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Denver protester fatally shot amid clash between BLM and right-wing rallies

Interestingly enough I worked for Pinkertons in Denver in the late 80s, and as far as I know nobody ever went on an assignment without some form of clothing IDing who you worked for, even if it was just a Tshirt and ballcap, shooter has none of these, maybe things have changed
Shooter is Matthew Dolloff, a left-wing Anti-Trump, Bernie-bro, pro-BLM 'organic farm' guy who sold honey and stuff like that.

OWS activist from back in the day.




Denver police says he's not Antifa, which appears to be a straight-up lie. How can they disprove this so fast? And on top of his social media, tattoos, activism, etc.


He followed Antifa accounts, accounts against cops, tweeted Left-wing views. What the fuck is wrong with the Police?

The reporter with Matthew Dolloff was Antia-sympathetic.

Cool! So less than lethal use of force is now to be met with lethal force? OK, lets play. No more less than lethal force to be used anymore. Just open up. Someone throws a drink at you, just shoot them. LOL

Now it appears BLM, Anti-Fa and communists with socialists ARE what we have been saying all along. Anti-Republic and should be treated as such.

yes, absolutely.

now it appears? i really hope that EVERYBODY finally reaches the undeniable point that those fucksticks are anti-republic. hell, they are the ones demanding that people must take a side. the more they demand, the more support they lose. it can't peter away fast enough.

but yes, absolutely, if somebody throws a drink on you, shoot them. If somebody throws acid on you can you shoot them? pretty common action globally against indecent women and politicians. If somebody throws gas/accelerant on you can you shoot them? urine? feces? I say "fuck yes" to all of those assaults.

how do "I" know what was in that cup you doused me with?

now, if you throw a cup on me, and as i'm pulling out my gun you (and everybody associated with you) run the fuck off, no, i'm very likely not justified in following you and killing you. Hence why i continue to be against the ahmaud aubury murder.

so there is a gray area line there, but it depends on your locality. hell, a few years back that dude in Florida was found justified after instigating an argument over a parking spot, getting shoved to the ground by a 3rd related party, then taking his time to draw, aim and shoot the shover despite him backing off after the gun came out.
Denver police says he's not Antifa, which appears to be a straight-up lie. How can they disprove this so fast? And on top of his social media, tattoos, activism, etc.

What the fuck is wrong with the Police?

it's simple, if antifa isn't a thing, then how can he be it?

reality is not important, neither is consistency or integrity
yes, absolutely.

now it appears? i really hope that EVERYBODY finally reaches the undeniable point that those fucksticks are anti-republic. hell, they are the ones demanding that people must take a side. the more they demand, the more support they lose. it can't peter away fast enough.\

What are you talking about? Their core supporters are as numerous as ever. Denver PD just took up for the shooter after they knew he was part of anti-police online activities.

Antifa+BLM have all of the support they've ever had, and Biden will say that rioting should be encouraged in the same breath as he says "Antifa is just an idea".

What are you talking about? Their core supporters are as numerous as ever. Denver PD just took up for the shooter after they knew he was part of anti-police online activities.

Antifa+BLM have all of the support they've ever had, and Biden will say that rioting should be encouraged in the same breath as he says "Antifa is just an idea".

people, not the system :rasta: of course their support is as high as ever and of course politicians are using them, the police are simply extensions of the politicians.

even just 1 year ago the vast majority of the country had no fucking clue about antifa as anything other than possibly a name of some new seltzer beer or some shit. Maybe 1% for and 1% against. now? i'm really hoping that, even if we are closer to 30% for that we are able to get more like 50% against. there is a massive swatch of "unconcerned/don't rock the boat" type people out there and this is being actively thrown in their face. it isn't you, me or mostly even "us" that need to become aware. it is the people who post here for offroading and ignore the political side of the house. they are the ones who need to be come away.


most people are apathetic to the establishment, many people are against it, but we need a helluva lot more people against those who see it's outright destruction as valid.
people, not the system :rasta: of course their support is as high as ever and of course politicians are using them, the police are simply extensions of the politicians.

even just 1 year ago the vast majority of the country had no fucking clue about antifa as anything other than possibly a name of some new seltzer beer or some shit. Maybe 1% for and 1% against. now? i'm really hoping that, even if we are closer to 30% for that we are able to get more like 50% against. there is a massive swatch of "unconcerned/don't rock the boat" type people out there and this is being actively thrown in their face. it isn't you, me or mostly even "us" that need to become aware. it is the people who post here for offroading and ignore the political side of the house. they are the ones who need to be come away.


most people are apathetic to the establishment, many people are against it, but we need a helluva lot more people against those who see it's outright destruction as valid.

