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Denver protester fatally shot amid clash between BLM and right-wing rallies


Red Skull Member
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Mountainair, NM
A bit different outcome than the last rally


Dramatic video shows Denver police swarming a Pinkerton security guard now accused of fatally shooting a protester Saturday in the city’s downtown.

The clip, published by the Daily Mail, shows the deadly gunshot being fired and police immediately rushing to arrest the suspect, who drops a handgun as he kneels to the ground with his hands up.

The tragedy unfolded just outside the Denver Art Museum after participants in a “Patriot Rally” mixed it up with counter-demonstrators from a Black Lives Matter response event, the Denver Post reported.

The stunning video shows one attendee arguing with BLM members.

That attendee then appears to mace or pepper-spray the security guard — who had been hired by NBC affiliate 9NEWS to protect its reporters who were covering the event, the station reported.

That’s when the security guard allegedly returns fire, leveling a handgun and shooting point-blank the rally attendee who’d sprayed him, the Denver Post reported.

It is unclear which side of the protest — conservative or BLM — the victim had belonged to, the Denver Post said.

The victim was wearing mostly black, as do members of Antifa — but had a red, white and blue bandana around his neck.

Both the victim and the guard who allegedly shot him were white.

Police said the security guard will be charged with homicide.

The dueling rallies were held at the city’s Civic Center, with right-wing protesters chanting patriotic songs and giving speeches, according to the Denver Post.

Counter-protesters staged a “BLM-Antifa Soup Drive” several hundred feet away, waving banners against white supremacy and Nazism, the paper reported.


One Dead, Suspect in Custody After Gunfire During Pro-Trump Rally, Counter-Demonstration


October 10, 2020 Updated: October 11, 2020

A suspect is in custody after a person was shot dead on Saturday during a pro-President Donald Trump rally in Denver that had been disrupted by counter-demonstrators.

The shooting took place in the courtyard of the Denver Art Museum at approximately 3:37 p.m., Denver Police Investigations Division Chief Joe Montoya told reporters at a press conference.

A verbal altercation transpired just before the shooting.

The person who was struck by gunfire died, police officials said. The shooting is being investigated as a homicide.

A photograph captured by the Denver Post moments before the shooting showed one man spraying mace at another man, who was pointing a gun at him.

Montoya said officers are still trying to determine exactly what happened to lead to the shooting.

A canister of mace was recovered on the scene.

Two people were taken into custody. Both are white males. One is the man who allegedly fired the weapon. He was arrested at the scene immediately after the shooting occurred. The other arrest was related to another incident.

The shooting suspect “is a private security guard with no affiliation with Antifa” the Denver Police Department said in a statement after the press conference. At least one witness had said the shooter was with Antifa.

Antifa, or anti-facist, is a far-left, anarcho-communist network. Some members have openly espoused violence. Some have been arrested in recent years for allegedly engaging in looting, assault, and other crimes.

A self-described Antifa member shot a conservative dead in Portland, Ore., in late August. That man, Michael Reinoehl, was killed by law enforcement officers during an apprehension attempt.

A Denver broadcaster, 9News, said one of its employees, a producer, and one of its contractors were the two people taken into custody.

“A private security guard who was hired by 9NEWS is the suspect detained by DPD. It has been the practice of 9NEWS for a number of months to hire private security to accompany staff at protests,” the broadcaster said in a statement, adding that the producer had been released.

Denver police officers were interviewing multiple witnesses and looking at video footage, including footage captured with cell phones, Montoya said.

The district attorney will determine whether the shooting was in self-defense, according to police officials.

Mark Geist (R) and John Tiegen of the Benghazi Annex Security Team leave the stage after addressing delegates on the first day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland on July 18, 2016. (Robyn Beck/AFP via Getty Images)A screenshot shows the event page for a counter-demonstration planned by the Denver Communists on Oct. 10, 2020. (Screenshot/Facebook)
According to Weston Imer, a Trump campaign intern, the person who was shot was “one of ours.”

