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Denver protester fatally shot amid clash between BLM and right-wing rallies

This. It's also important to never put yourself in that situation.

Why carry and go and ask for trouble?

Reminder, the shooter was hired as a security guard by local news station (9 news) which, as an aside, is known for a strong liberal viewpoint. It appears the shooter was not properly permitted to pull a security gig. This is not fully clear, I am sure more to come on it.

What surprises me, why would an armed security guard choose to get into a hands on situation when he should have been protecting his responsibility? Proper guarding would be to watch the situation and retreat with your charge to protect them. Not wade into a situation and push a confrontation. Kyle Clark was reported to be the douche the shooter was protecting, but I have yet to see ol Kyle in ANY of the pictures. What was this security dude doing? All that aside, the pictures describe the shooter as actively advancing on Lee and Lee backing up. Bad shoot. Guess we will see what Denver chooses to do about locking the shooter up or turning him out.
SO those of you with more gun knowledge that I have, if that casing is 4" or so above the gun, where does that mathematically put the bullet?

Is if already in him, or through, and his body just doesn't know it yet? I can't see it in flight.

probably already inside him at that point.
Reminder, the shooter was hired as a security guard by local news station (9 news) which, as an aside, is known for a strong liberal viewpoint. It appears the shooter was not properly permitted to pull a security gig. This is not fully clear, I am sure more to come on it.

What surprises me, why would an armed security guard choose to get into a hands on situation when he should have been protecting his responsibility? Proper guarding would be to watch the situation and retreat with your charge to protect them. Not wade into a situation and push a confrontation. Kyle Clark was reported to be the douche the shooter was protecting, but I have yet to see ol Kyle in ANY of the pictures. What was this security dude doing? All that aside, the pictures describe the shooter as actively advancing on Lee and Lee backing up. Bad shoot. Guess we will see what Denver chooses to do about locking the shooter up or turning him out.

another interesting angle if the reported/crew are not in the immediate area.
Reminder, the shooter was hired as a security guard by local news station (9 news) which, as an aside, is known for a strong liberal viewpoint. It appears the shooter was not properly permitted to pull a security gig. This is not fully clear, I am sure more to come on it.

What surprises me, why would an armed security guard choose to get into a hands on situation when he should have been protecting his responsibility? Proper guarding would be to watch the situation and retreat with your charge to protect them. Not wade into a situation and push a confrontation. Kyle Clark was reported to be the douche the shooter was protecting, but I have yet to see ol Kyle in ANY of the pictures. What was this security dude doing? All that aside, the pictures describe the shooter as actively advancing on Lee and Lee backing up. Bad shoot. Guess we will see what Denver chooses to do about locking the shooter up or turning him out.

Like I said they said he was a Pinkerton guard he didn't dress like one on assignment, the Pinks used to be very fussy about how the guards looked, but then I haven't worked for them since 1990.
An Armed guard license in Denver used to be a tuff thing to get they disallowed me because I didn't have sight in one eye I challenged them to meet me at the range, naturally they declined
Reminder, the shooter was hired as a security guard by local news station (9 news) which, as an aside, is known for a strong liberal viewpoint. It appears the shooter was not properly permitted to pull a security gig. This is not fully clear, I am sure more to come on it.

What surprises me, why would an armed security guard choose to get into a hands on situation when he should have been protecting his responsibility? Proper guarding would be to watch the situation and retreat with your charge to protect them. Not wade into a situation and push a confrontation. Kyle Clark was reported to be the douche the shooter was protecting, but I have yet to see ol Kyle in ANY of the pictures. What was this security dude doing? All that aside, the pictures describe the shooter as actively advancing on Lee and Lee backing up. Bad shoot. Guess we will see what Denver chooses to do about locking the shooter up or turning him out.

I 100% agree with your viewpoint.
Nobody is asking for it both ways that I've seen :confused: The video sequence I posted shows Lee, the big fella, retreating from the confrontation.

How the fuck can you say that is retreating when he is literally shooting the dude with bear spray when a bullet is going in him or has already?
Reminder, the shooter was hired as a security guard by local news station (9 news) which, as an aside, is known for a strong liberal viewpoint. It appears the shooter was not properly permitted to pull a security gig. This is not fully clear, I am sure more to come on it.