Antifa got equated with the Left so the Left has doubled-down on support for them. If you talk to a lefty or go to their cyberspaces, they will defend them exactly as Joe Biden was coached to do:

"Antifa is an idea, not an organization".

That has been on reddit for months, Joe is parroting what I've already run into across the internet.

Antifa is NOT driving people away from the Left. I doubt it will have a serious impact on the election. Of course I hope I'm wrong, but it appears that the Left is glossing right over Antifa the same way they did with Leftist Terrorists in the 1960s and 70s.

I think you're wrong, and I think you don't spend enough time interacting with the shitbag that is the Left to understand it.
SO those of you with more gun knowledge that I have, if that casing is 4" or so above the gun, where does that mathematically put the bullet?

Is if already in him, or through, and his body just doesn't know it yet? I can't see it in flight.
you guys can't have it both ways.

Dude at Wendy's used non-lethal force against an officer and got shot and killed. The argument from some was that IF he was to incapacitate the officer, he could come back and kill him. I have no problem with what the officer did to respond to the threat.

Same exact thing applies here. If Antifa fuck gets taken out by the spray, even for a few moments, that a big dude right there, showing aggression by bear spraying him after what appears to be a punch or bitch-slap.

If I am carrying and a guy that size is jawing at me aggressively, takes a swing at me, and then bear sprays me..........I am probably shooting as well. Why the fuck are you carrying if not? I may not want to and regret it later but survival instinct would take over I think. I am not expert though. NOT a combat vet so mostly talking out my ass.

If the facts are the way I understand them, and that is a BIG IF, then I have no issue with the shoot.
The reporter with Matthew Dolloff was Antia-sympathetic.


Kyle Clark is a blow dried hair sports coat wearing talking head without an original thought of his own. What ever drivel the powers that be in Denver says he regurgitates it like it is his own idea
SO those of you with more gun knowledge that I have, if that casing is 4" or so above the gun, where does that mathematically put the bullet?

Is if already in him, or through, and his body just doesn't know it yet? I can't see it in flight.

What I'm thinking... it must have just entered him... or not left the barrel yet as there doesnt seem to be any sort of muzzle flash or disturbance
What I'm thinking... it must have just entered him... or not left the barrel yet as there doesnt seem to be any sort of muzzle flash or disturbance

It has to be out of the barrel, the Gun Nuts will be by to confirm that the bullet leaves the barrel before the action is activated, by design of course.

You can see ejection gasses (don't know how that pistol operates but you can see the gas, looks gas operated I'd say), but you can't see a path through the mist.

It's entirely possible the bullet is in Lee but his brain doesn't know it yet.

He drops like a sack of potatoes. Was it a head shot? There are photos of his bloody head.

Lee was retreating.

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He got what he was looking for , unfortunately he ended up on the wrong side of that confrontation , sucks to be him.

I give zero fucks about imbeciles who want to engage in this nonsense , be prepared to deal with people who don't fuck around, or stay home.:flipoff2:
you guys can't have it both ways.

Dude at Wendy's used non-lethal force against an officer and got shot and killed. The argument from some was that IF he was to incapacitate the officer, he could come back and kill him. I have no problem with what the officer did to respond to the threat.

Same exact thing applies here. If Antifa fuck gets taken out by the spray, even for a few moments, that a big dude right there, showing aggression by bear spraying him after what appears to be a punch or bitch-slap.

If I am carrying and a guy that size is jawing at me aggressively, takes a swing at me, and then bear sprays me..........I am probably shooting as well. Why the fuck are you carrying if not? I may not want to and regret it later but survival instinct would take over I think. I am not expert though. NOT a combat vet so mostly talking out my ass.

If the facts are the way I understand them, and that is a BIG IF, then I have no issue with the shoot.

Nobody is asking for it both ways that I've seen :confused: The video sequence I posted shows Lee, the big fella, retreating from the confrontation.

He got what he was looking for , unfortunately he ended up on the wrong side of that confrontation , sucks to be him.

I give zero fucks about imbeciles who want to engage in this nonsense , be prepared to deal with people who don't fuck around, or stay home.:flipoff2:

Yeah we should just stay home and let a Cultural Revolution occur because FJC11 hasn't had his neighborhood torn up yet. Safe and comfy in your rural RETREAT?

Look, I'm not for going out to fisticuffs and shoving matches, but I also don't blame people like Lee for trying to defend a culture instead of let a bunch of criminals and basket-weaving degree Communists take the streets.

Have some sense of civic responsibility, eh? Why are you so quick to condemn people who represent your lifestyle and values?