“The person who was shot has died at Denver Health. Identity has not been released however he was part of a volunteer security group that was on site. The shooter is in custody and the shooter was from Antifa,” Imer wrote on Facebook in a post he later deleted.

Imer didn’t respond to a request for comment.

The Denver Post initially reported that a leftwing protester shot a rightwing protester who had maced him, but later updated its story and removed that portion, saying authorities “called into question the accuracy” of it.

Video footage showed a man opening fire before being surrounded by police officers in riot gear who had been standing nearby. That video is authentic, Montoya said.

The rally, dubbed Patriot Muster, was held by conservatives who support Trump.

Plans for that rally triggered a competing gathering held by the Denver Communists.

“We scheduled our action after learning that the militia-fascists had called a ‘patriot muster’ against the Black Lives Matter movement, anti-fascists, and Marxists,” a spokesperson for the group confirmed to the Westword blog.

The communists dubbed their event the “BLM-Antifa Soup Drive.”

BLM stands for Black Lives Matter, a so-called social justice movement that has been linked to violence at hundreds of rallies this year.

The Denver Communists said on their event page, “Our preferred strategy is to simply outnumber and outshine these fascists anytime they show their faces.”

“Don’t get within breathing distance of the KOVID Klux Klan! We’ll stick together to keep our side safe from right-wing violence, the only language these clowns speak fluently,” they added, referring to the conservatives as Nazis.

The event page for the Patriot Muster event was taken down. The event was organized by John Tiegen, a conservative who was formerly in the U.S. military.

“I’m not going in there to do violence, but I’m going to be prepared to do violence,” Tiegen said during an interview with KNUS on Friday.

Violence erupted in downtown Denver in July after police officers were ordered to withdraw from Civic Center Park during a pro-police rally.

An internal investigation into what happened is ongoing. The Denver Police Department denied a public records request for information on that matter from The Epoch Times.
The only problem i see is with the styles of writing are very different in both the reports. Obviously one is biased toward liberals, one toward conservatives.... it's ironic though that the blm/ antifa clowns are now claiming to be against violence. It's obvious that they will definitely attack conservatives when they are in minority or alone, but when in a group of 20 or more, they claim they want to stay away from them due to their violent actions:rolleyes:
Sounds like the security guard feared for his life after being sprayed and took action to prevent further grave bodily harm or death.

I dont see a problem.


exactly this, i'm not sure why he was immediately charged with homicide, but maybe denver needed a reason to arrest and remove him from the scene, then keep him locked up "for his own safety" like they've (abusively) done to several others.

Assaulting somebody with pepper spray/urine/rocks/verbal abuse is not peaceful, this is the outcome. Whatever "side" the shooter is on, hard to say a hired security guard for a news crew is on a side without some convincing evidence from prior, doesn't really matter. The situation continues to reduce to violence.

fucking stupid idiots who planned to kidnap the gov of one of those great white north states, they get broken up and heavily charged prior to engaging in violence (rightly so) and YET, while actual violence in reigning on the street, there is still shitheads talking about how antifa doesn't exist, the ideology is null, blm is about peace, the white nationalists are the true instigators, catch and release/no bail required, etc.
Sounds like the security guard feared for his life after being sprayed and took action to prevent further grave bodily harm or death.

I dont see a problem.


Word on the street is things are not as they seem. Security guard has Antifa tattoo and social media that is being shown as pretty radical left, as well as seen attending antifa rallys. Reporter who was his detail seems to be getting outed as Antifa-support reporting based on social media. Their group was also with someone dressed with a black guns matter tshirt but he is being shown in photos from Bernie rallys and other Denver Antifa protesting. This agitator started arguing with the Patriot rally guys and goading a fight while security guy walked up from behind the scenes.

