2 = 4".
a couple people are being nice and saying yeah we know, and everyone else is bored and using it as an opportunity to talk shit.. you leave for a few hours and then come back saying "2+2=4 prove me wrong instead of hurling simple minded insults" and everybody face palms and starts thinking of creative ways you could face fuck a wood chipper. I guess what I'm getting at is the discussions you want to have are so basic (2+2=4) that they dont need to be had.

This site would serve you much better if you use it as a source of information rather then a way to project your vast knowledge over everyone else.
99% of us dont give a fuck what goes on in an auto shop but look at how many threads are "help me diagnose this ball tickling vibration in my ls powered corvair" . Maybe those are the threads to pop in to tand if you have a suggestion throw it in the mix.

This sums it up.

Jimmy Youre not much different than a virtue shamer. You learned something you think is important and now you found a soap box. Put simply you sound quite self righteous.

Do you think mask shamers are obnoxious? Or any politician that wants your vote is obnoxious? Youre not far from them... Most of us just think you are obnoxious and self inflated.

Regardless of how much you know, dont be a dick. That typically gets people further in their career and being able to work with others and others wanting to work with you is very important and often over looked.

I can tell you if youre anything like this in REAL life, and i was a newb at the same shop you work... I would avoid you like the plague and give me more reason to learn 2+2=4 on my own.
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