I don't understand that about conservatives. You seem like a decent guy but that part where you just dismiss someone for 'getting up to trouble' is baffling. It's a huge wart on your persona as presented here. An ugly one.

Just "Fuck him"? Joe says 'C'mon man'.
Nobody is asking for it both ways that I've seen :confused: The video sequence I posted shows Lee, the big fella, retreating from the confrontation.

Yeah we should just stay home and let a Cultural Revolution occur because FJC11 hasn't had his neighborhood torn up yet. Safe and comfy in your rural RETREAT?

Look, I'm not for going out to fisticuffs and shoving matches, but I also don't blame people like Lee for trying to defend a culture instead of let a bunch of criminals and basket-weaving degree Communists take the streets.

Have some sense of civic responsibility, eh? Why are you so quick to condemn people who represent your lifestyle and values?

I don't understand that about conservatives. You seem like a decent guy but that part where you just dismiss someone for 'getting up to trouble' is baffling. It's a huge wart on your persona as presented here. An ugly one.

Just "Fuck him"? Joe says 'C'mon man'.

Be prepared then and know who you're fucking dealing with here , if not ready to end somebodies day what are you doing ?
Nobody is asking for it both ways that I've seen :confused: The video sequence I posted shows Lee, the big fella, retreating from the confrontation.

Yeah we should just stay home and let a Cultural Revolution occur because FJC11 hasn't had his neighborhood torn up yet. Safe and comfy in your rural RETREAT?

Look, I'm not for going out to fisticuffs and shoving matches, but I also don't blame people like Lee for trying to defend a culture instead of let a bunch of criminals and basket-weaving degree Communists take the streets.

Have some sense of civic responsibility, eh? Why are you so quick to condemn people who represent your lifestyle and values?

I don't understand that about conservatives. You seem like a decent guy but that part where you just dismiss someone for 'getting up to trouble' is baffling. It's a huge wart on your persona as presented here. An ugly one.

Just "Fuck him"? Joe says 'C'mon man'.

Yes, someone was bitching about a gun being used to counter unlethal actions.

I think you miss the second point you quoted. I THINK what he means is that if you are headed out to an event that has the potetial to be violent, and even deadly, don't bitch if you get violence perpetuated on you or ded.

Big man knew the risks, what he was risking and went anyways. Not only went, but actively participated in the violence and lost.

I admire the man for doing so, and I am on his ideological side, but again.....he knew, or should have, the game he was entering. It sucks he miscalculated, underestimated his opponent, or whatever but the fact is he simply lost.
Be prepared then and know who you're fucking dealing with here , if not ready to end somebodies day what are you doing ?

Yes, someone was bitching about a gun being used to counter unlethal actions.

I think you miss the second point you quoted. I THINK what he means is that if you are headed out to an event that has the potetial to be violent, and even deadly, don't bitch if you get violence perpetuated on you or ded.

Big man knew the risks, what he was risking and went anyways. Not only went, but actively participated in the violence and lost.

I admire the man for doing so, and I am on his ideological side, but again.....he knew, or should have, the game he was entering. It sucks he miscalculated, underestimated his opponent, or whatever but the fact is he simply lost.

Then why do you and FCJ spend time on condeming the victim? The Right is infamous for victim-blaming, it's very clear that is a universal character fault you have rather than based on your ideology. Let me help you with your inability to scroll up.

He got what he was looking for , unfortunately he ended up on the wrong side of that confrontation , sucks to be him.

I give zero fucks about imbeciles who want to engage in this nonsense , be prepared to deal with people who don't fuck around, or stay home.:flipoff2:

How is that missing the point. FCJ11 repeatedly dismissed and condemned and said "He got what he was looking for"

This is the constant problem with you guys. You IMMEDIATELY go to condemning your own. The evidence shows at least ambiguity about the confrontation, but you already condemned the victim, one of your own.

That's not even 'being fair'. It's condemnation. For someone who it appears, like everyone involved in these things except for the actual terrorists arrested who have been on the Left, just defending basic freedoms.

At the end of the day, Lee was probably out there saying "Let's not tear down the country over this" and you blame him for being there. That's fucked.

Knock if off.
you guys can't have it both ways.

Dude at Wendy's used non-lethal force against an officer and got shot and killed. The argument from some was that IF he was to incapacitate the officer, he could come back and kill him. I have no problem with what the officer did to respond to the threat.

Same exact thing applies here. If Antifa fuck gets taken out by the spray, even for a few moments, that a big dude right there, showing aggression by bear spraying him after what appears to be a punch or bitch-slap.

