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Conspiracy Theories

On Pedophilia pizzagate podesta weiner Epstein etc....

I believe that pedophilia is the reward and control of people in power.

accept that there are trillions of dollars in play, not just in the US, but globally, accept that there are sociopaths in the world, accept that there are very intelligent efficient people. Accept that over time there have been extremely efficient well run organizations, from Wal-Mart to casinos to mafia, to the Nazis, these fuckers are on point, powerful efficient organizations can be built.

I believe that there are many candidates at all levels who are groomed. You have recruiters, that well connected "uncle Joe" who your dad met thru a buddy and helped with a business deal.

You're 16 years old, and you get caught molesting the neighbor kid, or raped a girl at a party. You're a piece of shit, but good looking, come from respectable parents, your parents are freaked out. Uncle Joe gets involved, maybe your parents called him, or maybe he heard about it before your parents. He talks to some people, turns out the detectives been getting a little sloppy lately, he's under a lot of pressure trying to get his daughter into that prestigious college, he's lost some evidence, uncle Joe talks to the chief, turns out he wants to build that lake house, but getting some roadblocks with the financing, also coming to the conclusion that this case isn't a winner anyways

2 weeks later, the charges are dropped, the detectives daughter got accepted, even getting a special little known scholarship, the lake house financing came thru with an amazing rate

and all of the lost evidence is in uncle Joe's file

uncle Joe picks you up in his fancy car, takes you to his impressive house, shows you around, gives you great life advice, telling him that "we" are different, people don't understand "us", and explains that you have to keep moving forward, that you're a bright young man, you'll make a great lawyer, you could even maybe become a state representative someday and serve your community, keep your grades up, quit your burger flipping job, I'll get you some pocket money, date a normal girl, but I'll take you to some wicked parties, just tell her we're going fishing.

we don't know what goes on at these wicked parties, but uncle Joe does, it's in his files.

you make it thru college, on a scholarship, got a boring normal pleasant looking wife and kids, and by the time you're 28 you're running for Congress against 9 other candidates just like you, hell, you've partied with them.

uncle Joe and his "brothers" havemaybe $1.5 million wrapped up in each of you at this point, $15 million dollars and he's getting a congressman for his employer.

Now, the rules are clear, you do as you're told, or all your dirty secrets are exposed to the world, keep this up, and the world is yours, you've already gotten a taste of the pizza and hotdog parties, hell you watched senators engaged in debauchery.

so you do as you're told.

15 million dollars to put 10 candidates up for each of 435 seats is only 6.5 billion dollars, now that doesn't mean your 9 losers are worthless, they'll be appointed to positions, run again, become district attorney's to drop cases, medical examiner's to rule all kinds of crazy suicides, speaking of doctors, remember the detectives daughter? Med school, yup, her dad introduces her to his friend Joe....thing is, she didn't do anything wrong, she was a straight arrow, until Beth befriended her, and asked her to go for a girls weekend, where they got busted moving a kilo of heroin, both got charged, Uncle Joe intervenes, now the bright young Dr is beholden to the family, with her father's approval....

Using blackmail, grooming, and using minor money and influence you could potentially buy 435 congressmen for $6.5 billion dollars. How much money could you get for that? Fuck money, how much power? You could send the American military to war by grooming some pedophiles.

it's easy to write it off as crazy, but it's entirely possible, and as time goes on, more and more pieces come out. Epstein is an uncle Joe, his island was raided, the tapes are safe with "the family"

you can write my theory off as crazy, but by the same logic, Epstein killed himself
57 years ago yesterday, good timing to bring up this conspiracy.... It still hasn't been officially admitted to, but the holes in "official" story are huge.


Just a casual random thing I noticed going through Sportsman's Warehouse. It is a big box store, sort of a lightweight wannbe competitor to Cabelas. To get to the Ammo, Fishing and Bow section, you have to walk through all the hunting clothing. I have never seen so much over priced cheap crap made in China in my life. Funny thing, this last trip, virtually every item, Parkas, Jackets, Shirts, pants any and camo items etc. None from China. Sri Lanka, Bangla Desh, Ecuador, Pakistan and Especially Viet Nam. To the uninformed, it looks like a lot of clothing has pulled out of the Wuhan worker's paradise.

Back at Wuhan inception, it was reported that the lab in Bat Central had been designed and was being constructed by the French. At mid point, nee 2017 the Commies punted the French to finish themselves with no reason given. This was reported in allusion to the sloppy and deficient QC at the lab, and given as a plausible reason the bat escape and the swooping occurred.

naw... you're seeing the new locations as China works around the tariffs...
Thanks Tech. :flipoff2:

naw... you're seeing the new locations as China works around the tariffs...