What surprises me, why would an armed security guard choose to get into a hands on situation when he should have been protecting his responsibility? Proper guarding would be to watch the situation and retreat with your charge to protect them. Not wade into a situation and push a confrontation. Kyle Clark was reported to be the douche the shooter was protecting, but I have yet to see ol Kyle in ANY of the pictures. What was this security dude doing? All that aside, the pictures describe the shooter as actively advancing on Lee and Lee backing up. Bad shoot. Guess we will see what Denver chooses to do about locking the shooter up or turning him out.

I'm glad you're confused.

Your gun ownership is based on lies.

Police Identify Guard Suspected in Fatal Shooting During Denver ‘Patriot Rally’


October 11, 2020 Updated: October 11, 2020

The hired security guard accused of shooting a protester dead during a Denver rally on Oct. 10 was identified by police as Matthew Robert Dolloff.

Dolloff, 30, is being held in connection to a first-degree murder investigation of the shooting, the Denver Police Department announced on Oct. 11. Family members said the victim was Lee Keltner, a military veteran.

Officials said Dolloff hasn’t yet been charged. He is being questioned about the shooting, which was captured on camera. The shooting happened at a pro-President Donald Trump rally that was disrupted by people with Black Lives Matter and Antifa, who had planned a counter-demonstration.

According to jail records, Dolloff was booked on the night of Oct. 10 on suspicion of first-degree murder.

Dolloff was hired by NBC News affiliate 9NEWS to provide security during the demonstrations. He was hired via Pinkerton, a company that offers private security services.

“It has been the practice of 9NEWS for a number of months to contract private security to accompany staff at protests,” said 9NEWS in its report.

Pinkerton and the NBC affiliate didn’t respond to requests for comment.

The Denver Police Department said on Saturday that Dolloff was a private security guard. Police said he had “no affiliation with Antifa.” But in a statement on Sunday, police backed away from that declaration.

“Further investigation has revealed that, at the time of the shooting, the suspect was acting in a professional capacity as an armed security guard for a local media outlet and not a protest participant. Immediately following the incident, rumors were circulating regarding the suspect’s affiliation with a particular group. Investigators are unaware of whether the suspect is personally affiliated with any political organization,” the department stated.

On Oct. 11, Dolloff appeared briefly at a virtual court hearing. He uttered few statements, according to Denverite, a local news website. Dolloff is being held without bond.

Social media accounts that appear to be connected to Dolloff show that he participated in Occupy protests in Denver and supported the Black Lives Matter movement. Those accounts frequently shared posts from left-wing media outlets such as The Young Turks, and criticized Trump—whom he called a fascist—and also indicated support for self-described socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a former Democratic presidential candidate.

The shooting took place on Oct. 10 around 3:30 p.m. near the Denver Art Museum and the Denver Public Library, police official Joe Montoya told reporters. A verbal altercation took place just before the shooting, he said.

Witnesses said the shooting victim was part of the conservative “Patriot Rally” group. The victim was identified by family members as Lee Keltner.

Photographs that captured the incident showed a man deploying pepper spray or a similar chemical as the suspect pointed a gun at him. Moments later, the man was on the ground, shot, while police in riot gear ran over and arrested the shooter.

One video showing the minute before the shooting showed a man wearing a “Black Guns Matter” T-shirt shouting at a group of men who appeared to be with the conservative group, including the man who was eventually shot. The man with the “Black Guns Matter” shirt is enraged, shouting at the group. He tells one to mace him. The shooting victim moves out of the view of the camera. Moments later, a gunshot is heard.

The Denver Sheriff Department directed inquiries to the police, which didn’t immediately return requests for more information.

After the shooting, Denver police released a statement saying that it “respects the right to peacefully assemble. Those who participate in protests, demonstrations, marches, or other gatherings, as protected by the First Amendment, are reminded to do so in a lawful manner. Individuals who choose to act outside of local, state and federal law, will be subject to citation or arrest.”


Man Charged With Murder Of Right-Wing Protester Did NOT Have Security Guard License In Denver, City Says

By Ryan Saavedra

Oct 11, 2020 DailyWire.com



Helen H.

The security guard hired by 9NEWS Denver, an NBC affiliate, who allegedly murdered a right-wing protester on Saturday was not licensed to be a security guard in Denver, according to the city.

Matthew Robert Dolloff, 30, was charged with first-degree murder for allegedly shooting and killing Lee Keltner, 49, a Navy veteran. Dolloff was allegedly a private security guard who was contracted through Pinkerton by 9NEWS.

