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Cruz / Buttigieg

Hey just like covid, using unreliable data to make sweeping policies and reforms that only profit a small group yay
We’ll have to do a lot of work to make sure that’s real, but getting this right means ensuring that there are more good-paying union jobs for all Americans delivered through that infrastructure vision.

What a piece of shit. Government regulation to create teamster jobs. Buttipeg and the whole biden staff is a fucking joke.
I realize that secretary of transportation is a largely political appointment. But what in the actual fuck was the rationale behind appointing a small town mayor to that position?

Couldn't they have found some other gay dude, with a P.E license and more experience in transportation infrastructure than a small town mayor? Just logically shouldn't that be a position where the person in charge has some kind of goddamned experience?

They don’t him quid pro Joe for nothing. This is repayment for something, likely some butt sex that Joe liked.
isn't that like word for word what democrats said the day trump stepped into office?
Well, I don’t remember it as being like that much, that would have required them to admit that Obama had just gotten done with stepping over the line with a lot of his EO’s. Can’t cast any doubt on the legacy of the messiah, you know..
Well, I don’t remember it as being like that much, that would have required them to admit that Obama had just gotten done with stepping over the line with a lot of his EO’s. Can’t cast any doubt on the legacy of the messiah, you know..

I remember them bitching about the sheer number of trump's EOs and some of the specifics. He did crank out nearly as many in 4 years as obama did in 8.
And yet it was GREAT when trump did it. I guess the slogan should have been MEOGA instead of MAGA.

No...and many right here have stated that. No one person should have that type of power.

Now stick it straight up your hypocrit ass...:flipoff:
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