Uh, huh ? The plants apparently moved out of Wuhan and went other places. The companies may or may not still be chinese, or American or whomever, but the manufacturing jobs and all the ancillary support that they sustain is not. Time will tell right ?

As China's wage gap advantage drops, and cheaper more acceptable places of manufacture are found I would expect a significant number of products to leave permanently. Just my intuition. This is just clothing, not high tech like chips, boards, Teslas etc . . . ..

To this day Amazon does not make it easy for consumers to see where their purchase is assembled, manufactured or packed . . . . Fuck this shit.
The National Debt in the US is a conspiracy theory. 27 TRILLION dollars. Not enough money to ever pay it back. It's literally just made up numbers. 1's and 0's. There is 0 reason we can't afford universal healthcare or free education in the United States.
Just heard this one yesterday.

You know the "Mandela Effect"? Where you thought it was Looney Toones, but its in fact Looney Tunes. Another is that in Lord of the Rings when Gandolf stops the Balrog and is pulled into the abyss, some remember him saying "Proud of you fools". But its in the book and in film that he says "Fly, you fools". Then people who worked at Chick-Fil-A in their youth distinctly remember it spelled either “chic-fil-a” or even chik-fil-a”. Another more notable example is the rapper Eminem. There is a version 2 of his popular song “Lose Yourself”. Someone played it back to him and he does not recognize it, he asked who is singing it and he is told it’s him. He has no recollection of singing it or writing it.

Then one more is Brian Williams, he claims that his helicopter was brought under rpg fire in Iraq and made an emergency landing.

The theory is that these could all be true experiences. But the individual's memories are all from a different reality or realities. It is as if their consciousness or memory was moved from another dimension into this one. There was a dimension or reality where Brian Williams’ helicopter was hit in 2003 and made and emergency landing. But this dimension’s Brian Williams helicopter was off by 30 minutes. And yet another reality where Eminem only wrote and sang Lose Yourself without making a similar version 2. Different people distinctly remember events in the early 2000’s and even before then that are different. Along with pets that became very distant to them after their homecoming when being away for several months or years.

The theory is that a black hole made in 2008 was a ‘dud’ for us. But in a similar but different dimension it collapsed reality and as we had the black hole open at the same time it caused something to slip through at that time. Since only these differences are only noted on events that happened before 2008.

The Day the World Didn't End | Science Mission Directorate
Just heard this one yesterday.

You know the "Mandela Effect"? Where you thought it was Looney Toones, but its in fact Looney Tunes. Another is that in Lord of the Rings when Gandolf stops the Balrog and is pulled into the abyss, some remember him saying "Proud of you fools". But its in the book and in film that he says "Fly, you fools". Then people who worked at Chick-Fil-A in their youth distinctly remember it spelled either “chic-fil-a” or even chik-fil-a”. Another more notable example is the rapper Eminem. There is a version 2 of his popular song “Lose Yourself”. Someone played it back to him and he does not recognize it, he asked who is singing it and he is told it’s him. He has no recollection of singing it or writing it.

Then one more is Brian Williams, he claims that his helicopter was brought under rpg fire in Iraq and made an emergency landing.

The theory is that these could all be true experiences. But the individual's memories are all from a different reality or realities. It is as if their consciousness or memory was moved from another dimension into this one. There was a dimension or reality where Brian Williams’ helicopter was hit in 2003 and made and emergency landing. But this dimension’s Brian Williams helicopter was off by 30 minutes. And yet another reality where Eminem only wrote and sang Lose Yourself without making a similar version 2. Different people distinctly remember events in the early 2000’s and even before then that are different. Along with pets that became very distant to them after their homecoming when being away for several months or years.

The theory is that a black hole made in 2008 was a ‘dud’ for us. But in a similar but different dimension it collapsed reality and as we had the black hole open at the same time it caused something to slip through at that time. Since only these differences are only noted on events that happened before 2008.

The Day the World Didn't End | Science Mission Directorate

Someone has been hitting the good shit....:lmao:
Just heard this one yesterday.

You know the "Mandela Effect"? ...


The theory is that a black hole made in 2008 was a ‘dud’ for us. But in a similar but different dimension it collapsed reality and as we had the black hole open at the same time it caused something to slip through at that time. Since only these differences are only noted on events that happened before 2008.

This is actually a well-known psychosocial phenomena, it was even covered on the TV Show Brain Games.