The Denver Department of Excise and Licenses told CBS Denver in a statement that Dolloff is not licensed to be a security guard in the city:
We searched our records and there is no record for an active licensed security guard now or ever for an individual named Matthew Doloff or Dolloff. If he was operating as a security guard, he was in violation of the law. Administratively, a security guard operating without a license could be fined up to $999 dollars and face up to a year in jail. The company he works for is also legally responsible for making sure all their security guard employees have a license and could face administrative action against their required security guard employer license if they have security guards working without a license. We have an open administrative investigation in this case. If there is a violation of Denver rules, the security guard employer is subject to having their license show caused and there would be a public hearing to determine the status of the license going forward. This case is in the investigative portion and there has been no show cause issued.

There is also a potential criminal aspect to this.​

The Denver Police Department said that investigators were “unaware” of whether Dolloff “is personally affiliated with any political organization.”

Heavy.com reported that Dollof posted left-wing content online:
Social media filled up with criticism of the news station for hiring a guard with left-wing views. A review of the social media accounts of Matthew Dolloff shows that he did post left-wing comments, unleashing an expletive against President Donald Trump and sharing Occupy Democrats and protest-related posts. He also liked posts favorable to Bernie Sanders.​

Journalist Andy Ngo, who is an expert at tracking far-left extremism, said that Dollof had a history of “far-left views.”

The shooting took place as two opposing groups of demonstrators—right-wing protesters gathered for a “Patriot Rally” and far-left activists gathered for a “BLM-Antifa Soup Drive”—faced off at the Civic Center on Saturday.

“Immediately following the incident, rumors were circulating regarding the suspect’s affiliation with a particular group,” the Denver Police Department said in a statement. “Investigators are unaware of whether the suspect is personally affiliated with any political organization.”

“No other suspects are being sought in connection to this incident,” the statement continued. “The 2nd person held immediately following the incident was released after speaking w/investigators. This remains an active investigation; any additional updates will be posted as they become available.”

Listening to Peter Boyles on KNUS Denver, as usual the guys that were there have a whole different story as to what happened.
Liberal cities, liberal problems. I don't know or care who started this. There are a lot of individuals running around with guns or other stuff just looking for trouble. Then you start to nitpick about who started what and who is justified. I'm just sick of it.

Conservative patriot shot dead by alleged activist identified as US veteran, who designed cowboy hats

October 11, 2020 | Vivek Saxena |

The conservative protester seen on video being shot and killed by a private security guard for a local news station has been identified as Lee Keltner, a U.S. veteran.

The identification reportedly came via Carol Keltner, a woman who claims to be Lee’s mother. In a post uploaded to the Facebook group “Northeast Arkansas Tea Party Group,” she reportedly wrote, “My son Lee was at the patriot rally today in Denver.”

Her post continued, “After the rally, a person on the BLM and Antifa side went up to him said a few nasty words then shot him in the head. He was murdered because he backed the police. His 24-year-old son was with him. I moved to Arkansas because Colorado got too expensive and liberal. The left has gotten out of hand.”

This post led journalists to the Facebook page of someone listed as “Twis Ted,” and it was here that they found a post allegedly written by Keltner’s wife.

“This is Lee’s Wife Kevin Keltner. Right now I am absolutely lost for words on what happened yesterday. My heart is broken. The police have reached out to me. Right now I can’t say a lot. But I can will let everyone know. Will post all the funeral arrangement on this page. Think everyone for all the wonderful post,” she wrote.

Look, but be warned that the comments section is flooded with hatred from left-wing extremists who’re thrilled by the murder of a conservative.

Besides reportedly been a military veteran, Keltner was also a proud patriot.


But to left-wing extremists, he’s a “fascist” and Nazi,” despite their own ideology and behavior coinciding perfectly with the behavior of actual Nazis.

As noted earlier, the comments being left on the post published by Keltner are extremely disturbing, though Facebook appears to be doing nothing about it.

His trade had reportedly been hat-making. The video below allegedly shows him speaking about his craft:



Lee Keltman was a veteran who designed cowboy hats. He was killed yesterday by Matt Dolloff, a far left activist.
1:37 / 2:04
7:57 AM · Oct 11, 2020


3.9K people are Tweeting about this

The suspect arrested for his arrest has been identified as Matt Dolloff. Early evidence seems to show he’s a far left-wing activist who happened to be working as a security guard for Denver station KUSA.

