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Discussion Has No Value, Has Never Changed Anyone’s Mind


Jul 16, 2020
Member Number
I’ve heard it said and seen it written many places that “arguing has no value/point as you’re not changing anyone’s mind”. Let’s examine that notion.

To say that no one’s mind has ever been changed by reading something, or someone “making their case” is ludicrous. Think of being on a jury, you might think the defendant is innocent going into the trial, but after hearing the evidence from both sides you decide that they’re guilty based on what each side said. Or reading a study about something that you thought was true, but the facts show that it is indeed false.

So I think that that alone shows that people’s minds CAN in fact be changed via simple discussion. Now let’s carry that over to forums. I’ve gotten flack from other users and forums saying that I’m “wasting my time because I’m not changing anyone’s mind” and that discussion has no value. The aim of my threads is to try and show people a different way of seeing the world and to make them rethink how they see things, and for me myself to hear different points of view and maybe everyone comes away at the end of it a little bit wiser.

And yes, I have had my mind changed by something someone said to me online, not right away, but when I mulled it over later on in my head I realized what they said had some merit and I re-evaluated my way of thinking and grew as a person.

IMO, too many people view disagreement as inherently confrontational and having no point because THEY aren’t open to new ideas and become very defensive and angry at having their ideas questioned. The ones saying that are the most close minded of all.

Discussion with people here that are smarter then myself (mostly everyone) has changed my mind or opinion on a lot of things.

And as far as your threads, everyone here understands and maybe even agrees with the bassis of the point you are trying to get across.
What you dont understand is most of points you are making are baby steps 2 & 3 of volume 1 while your audience is on step 34 of volume 11.
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Except fences, digging with shovels, and concrete mixers. :flipoff2:


I'm sure theres more:lmao:

Screwy actually did the most on steering me in the right direction on construction stuff. To the point where I would usually just suck it up and do things his way. After the fact is when I would realize he was probably right.
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So let me ask you Jimmynumbers......

Have you learned anything you deem constructive from the people who've replied to your threads?

My guess is no. You seem like a thick-headed simpleton who only wants to lecture and not listen.
I think he had to read about 50 pages but eventually he did grow a spine and deal with the fence. At least that's what I recall, sometimes I sleep though and when I do memories fade.

My plan from the beginning was to work out the real issue in court so there were no "misunderstandings" in the future. He got a court order to remove it and didn't so I just did. Yes he won in making it a pain in the ass for me the entire time.
Discussion with people here that are smarter then myself (mostly everyone) has changed my mind or opinion on a lot of things.

And as far as your threads, everyone here understands and maybe even agrees with the bassis of the point you are trying to get across.
What you dont understand is most of points you are making are baby steps 2 & 3 of volume 1 while your audience is on step 34 of volume 11.

Nailed it.

What jimmyblahblah doesn't understand (amongst most things) is that HE won't change people's minds because he doesn't understand the majority of the things he's arguing about as well as he thinks but he's to young and impetuous to understand that.
Jimmy didn't like the mob disagreeing with him.

Jimmy starts another thread to state disagreeing is not cool.

Jimmy won't learn he was wrong.

I don't argue to change the person I'm arguing with's mind, I argue so the silent person listening or reading the conversation can know they are not alone in thinking a certain way.

A lesson for Jimmy numbers ~
Before speaking or typing up, take a look at yourself in the mirror first...

...to be continued:rolleyes:
Here’s a tip for you Jimmy368653632768622155422234555555. Nobody gives a fuck what you think.
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I like Jimmynumbers, he reminds me of when I was 25. I pondered a lot of these types of things to myself instead of on some stranger danger board. Was I right? Yeah, well maybe. Does it matter in the real world? NO.
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