Some weird stuff. I've got my tinfoil on but if it walks like a duck....
The only problem i see is with the styles of writing are very different in both the reports. Obviously one is biased toward liberals, one toward conservatives.... it's ironic though that the blm/ antifa clowns are now claiming to be against violence. It's obvious that they will definitely attack conservatives when they are in minority or alone, but when in a group of 20 or more, they claim they want to stay away from them due to their violent actions:rolleyes:

they will beat you to death while screaming anti-violence.

silence = violence is a slogan to take seriously. it is absolutely a premeditated justifaction to assault anyone and anything. communists do not value people nor property. This is why ol' whatshisname the quality shot said, in response to a question about how he slept at night after killing so many people or some such; "I wouldn't know, i've never killed any people, only communists"

they don't consider themselves people either, fwiw
Word on the street is things are not as they seem. Security guard has Antifa tattoo and social media that is being shown as pretty radical left, as well as seen attending antifa rallys. Reporter who was his detail seems to be getting outed as Antifa-support reporting based on social media. Their group was also with someone dressed with a black guns matter tshirt but he is being shown in photos from Bernie rallys and other Denver Antifa protesting. This agitator started arguing with the Patriot rally guys and goading a fight while security guy walked up from behind the scenes.

Some weird stuff. I've got my tinfoil on but if it walks like a duck....

the only real question is, what transpired to cause the pepper spray to come out. I'm firmly of the opinion that if you pepper spray somebody without justifiable fear, you can expect to get shot. Even if you do it in defense, you can still expect to get shot, but of course, that is why you used the pepper spray in the first place.

If it (spray) was unjustified, and simply being a communist is not yet reason enough, then i'm not heard broken that somebody who assaulted another was shot.
...Their group was also with someone dressed with a black guns matter tshirt....

there is a very significant number of libertarians who are either confused or blind as to what these protests are about or simply choosing to take whatever anti-government support they can get, likely in the hopes that they will be able to rise in the anarchy (they won't). Nevermind that blm/antifa/communists/socialists despise individualism OPENLY, but it is a similar shit relationship that exists as to islam and the moderate and radical left side of the isle. radical islam has a stronger heart than the libertarian groups
Honestly, I don't care what "side" he is on.

Sounds like another case of: "Fuck around..... Find out".

Works both ways, even if your on the "other" side.

Fair is fair

Hell yeah it does. We may never know. There was one video on the spray from the same time as the shot. That means the draw would have had to take place before the spray. But could be 1.5 seconds etc.

The only time I'd disagree with that would be if it was intentionally setup. That would be my concern. Agitator and actor working together to blur the lines enough.
Well we won't know shit about the lead up to pepper spray/ lead spray until we see the 200 uncut videos that are surely about to come to light. Honestly, either way it goes(left is the perp, or right is the perp) i hope justice does prevail because that is the only thing we need right now in these times. A little fucking justice
exactly this, i'm not sure why he was immediately charged with homicide, but maybe denver needed a reason to arrest and remove him from the scene, then keep him locked up "for his own safety" like they've (abusively) done to several others.

Assaulting somebody with pepper spray/urine/rocks/verbal abuse is not peaceful, this is the outcome. Whatever "side" the shooter is on, hard to say a hired security guard for a news crew is on a side without some convincing evidence from prior, doesn't really matter. The situation continues to reduce to violence.

fucking stupid idiots who planned to kidnap the gov of one of those great white north states, they get broken up and heavily charged prior to engaging in violence (rightly so) and YET, while actual violence in reigning on the street, there is still shitheads talking about how antifa doesn't exist, the ideology is null, blm is about peace, the white nationalists are the true instigators, catch and release/no bail required, etc.

The problem is that the shooter was not in physical danger other than pepper spray:


And there is a physical altercation before the shooting in which the shooter tried to grab the pepper spray and got slapped.

Meanwhile we have multiple videos of Kyle Rittenhouse being chased down the street, having things thrown at him, assaulted by a mob, hit with a skateboard, and attacked by a man with a gun, and he's in jail on murder charges.