On Saturday conservative activists tried to hold a peaceful protest in Denver but were accosted by left-wing extremists affiliated with the Antifa and Black Lives Matter extremist groups. KUSA reporters were also present at the event.

At some point during the event, Keltner allegedly maced Dolloff, which in turn led the security guard to fire back with a weapon, killing the hat maker.

Dolloff was arrested afterward, and reports began to emerge of his alleged history of aligning with far-left extremist causes, including Occupy Wall Street.


As of Sunday afternoon, no mainstream media outlets were actively talking about Dolloff’s extremism. This follows a pattern of them shrugging in indifference whenever a conservative is killed, be it Bernell Trammell, Jay Danielson or Lee Keltner.
False. I saw someone agree with everdouche once. Your logic needs polishing.

If you can read though his wall of text, I'm sure you can find something you might agree with, but an old guy like me already has limited time left so I can't afford to spend the time!
...a few years back that dude in Florida was found justified after instigating an argument over a parking spot, getting shoved to the ground by a 3rd related party, then taking his time to draw, aim and shoot the shover despite him backing off after the gun came out.

The parking lot incident at a convenience store in Clearwater? Waterhead... I mean, Mike Drejka got 20(?) years in slammer-
THere is more but I can't get the videos and twitter stuff to copy


Jeremiah Elliott is an Antifa Commander, Video Confirms

October 15, 2020 by Angela Ramirez

Jeremiah Elliott, the agitator wearing a “black guns matter” shirt who was hostile towards the Denver shooting victim, Lee Keltner, is a confirmed member of Denver Antifa.

Thanks to video footage unearthed by Joseph Camp, we now know that Elliott was commanding the front lines of a Denver black bloc riot on July 25th outside the Aurora police precinct. Elliott is caught on camera leading the Antifa front lines with another prominent Denver Antifa radical, Michael Windecker.

Not only is he a participant in Antifa black bloc events, but he actually acts as a “commander” on the Antifa front lines. During the event, the property damage in the form of broken windows was widespread and roads were barricaded by Blac Block shield formations.

Leading the front lines was none other than the Denver shooting agitator, Jeremiah Elliot, alongside the Antifa radical and former Pershmerga soldier, Michael A. Windecker.
Peshmerga? Very interesting.

Michael A. Windecker: “I’ve Fought ISIS. I’ve fought in Iraq...and Syria. I’ve Trained Real Antifa Freedom Fighters in those Regions.”

Windecker is an openly radical communist and self-described career criminal who previously travelled overseas to join the Pershmerga military in order to fight ISIS. He also claims to have trained “real Antifa freedom fighters” in Iraq and Syria.

In a video Windecker released on Youtube, confirms that he travelled overseas to fight ISIS with YPK soldiers.

Now, he is using that experience to lead the black bloc Antifa militants in Denver.
Michael A. Windecker: “I’ve Fought ISIS. I’ve fought in Iraq...and Syria. I’ve Trained Real Antifa Freedom Fighters in those Regions.”

Windecker is an openly radical communist and self-described career criminal who previously travelled overseas to join the Pershmerga military in order to fight ISIS. He also claims to have trained “real Antifa freedom fighters” in Iraq and Syria.

In a video Windecker released on Youtube, confirms that he travelled overseas to fight ISIS with YPK soldiers.

Now, he is using that experience to lead the black bloc Antifa militants in Denver.

god damn communists

“I am a communist, and I am fucking proud of it. I am a former career criminal… I don’t give a fuck about going to prison...I’ve fought ISIS. I’ve fought Al-Quieda. I’ve fought Habu-Shabi. I’ve fought in Iraq and I’ve fought in Syria. I’ve trained real Antifa Freedom fighters in those regions.”​

Denver Shooting Eyewitnesses: Elliott was Being Shadowed by Media All Day

Many in attendance at the Patriot Muster event in Denver on the day of the fatal shooting have come forward saying that Elliott appeared to have been shadowed by news crews throughout the day. In his interactions with “patriots,” Elliott appeared to be intentionally trying to pick a fight and agitate event attendees.

Tig Tiegen stated on Tucker Carlson Tonight that the shooter, 9News reporters, and Jeremiah Elliott were moving with one another throughout the entire day.
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