If I am carrying and a guy that size is jawing at me aggressively, takes a swing at me, and then bear sprays me..........I am probably shooting as well. Why the fuck are you carrying if not? I may not want to and regret it later but survival instinct would take over I think. I am not expert though. NOT a combat vet so mostly talking out my ass.

If the facts are the way I understand them, and that is a BIG IF, then I have no issue with the shoot.

Something you have to be aware of whenever you carry. Learn the laws of ALL states in which you will be carrying in. They are different. Do you have a duty to retreat? In Colorado, in your HOME, NO! In the public, YES! How do I know? Because I have a good friend who did NOT retreat after taking down 5 drunk illegals after they attacked him, and he defended himself with his bare hands in Denver. He damn near went to prison, ended up with probation. Yes, I have lived in the Denver area too, and familiar with the laws.

I can tell you when I'm carrying, I'm the nicest SOB you will meet and I will take shit to the point of where I WILL turn around and walk away. The mistake is if someone were to assume that as a sign of weakness and harmless. I'm very peaceful, not harmless.
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Be prepared then and know who you're fucking dealing with here , if not ready to end somebodies day what are you doing ?

Going out and demonstrating that not everybody in the country wants to have a Communist Despotism for a government. Have you been paying attention at all?

So, virtually all of the MSM, all Corporations, the Unis, and everyone else is on board, and your idea here is that everyone should stay home and quiet?

I'm curious as to how you rectify that. I don't think you considered it, you just took the easy way out like usual, and your viewpoint is dying out and I'd frankly like to see it dead.

This is not 1968. You're not going to sit in your shack and say "Keep your nose clean and you'll be ok". That's not what's happening here. Catch up or shut up.
Apparently you missed my point , not surprised , and then try to put words in my mouth again not surprised .

If you are wanting to protest or counter protest you'd better understand there are some real shit bags in these movements and thinking bear spay is going to save your ass ?

Obviously this guy never thought it would escalate to that level but it did and he wasn't ready.

I'm more of defend my ground kind of guy , I don't go looking for confrontation but won't walk away from it either.:flipoff2:
This is not 1968. You're not going to sit in your shack and say "Keep your nose clean and you'll be ok". That's not what's happening here. Catch up or shut up.

Other than abusing your keyboard typing words about other peoples' lack of action, what have you done or planning to do?
Other than abusing your keyboard typing words about other peoples' lack of action, what have you done or planning to do?

I have posted about that many times and I'm done repeating myself. My post history is free for you to view.

And what is your point here in asking what I do? I'm doing something right now by 'abusing my keyboard'.

And the pen is mightier than the sword.

And what have you done and what qualification do you have to pose such a question? This thread is about the shooting in Denver, not me. Stop fetishizing me. I'm not your boogy.
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I have posted about that many times and I'm done repeating myself. My post history is free for you to view.

And what is your point here in asking what I do? I'm doing something right now by 'abusing my keyboard'.

And the pen is mightier than the sword.

And what have you done and what qualification do you have to pose such a question? This thread is about the shooting in Denver, not me. Stop fetishizing me. I'm not your boogy.

I just love for you to post your own hypocrisy, thanks for coming through again.
I have posted about that many times and I'm done repeating myself. My post history is free for you to view.

And what is your point here in asking what I do? I'm doing something right now by 'abusing my keyboard'.

And the pen is mightier than the sword.

And what have you done and what qualification do you have to pose such a question? This thread is about the shooting in Denver, not me. Stop fetishizing me. I'm not your boogy.

SDCJ is that you? :stirthepot:
SO those of you with more gun knowledge that I have, if that casing is 4" or so above the gun, where does that mathematically put the bullet?

Is if already in him, or through, and his body just doesn't know it yet? I can't see it in flight.

Not that it matters, but that bullet is well on its way if the action has started to open. Well on its way.

Every round that leaves your barrel you are responsible for.

FWIW, this is why they put the military and police forces through oc (pepper spray) training. You can fight through it without using deadly force. Yes it sucks, but you can still fight through it.

Bad shoot IMHO.
I can tell you when I'm carrying, I'm the nicest SOB you will meet and I will take shit to the point of where I WILL turn around and walk away. The mistake is if someone were to assume that as a sign of weakness and harmless. I'm very peaceful, not harmless.

This. It's also important to never put yourself in that situation.

Why carry and go and ask for trouble?
Not that it matters, but that bullet is well on its way if the action has started to open. Well on its way.

Every round that leaves your barrel you are responsible for.

FWIW, this is why they put the military and police forces through oc (pepper spray) training. You can fight through it without using deadly force. Yes it sucks, but you can still fight through it.

Bad shoot IMHO.

FWIW, if the casing is in the air, the slide is closing not opening.
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