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Crowd trying to tear down statue of Don Onate in Alb. attack a counter protester

Albuquerque has been a veritable shit hole for a long time now.

Aside from seeing these videos this morning on Irate (I don't watch, listen, or read any "news", everything I hear is basically word of mouth or from this site), it seems pretty much business as usual in Albuquerque other than half the people walking around with masks.

We used to live in the South valley contrary to news reports it wasn't that bad a place to live, I left in 1980 then came home in 1991, talk about a change. They had buit 500 home in 50 acres across the street from my folks place in the 70s, it had turned into an absoulute shit hole, police and fire going by all hours of the day and night, assholes in the summer driving by with the stereos cranked up to 12, one day there was a kid on the ditch bank across the road making weird movements with his fingers as people drove by I thought someones retarded kid had escaped from the backyard nope he was flashing gang signs, one night someone came out of the project engine howling tires spinning lost control and took out the chainlink fence in front of the house, but the kicker was the guy who walked to the circle K everyday was attacked and his bag of chips and soda taken from him, the guy had made that trip everyday rain or shine ever since they had built the store sometimes twice a day. The folks were raising my brothers three kids at the time, so they decided to move
This, we got involved with our local school board when they tried to shit can a principle that actually did the right thing when no one was watching. After a standing room only meeting they backed off. Then the 3 bad board members were recalled with actual moms taking their place. They couldn’t believe the stupidity that was considered essential business. Had nothing to do with the kids but they did find a lot of money misappropriation as well as other stuff higher ups were very interested to get to the correct authorities. As of know we are still leaning towards just home schooling or a private co-op just seeing how bad it is in the public sector for school boards. Kids are dollars. Pre K is seen as a $10,000 negative and K-12 is $10k per student per year to the school.

I'm pushing pretty hard on the home schooling here, all my GF can do is rage about the shit she hears they're teaching kids as early as Kindergarten here and my boy just turned 5 and would be going to school this fall if there's school to go to. I don't want for him to ever set foot in a public school, at least not in this city/county. I'm not even worried about they money or how it's spent, it's the BS left wing agenda and indoctrination that's enough to make me say no way.
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