Each time we "revisit" a memory, we modify it slightly, unintentionally (usually). This can be done intentionally as well (see "Brain Washing).

An example of this was I met up with a childhood friend for the first time in about 40 years; talking about "old times" and he remembered my dad's Bright Orange '69 Ford Bronco. The only problem is, the Bronco was yellow, not orange and it wasn't even a yellow that could be mistaken as orange. Over the years his memory changed the color of the Bronco.

(not my dad's but same color):

This memory manipulation is why Gas-Lighting works. If you can get someone to question their memory and present them with an alternative reality, you can get them to accept a "memory" that is a lie.

Just like FB "fact-checkers" saying "no, gas wasn't 1.86 a gallon when Donald Trump was president" when I have a picture taken at the pump to prove it.

The real "conspiracy theory" here is that "Mandela Effect" is part of their gas-lighting scheme to make people think that maybe the reality they remember is from an alternate universe. :lmao:
The real "conspiracy theory" here is that "Mandela Effect" is part of their gas-lighting scheme to make people think that maybe the reality they remember is from an alternate universe. :lmao:

Yeah, we were digging out our jobsite and one of the laborers spouted this off during our break. Then another guy chimed in and said that he has been talking to this girl he's often seen in public at least a dozen times. He'll say hello and chat with her for a while. But at least once in every other time he has talked with her, she would pull her phone and hold it up to eye level as were talking and she would put her phone away and we would continue talking. I figured she was maybe just taking a quick picture or something so he asked her about where she'll post it. She told him that she has schizophrenia. The phone helps her determine if she is having an episode, where her mind has manifested a person she is talking to. When this happens the person's forehead and voice are still heard and seen, but the phone display shows no one's there. It's something to remember when your talking to someone and they bring out their phone in mid-conversation. They may suffer from schizophrenia. Then the third guy says that every woman he's dated has taken their phone out and he thought they were just texting, but is now wondering if they too may have been schizophrenic.:lmao:
On Pedophilia pizzagate podesta weiner Epstein etc....

I believe that pedophilia is the reward and control of people in power.

accept that there are trillions of dollars in play, not just in the US, but globally, accept that there are sociopaths in the world, accept that there are very intelligent efficient people. Accept that over time there have been extremely efficient well run organizations, from Wal-Mart to casinos to mafia, to the Nazis, these fuckers are on point, powerful efficient organizations can be built.

I believe that there are many candidates at all levels who are groomed. You have recruiters, that well connected "uncle Joe" who your dad met thru a buddy and helped with a business deal.

You're 16 years old, and you get caught molesting the neighbor kid, or raped a girl at a party. You're a piece of shit, but good looking, come from respectable parents, your parents are freaked out. Uncle Joe gets involved, maybe your parents called him, or maybe he heard about it before your parents. He talks to some people, turns out the detectives been getting a little sloppy lately, he's under a lot of pressure trying to get his daughter into that prestigious college, he's lost some evidence, uncle Joe talks to the chief, turns out he wants to build that lake house, but getting some roadblocks with the financing, also coming to the conclusion that this case isn't a winner anyways

2 weeks later, the charges are dropped, the detectives daughter got accepted, even getting a special little known scholarship, the lake house financing came thru with an amazing rate

and all of the lost evidence is in uncle Joe's file

uncle Joe picks you up in his fancy car, takes you to his impressive house, shows you around, gives you great life advice, telling him that "we" are different, people don't understand "us", and explains that you have to keep moving forward, that you're a bright young man, you'll make a great lawyer, you could even maybe become a state representative someday and serve your community, keep your grades up, quit your burger flipping job, I'll get you some pocket money, date a normal girl, but I'll take you to some wicked parties, just tell her we're going fishing.

we don't know what goes on at these wicked parties, but uncle Joe does, it's in his files.

you make it thru college, on a scholarship, got a boring normal pleasant looking wife and kids, and by the time you're 28 you're running for Congress against 9 other candidates just like you, hell, you've partied with them.

uncle Joe and his "brothers" havemaybe $1.5 million wrapped up in each of you at this point, $15 million dollars and he's getting a congressman for his employer.

Now, the rules are clear, you do as you're told, or all your dirty secrets are exposed to the world, keep this up, and the world is yours, you've already gotten a taste of the pizza and hotdog parties, hell you watched senators engaged in debauchery.

so you do as you're told.

