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Cruz / Buttigieg


bordering on illiterate
May 19, 2020
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I don't usually watch the videos, but this one is worth watching.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) questioned Pete Buttigieg, President Joe Biden’s nominee for transportation secretary, on Thursday about the president’s executive order to end the Keystone XL Pipeline as part of what the Biden administration claims is a “climate crisis.”

Buttigieg said Biden’s rescinding of a permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline to carry crude oil from Canada into the U.S. is part of “climate vision” that will produce “millions” of jobs. Partial transcript below:
CRUZ: It was disconcerting to see yesterday, the first day of the Biden administration, straight out of the gate, President Biden announced that he was canceling the Keystone Pipeline. That is a major infrastructure project. That is a project that right now today has 1,200 good-paying union jobs and in 2021, the Keystone Pipeline was scheduled to have more than 11,000 jobs, including 8,000 union jobs for contracts worth $1.6 billion dollars, and with the stroke of a pen, President Biden has told those 11,000 workers — those union workers — your jobs are gone.

Mr. Buttigieg, what do you say to those workers whose jobs have just been eliminated by presidential edict?

BUTTIGIEG: I think one of the most important things is to make sure that we make good on the promise of the president’s climate vision as being one that, on net, creates far more jobs, millions, we hope.

I know that won’t just happen. We’ll have to do a lot of work to make sure that’s real, but getting this right means ensuring that there are more good-paying union jobs for all Americans delivered through that infrastructure vision.

CRUZ: So for those workers, the answer is, somebody else will get a job?

BUTTIGIEG: The answer is that we are very eager to see those workers continue to be employed in good-paying union jobs, even if they might be different ones.

CRUZ: Well, I fear that decision is the front end of a whole series of regulatory decisions — one after the other after the other — that will be eliminating union jobs, that will be eliminating manufacturing jobs, that will be eliminating energy jobs, and that is altogether out of step with what the American people want.​

Buttigieg claimed that “climate change” drives “the destruction of life.”

“When the books are written about our careers, one of the main things we’ll be judged on is whether we did enough to stop the destruction of life and and property due to climate change,” Buttigieg stated.

On a side note, Cruz had more of a reason to hate Trump than probably anyone in either house, after the presidential primaries, and it says a lot about him, the way he put that shit aside and worked for Texas with Trump.
I realize that secretary of transportation is a largely political appointment. But what in the actual fuck was the rationale behind appointing a small town mayor to that position?

Couldn't they have found some other gay dude, with a P.E license and more experience in transportation infrastructure than a small town mayor? Just logically shouldn't that be a position where the person in charge has some kind of goddamned experience?
I realize that secretary of transportation is a largely political appointment. But what in the actual fuck was the rationale behind appointing a small town mayor to that position?

That's booty-G's payment for throwing the primary.
I realize that secretary of transportation is a largely political appointment. But what in the actual fuck was the rationale behind appointing a small town mayor to that position?

Couldn't they have found some other gay dude, with a P.E license and more experience in transportation infrastructure than a small town mayor? Just logically shouldn't that be a position where the person in charge has some kind of goddamned experience?

No. He only needed to be gay and a politician.

Same way with the dude who's assistant health secretary now.
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No. He only needed to be gay and a politician.

Same way with the dude who's assistant health secretary now.

Richard Levine. Grown ass man, throwing himself a Princess Party like he was a 6 year old girl. Worse than that he is enabled by the Administration.
Well at least new and used truck prices should plummet again when fuel costs go through the roof. Dumb fuck is also advocating that we raise the national gas tax and restructure it to scale with inflation as if fuel prices aren't going to balloon out of control.
The only good thing will be all these woke leftist fucktards screaming about gas prices and energy prices when he's done stroking that pen!
I wonder what all the companies that just had their contracts yanked get.
Richard Levine. Grown ass man, throwing himself a Princess Party like he was a 6 year old girl. Worse than that he is enabled by the Administration.

i havent followed what happened with that other than he was appointed. no clue whats going on there.
The only good thing will be all these woke leftist fucktards screaming about gas prices and energy prices when he's done stroking that pen!

Except that screaming about it and realizing why they are outrageous are two different things.They will refuse to accept the correlation.
Dumb fuck is also advocating that we raise the national gas tax and restructure it to scale with inflation as if fuel prices aren't going to balloon out of control.

If they would actually use the funds to unfuck roads and fix our shitty-assed bridges I'd be open to the idea. Chopping foreign aid to pay for it would be better but that's not going to happen.
Good job unions!

Maybe the public sector unions, when I was still in the field, the upper office types were talking up the dems as were some of the old guys, most of the younger guys I worked with in the IBEW weren't.

Remember Nancy telling everyone they had to pass ACA to find out what was in it, This is the same thing "We don't know what will happen But..."
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The only good thing will be all these woke leftist fucktards screaming about gas prices and energy prices when he's done stroking that pen!

Too bad they won't have a clue as to the causation. They'll probably blame Trump. My mother is in that camp and I can't wait to tell her she voted for it, STFU.
I want to just punch every faggot that says "climate change". Fuck I'm sick of hearing that made up bullshit.

"Global warming" (and before that, "global cooling, ehmahgerdz!") were too easy to disprove with . . . science.
Climate change is a religion, so it doesn't have that nasty "Hey dummazz, do joo got any proof, mang?" snag.

With their BS repackaged as religion, they can just call you a (denier, heretic, infidel, etc.) & cancel-culture you.
More convenient for the fraudsters. Those mofos don't understand the science, so they cheat around it - simple.
I wonder what all the companies that just had their contracts yanked get.

Why stimulus monies of course.......just apply for a grant and bam! company makes bank! Fuck all the little guys as per usual.
In Buttigieg city a pizza place was repairing the pot holes because the government couldn't. Yeah he's in charge now
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