Your assertion that "well pepper spray means you get shot" falls apart based on Kyle's and other cases. It's clearly unbalanced and your attempt at fairness doesn't work.
the only real question is, what transpired to cause the pepper spray to come out. I'm firmly of the opinion that if you pepper spray somebody without justifiable fear, you can expect to get shot. Even if you do it in defense, you can still expect to get shot, but of course, that is why you used the pepper spray in the first place.

If it (spray) was unjustified, and simply being a communist is not yet reason enough, then i'm not heard broken that somebody who assaulted another was shot.

Here is one video of the pre-shooting altercation.


These are such weird times. I have other hobbies that I go on forums for information, some are all lefties some are all rightys. I found that on each site they post links to news articles that show entirely different accounts of what happened.

Same issue, completely different story. weaponized media. Disgusting.
The problem is that the shooter was not in physical danger other than pepper spray:
[img removed]

And there is a physical altercation before the shooting in which the shooter tried to grab the pepper spray and got slapped.

Meanwhile we have multiple videos of Kyle Rittenhouse being chased down the street, having things thrown at him, assaulted by a mob, hit with a skateboard, and attacked by a man with a gun, and he's in jail on murder charges.

Your assertion that "well pepper spray means you get shot" falls apart based on Kyle's and other cases. It's clearly unbalanced and your attempt at fairness doesn't work.

kyle should not be in jail, that was obvious self defense. the bar owner who committed suicide should NEVER have been driven to that point, but i don't know how to prosecute that conspiracy against the AG (or whoever) for deciding to charge him later with homicide, as such, my notion that unprovoked pepper spray can/will justifiably result in deadly force in defense of life stands as consistent.

if the altercation is correct and the ultimate shooter reached for a weapon/defense arm that another person was carrying, i would be sitting here saying he was well justified in getting killed (shot/stabbed/slapped once, falling over and cracking his skull on the curb, whatever) over it rather than simply slapped and it then escalating again, either thru his continued antagonism or not, into him getting sprayed and then shooting the guy.

If the shooter was the original aggressor in the situation, yes homicide charges all day long.
Here is a composite of photographs (but no video) of the altercation between the victim and shooter after the victim walks off screen in the video:

That's the best I have, I don't know of more pertinent video/pics.
I can't keep track of who's who anymore. There no more big ass fields where both sides can just duke it out and claim victor?
unsupported video type, issue on my end :/

if that video shows the shooter as the first person to escalate words to physical assault (i.e. grabbing the other guy and/or attempting to disarm him) then yup, i'm now all in favor of keeping him locked up and hopefully charges will stick

It's an mp4. Use the twitter link, you can't play twitter vids?

I can't keep track of who's who anymore. There no more big ass fields where both sides can just duke it out and claim victor?

I am positive that is not an accident. This is all part of the Chinese/Communist division strategy where there are no clear lines of escape but Authoritarianism. I'm sure US government agencies are also assisting in this. The way this incident and the Whitmer kidnapping are being charged backs up the fracturing.

The Right has so far failed to respond with violence, and we see any tiny transgression like defending yourself amplified as if we were out burning dozens of cities.

This is Information and Psychological Warfare.

The Left is absolutely obssessed with 'Qanon'. They are just completely off the hook about it, it's a major thing for them that the Right has a mystical totem just like BLM.
Thats a pretty cool picture. Is that the casing above the gun? I can't find my glasses to see more better. Is the round visible in flight?

The residual spray would seem to appear the spray was engaged from the hip on the upswing. Also, that guy with the gun is not some idiot with a weapon. Solid stance, solid grip under pressure. Lots of muscle memory and training I would guess.

Just by going off the still, I'd say spray guy pulled as a defense and shooter had the gun out first. Be tough to register the threat, draw and get in that stance and grip in the time it took spray guy to get on the trigger.