15 million dollars to put 10 candidates up for each of 435 seats is only 6.5 billion dollars, now that doesn't mean your 9 losers are worthless, they'll be appointed to positions, run again, become district attorney's to drop cases, medical examiner's to rule all kinds of crazy suicides, speaking of doctors, remember the detectives daughter? Med school, yup, her dad introduces her to his friend Joe....thing is, she didn't do anything wrong, she was a straight arrow, until Beth befriended her, and asked her to go for a girls weekend, where they got busted moving a kilo of heroin, both got charged, Uncle Joe intervenes, now the bright young Dr is beholden to the family, with her father's approval....

Using blackmail, grooming, and using minor money and influence you could potentially buy 435 congressmen for $6.5 billion dollars. How much money could you get for that? Fuck money, how much power? You could send the American military to war by grooming some pedophiles.

it's easy to write it off as crazy, but it's entirely possible, and as time goes on, more and more pieces come out. Epstein is an uncle Joe, his island was raided, the tapes are safe with "the family"

you can write my theory off as crazy, but by the same logic, Epstein killed himself
I'll just quote myself here, from 2020, now check my theory against the fact that the Ghislane Maxwell trial was prosecuted by James Comeys daughter, and that the American people didn't get discovery, and the American people did not get a fair trial.

But I'm the tinfoil hat mother fucker....
Yeah, we were digging out our jobsite and one of the laborers spouted this off during our break. Then another guy chimed in and said that he has been talking to this girl he's often seen in public at least a dozen times. He'll say hello and chat with her for a while. But at least once in every other time he has talked with her, she would pull her phone and hold it up to eye level as were talking and she would put her phone away and we would continue talking. I figured she was maybe just taking a quick picture or something so he asked her about where she'll post it. She told him that she has schizophrenia. The phone helps her determine if she is having an episode, where her mind has manifested a person she is talking to. When this happens the person's forehead and voice are still heard and seen, but the phone display shows no one's there. It's something to remember when your talking to someone and they bring out their phone in mid-conversation. They may suffer from schizophrenia. Then the third guy says that every woman he's dated has taken their phone out and he thought they were just texting, but is now wondering if they too may have been schizophrenic.:lmao:
Wow that's nuts living life like that.

I have a fascination on what "reality" really is and the different ways people interpret it Our reality is nothing more than our brains chemical responses.to stimuli and how it processes those. Ties into.simulation theory and timelines as well.
Donald Rumsfeld was going to announce that the pentagon was missing 2 billion dollars, but he never got the chance because 911 happened 2 days prior.
Or maybe it was trillion...
Donald Rumsfeld was going to announce that the pentagon was missing 2 billion dollars, but he never got the chance because 911 happened 2 days prior.
Or maybe it was trillion...
Actually he did announce it, on 9/10. He had a team of Crack accountants going through the paper files. That's the office that got hit, the accountants that got hit, and the files that got hit. It left a hole about 12 feet across, like the jet folded itself up and pulled through the hole, then the front of the building fell down, but there's pictures in the interim. Crazy ass coincidences
Wow that's nuts living life like that.

I have a fascination on what "reality" really is and the different ways people interpret it Our reality is nothing more than our brains chemical responses.to stimuli and how it processes those. Ties into.simulation theory and timelines as well.
But the act of reading, or hearing, and your response, as well as the act of typing it out is all just brain chemicals making connections and your corpus reacting.
But the act of reading, or hearing, and your response, as well as the act of typing it out is all just brain chemicals making connections and your corpus reacting.
Yea for sure. Fun rabbit holes of thought and philosophy to dive down
Multiple shooters most likely with suppressors on their rifles.

57 years ago yesterday, good timing to bring up this conspiracy.... It still hasn't been officially admitted to, but the holes in "official" story are huge.


This is the conspiracy that needs to be pursued the most, I wholeheartedly believe that pedophilia is the supply, reward and control mechanism for the scum hand picked by the man behind the curtain. Pull on these threads and the whole thing unravels.

FBI raided epstein island, seized unknown amounts of electronics and data, black holed that forever, then Comeys daughter softball prosecuted maxwell, zero discovery, zero client list.

Pizza gate is the cornerstone of this
Rereading this thread is interesting looking at the dates. Still don’t know how I feel about evernoob lol
cell phone tracking when powered off = no longer conspiracy...


i thought it was common knowledge they could already listen to you when your phone is off.

have a friend who worked at a government contractor about 10 years ago, high level security, etc. If they got together and they wanted to talk about anything, they would remove the batteries from their phones (back when that was possible... ever wonder why thats not possible anymore?) and then put them in a faraday cage in another room.
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