If not, I have no issue with shooter defending himself.
It's an mp4. Use the twitter link, you can't play twitter vids?

I am positive that is not an accident. This is all part of the Chinese/Communist division strategy where there are no clear lines of escape but Authoritarianism. I'm sure US government agencies are also assisting in this. The way this incident and the Whitmer kidnapping are being charged backs up the fracturing.

The Right has so far failed to respond with violence, and we see any tiny transgression like defending yourself amplified as if we were out burning dozens of cities.

This is Information and Psychological Warfare.

The Left is absolutely obssessed with 'Qanon'. They are just completely off the hook about it, it's a major thing for them that the Right has a mystical totem just like BLM.

nope, i need to get my regular computer set up at some point, i'm on a borrowed computer of sorts that doesn't jive well with twitter, youtube etal.

the whole of the rest of your post is certainly spot on. "the left" desperately wants to be hunted by "the right", as if it would magically justify their claim that it is happening. The chinese realised communism was so great that they had to cut back on it in many areas for themselves due to the overwhelming death, in a country long accustomed to great loss of life, so that they could pursue it globally. once the whole of the globe is reduced down, the loss of life will be so massive that communism might have a chance at finally working out.

just another few billion people to kill off and a few more billion to sterilize, world peace will finally be upon us! all hail the great chairman and his boundless mercy !
Thats a pretty cool picture. Is that the casing above the gun? I can't find my glasses to see more better. Is the round visible in flight?

The residual spray would seem to appear the spray was engaged from the hip on the upswing. Also, that guy with the gun is not some idiot with a weapon. Solid stance, solid grip under pressure. Lots of muscle memory and training I would guess.

Just by going off the still, I'd say spray guy pulled as a defense and shooter had the gun out first. Be tough to register the threat, draw and get in that stance and grip in the time it took spray guy to get on the trigger.

If not, I have no issue with shooter defending himself.

interesting take. if all i had was bear spray and thought somebody was drawing a gun on me, fuck yeah would the same shit be happening. unleash the beast and hope for the best
I can't keep track of who's who anymore. There no more big ass fields where both sides can just duke it out and claim victor?

nope, can't happen. it is very intentional, that is how guerrilla warfare is conducted. this is why BLM and it's basis in Critical Race Theory is such a toxic philosophy. it is designed to create groups and pit them against each other to the death. to inspire anybody on the fringe to take action in the boldest possible terms, while place responsibility always on some 'other' apart from the individual.
Sounds like the security guard feared for his life after being sprayed and took action to prevent further grave bodily harm or death.

I dont see a problem.


Cool! So less than lethal use of force is now to be met with lethal force? OK, lets play. No more less than lethal force to be used anymore. Just open up. Someone throws a drink at you, just shoot them. LOL

Now it appears BLM, Anti-Fa and communists with socialists ARE what we have been saying all along. Anti-Republic and should be treated as such.
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Thats a pretty cool picture. Is that the casing above the gun? I can't find my glasses to see more better. Is the round visible in flight?

The residual spray would seem to appear the spray was engaged from the hip on the upswing. Also, that guy with the gun is not some idiot with a weapon. Solid stance, solid grip under pressure. Lots of muscle memory and training I would guess.

Just by going off the still, I'd say spray guy pulled as a defense and shooter had the gun out first. Be tough to register the threat, draw and get in that stance and grip in the time it took spray guy to get on the trigger.

If not, I have no issue with shooter defending himself.

The shooter is a security guard working for 9News.


Here is the large version of the photo, never used this host before let's see if it works. It really is a remarkable photo.


Open image in new tab, 3990x2758


Is the bullet still in the air or has it hit him and is inside? Doesn't look like it's exited yet.

The victim is Lee Keltner, veteran and grandfather.



Shot dead in front of his kid because some BLM activist was freaking out and getting shovey.

And what looks like a half-assed security guard who got handsy with Lee, but we don't have a full direct video of their altercation.
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